File talk:Flag of Germany (unoff).svg

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"Semi-official" just because it's widely used?


This flag has no official purpose and is just a piece of creative art, made by one user over night. Is it lexically correct to spread it over all Wikis, assuming that it's a "regular" variation that should be used "for Germany"? In some Wikis even the remark "unofficial" is not shown at all. I'd rather suggest to remove it from all pages dealing with the "Flag of Germany" topic, because this is honestly a random variation based on the German flag. What do you think? --Cubitus (對話) 19:26, 9 May 2015 (UTC)[回覆]

It's an artistic variation of a flag which most definitely exists officially, the only real differences between the official and unofficial versions being the shapes of the upper wingtips and tailfeathers... AnonMoos (對話) 23:52, 9 May 2015 (UTC)[回覆]