File talk:Impeach Nixon retouched.jpg

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Changes made


Here are the changes I made to the original photo (all using the GIMP):

  • Cropped the left side by 24 pixels.
  • Cleaned up dust, scratches, and an apparent bad retouch job in a few places. Saved as XCF file, with retouches in a separate layer.
  • Flattened, converted to grayscale. Duplicated the layer, performed Auto Equalize on the new layer, and set it to 50% opacity on top of the original. Flattened again, saved as PNG.
  • Saved as JPEG, quality 90.

Contact me if you'd like copies of the intermediate files. --Jordon Kalilich (talk) 23:47, 2 March 2013 (UTC)[回覆]

For my second edit, I made a touchup to the XCF and repeated the subsequent steps, except in the third step I set the contrast manually (brightness 9, contrast 24) on the one layer of the flattened image. These settings result in a less slighly less flat-looking photo. --Jordon Kalilich (talk) 02:39, 3 March 2013 (UTC)[回覆]