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Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres

"The "Vow of Louis XIII" (Montauban, 1824), a homage to Raphael, appeared opportunely as a contrast to Delacrois's "Massacre of Scio". Henceforward Ingres was looked up to as the leader of the traditional School, and he proves his claim to the title by producing the famous "Apotheosis of Homer" (Louvre, 1827)."

Sources GAUTIER, Les Beaux-Arts en Europe (Paris, 1855); DELECLUZE, Louis David, son ecole et son temps (Paris, 1855); DELABORDE, Ingres, sa vie, sa doctrine (Paris, 1870); BLANCE, Ingres (Paris, 1870); DUVAL, L'Atelier d'Ingres (Paris, 1878); LAPAUZE, Les dessins d'Ingres (Paris, 1901): 7 folio. and 1 vol. of printed matter); DE WYZEWA, L'aervre peint de J.D. Ingres (Paris, 1907): D'AGEN, Ingres, d'apres une correspondance inedite (Paris, 1909).

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APA citation. Gillet, L. (1910). Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved July 15, 2010 from New Advent: MLA citation. Gillet, Louis. "Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 15 Jul. 2010 <>.

Personally, I don't see the comparison between the "Vow of Louis XIII" and "Massacre of Scio" but there is the smoking knife.

Bill Sovereign Mission Specialist