File talk:Complex numbers multiplication.png

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File information


This file was marked as equivalent to w:Image:Complex_numbers_multiplication.png from according to the NowCommons tag.

This is the edit history for that file's page:

Original title:

  • Complex_numbers_multiplication.png

Upload log:

  • (del) (cur) 03:44, 24 October 2005 . . Oleg Alexandrov (Talk | contribs) . . 242×180 (3,520 bytes) (Made by myself with matlab. )


== Summary ==
Made by myself with matlab.
== Licensing ==


==Source code==
<pre><nowiki> function main () % set up the plotting window thickness=2.8; fs=30; d=0.005; red=[1, 0, 0]; green=[0, 1, 0]; blue=[0, 0, 1]; figure(1); clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off; i=sqrt(-1); z1=0; z2=1; z3=1+i; draw_segment(z1, z2, red, thickness); draw_segment(z2, z3, green, thickness); draw_segment(z3, z1, blue, thickness); place_text_smartly (z1, fs, 5, d, '0'); place_text_smartly (z2, fs, 7, d, '1'); place_text_smartly (z3, fs, 1, d, 'A'); z1=0; z2=2*i; z3=2*i*(1+i); draw_segment(z1, z2, red, thickness); draw_segment(z2, z3, green, thickness); draw_segment(z3, z1, blue, thickness); place_text_smartly (z2, fs, 1, d, 'B'); place_text_smartly (z3, fs, 3, d, 'X'); saveas(gcf, 'Complex_numbers_multiplication.eps', 'psc2') function draw_segment(z1, z2, color, thickness); plot( [real(z1), real(z2)], [imag(z1), imag(z2)], 'color', color, 'linewidth', thickness ); function place_text_smartly (z, fs, pos, d, tx) p=cos(pi/4)+sqrt(-1)*sin(pi/4); z = z + p^pos * d * fs; shiftx=0.0003; shifty=0.002; x = real (z); y=imag(z); H=text(x+shiftx*fs, y+shifty*fs, tx); set(H, 'fontsize', fs, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'c', 'VerticalAlignment', 'c') </nowiki>

Poccil 18:52, 16 October 2006 (UTC)[回复]