File talk:Emblem of the Ku Klux Klan.svg

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Talk for previous (completely different) image of this same name (now Image:Flag of Koma Komalên Kurdistan.svg)


Image has a somewhat unfortunate name... AnonMoos 17:40, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

Well since I am not white and it is OK for me, I think it is probably fine. :) Sqchen (talk) 01:24, 27 July 2008 (UTC)[回复]



Even tough it seems to exist, we need some sort of reference when and where this originated. For once, the fotw site is not helpful, all we know is that the symbol was uploaded there in 1998. So any references predating 1998 will be useful. This is significant, as historical kkk footage does not to show the emblem. So, pending falsification, it is possible that this emblem only popped up in the 1990s. --Dbachmann (talk) 15:23, 26 March 2012 (UTC)[回复]

There are a lot of splintering sub-groups and sub-sub-groups calling themselves the "KKK", so it might be the emblem of some factions only. The ADL and/or Southern Poverty Law Center might know more about the history... AnonMoos (talk) 02:24, 27 March 2012 (UTC)[回复]
If they do they don't tell us about it. I now found a reference to the "blood drop insignia" dating to 1966, which seems to mention sale of such insignia in 1961. So it seems to be older than I assumed. It's just that there is very little mention of it. Google books gives me 5,000 hits for "ku klux klan" and "burning cross", or 2,500 for "ku klux klan" and "white hoods", but only 112 for "ku klux klan" and "blood drop", so I assumed it was something comparatively recent. Also, I have stopped relying on ADL for factual information on these things. They just seem to be trawling the net and reporting anything they read on some right-wing forum without scepticism or research. --Dbachmann (talk) 05:24, 27 March 2012 (UTC)[回复]
Well, it seems to me that talking with someone knowledgeable who has access to many of the ephemeral fliers, leaflets, local newspaper photos etc. of various sub-splinter grouplets of ca. 50 years ago would probably give better results than trying to search Google Books. The KKK seems never to have had anything approaching a solid centralized national organization, except for a few years in the first half of the 1920s, which could make generalizations difficult... AnonMoos (talk) 22:44, 27 March 2012 (UTC)[回复]