File talk:Gibbs-donnan-de.svg

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Nice figure, however, in my opinion there are smaller mistakes, in the figure itself and in its use in die German article on the Donnan-equilibrium.. According to the first equation in the German Article on the Donnan-equilibrium rD=... is related to the ratio of K+ concentration in the left(a) and right(i) compartment, and is also related to the inverse ratio of the respective Cl- concentration: rD = [K+(a)]/[K+(i]=[Cl-(i)]/[Cl-(a)] > 1 According to the figure: [K+(a,left)] = 4 [K+(i,right] = 6 [Cl-(a,left)] = 4 [Cl-(i,left)] = 2

Correction in the article needed: According to the figure both ratios are smaller than 1, and not larger than 1. "so werden Cl− nach innen gezogen und K+ nach außen gedrängt": This statement is wrong. It is the other way round. This part is correct in the figure.

Correction in the figure needed: Both ratios should be equal, however, they are not equal in the figure: 4/6 ≠ 2/4

