File talk:Global Temperature And Forces With Fahrenheit.svg

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Update graph with 2023 data?


Quote from "For the calendar year to date, January to October, the global mean temperature for 2023 is the highest on record, 1.43°C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average, and 0.10°C higher than the ten-month average for 2016, currently the warmest calendar year on record."

Should the graph be updated to show that 1.43°C is very close to the 1.5°C limit? Uwappa (留言) 19:13, 8 November 2023 (UTC)[回覆]

Pinging @Efbrazil: User Uwappa makes a point, but the IPCC report isn't updated annually. This chart would be hard to update without new sources and synthesizing with other sources. The purpose of this graphic is to separate natural from human causes, which does not require annual updating. RCraig09 (留言) 19:31, 8 November 2023 (UTC)[回覆]
shows recent surface temperature anomalies, similar to the black line in .
An even more recent version is available at via with source data available.
Can at least that black line be updated? Uwappa (留言) 05:48, 19 January 2024 (UTC)[回覆]
You have updated the black line. Great, thank you! Uwappa (留言) 23:45, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[回覆]
Sure, sorry it took so long! We had delayed a couple years ago since the source graphic was from the IPCC report, which does not include updates to the annual trace. Information was getting too out of date though, so this update made sense. Efbrazil (留言) 00:20, 30 January 2024 (UTC)[回覆]

swap C and F?


Suggestion: Swap the C and F scales, so it will be easy to see if recent values are close to +1.5C, +2C. Uwappa (留言) 02:48, 30 January 2024 (UTC)[回覆]