File talk:Hurricane Bill in First Full Disk Thermal Image from GOES 14.jpg

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In description of image says: can turn the data into a picture by having a computer display cold temperatures as bright white and hot temperatures as black. The hottest (blackest) features in the scene are land surfaces; the coldest (whitest) features in the scene are clouds. In the heat of the midday sun, the exposed rock in sparsely vegetated mountain ranges and high-altitude deserts in western North and South America are dark.. It is just the opposite: White color is warmer than black color, and clouds (white) are warmer than the dry air surrounding them, which is many degrees below zero. Black color occurs because there is a zone where both ocean and desert always are taking heat from solar radiation without returning this heat back to the atmosphere.--Fev (talk) 04:56, 3 December 2013 (UTC)[返信]