File talk:Heart YuriBandashevsky.jpg

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Dear, I received the permission by Prof.Bandazhevsky to upload this file to Wikipedia as follows by e-mail.

2011/12/21 22:08 Thank you very much for your letter. I agree with your proposal.You can get more information on this site Best regards, Yuri Bandazhevsky

The e-mail letter of my favor to him as follows,

2011/12/20 12:55 Dear Prof. Bandazhevsky, As I wanted to let many Japanese people to know your study, I wrote the Japanese article of you to Wikipedia because there was no Japanese version so far. Based on English version at first but the content of Japanese version has become much more than English version.Please see the following Page in Wikipedia of your article. In this page, I also temporally uploaded the photo of pathological picture of heart in his paper (Fig.2.16) in Proceedings of 2009 ECRR Conference Lesvos Greece because that is very understandable for Japanese people. So I am happy if you permit me to upload the picture of heart pathology to Wikipedia. Otherwise, Wikipedia cannot continue to upload the picture for more than one week.Please accept my favor for many Japanese people who want to know your study.

Todaidon Dec.22,2011 13:08

The permission is not enough. It only says that he allows the image to be used on Wikipedia. He must make it available under a free licence.
--Stefan4 (talk) 23:42, 28 December 2011 (UTC)[返信]
--Stefan4 (talk) 23:42, 28 December 2011 (UTC)[返信]