File talk:Heckmair-Route.jpg

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There is no "Heckmair-Route". Heckmair followed the Hinterstoisser route, but this is'nt the Hinterstoisser route either. Perolinka (talk) 01:39, 7 January 2010 (UTC)[回覆]

You are not right at all. This is the route of the first ascender through the Eiger northface. Routes are named after the climber/s, whom achieved first the summit on the special route. In this case, this was a group led by Anderl Heckmair. Hinterstoisser and his friends couldn't reach the summit or Mittellegi ridge and died descending, so there is no route named after them. Everey try before Heckmair ended at the point named Todesbiwak, also the group with Hinterstoißer. Some Checkpoints in the Heckmair-Route are named after earlier tries, so the Hinterstoißer-Traverse. --Kauk0r (talk) 18:07, 8 January 2010 (UTC)[回覆]
This is the Hinterstoisser route.. Hinterstoisser planned to climb this route. And as far as I know, Heckmair followed Hinterstoisser and Kurz's planning, even if Hinterstoisser and the others never got the chance to follow their own route. Perolinka (talk) 19:21, 8 January 2010 (UTC)[回覆]
The name "Hinterstoisser-Route" doesn't excist in the world of alpinism. To rename this route after Hinterstoisser would be a mistake. --Kauk0r (talk) 19:38, 8 January 2010 (UTC)[回覆]