File talk:Distribution of Average Income Growth.svg

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This file is marked CC0. It is clearly based on the source (design, colors, caption), but it doesn't say it's derived work. Is the source graph simple enough to have no copyright? There is a flaw of thought, because this image is itself claimed copyrightable, otherwise it would not be possible to release it as CC0.

Regardless of the graphic representation, I'd still assume that the selection and processing of data for the source was a creative process meant to clearly state a message. This image selected almost same years and the same 90/10 split, without giving further explanation to how or why. There is a possibility that the fact that Delphi234 did exclude some years (e.g. 87-90) do make it original, or it's just what makes it deceptive.

@Delphi234: Did you do the calculations yourself from public data, or did you take the values from the source? What was the license given for that data catalogue? How did you make selection of years? Jagulin (留言) 06:17, 11 August 2019 (UTC)[回覆]