File talk:Emblem of the U.S. Department of the Army.svg

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Nothing at all in the "Background" section makes any sense. It seems to refer to a different image.-- 23:12, 24 November 2006 (UTC)[回覆]

Technically it is, but it refers to the so-called "War Office" seal from which this symbol (more properly known as the "Army Emblem", not "seal") was derived. See the section "Army Seal vs. Army Emblem", which I added when this image was still on Wikipedia, for specifics. (Wikipedia user RBBrittain) -- 17:14, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[回覆]

How do I delete this deletion request?


The deletion request on this page was started nearly a month ago and appears to be unfinished. The reasoning doesn't make sense; not only does its use by Wikimedia projects appear to meet TIOH guidelines (it's noncommercial, for identifying purposes, and normally wouldn't discredit or misrepresent the Army), but its use here is consistent with the purposes for which the Army created this "emblem" (as opposed to its "seal" which the Army uses only on legal documents). Yet I find no way to delete this inappropriate request.

If anything, the filename ought to be changed from "Seal" to "Emblem"; but that would likely require a rewrite of the scores of pages on almost every Wikimedia project that reference this image, which would be just as devastating as deleting the image entirely. (The old "War Office" seal, still the official Army Seal, is loaded to Wikipedia [1], but is used only in reference to the pre-DoD War Department; the Army Emblem didn't exist at that time.) (Wikipedia user RBBrittain) -- 17:41, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[回覆]

After a review of the site listed under "Source", perhaps the best resolution would be for the Wikimedia Foundation to formally request clarification and/or permission from TIOH, similar to the permission granted by the Associated Press for Wikipedia to use the famous Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima photograph. -- 18:00, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[回覆]