File talk:Jacopo de' Barbari 001.jpg

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By the Gods, Herr Blucher!! It appears that Jacopo de Barbari was a JEWISH FREEMAISON!! HOW do you know that, Herr Reinharrd?! By the clues in his art and that of his GERMAN associate, Albrecht Durer. One of Durer's unmonogrammed drawings depicts a character known as a "hairy wild man" holding what appears to have originally been a BLANK herald's crest. The drawing was done in ink. The figure has a totally HAIRY body like a "BARBARIAN" and the prominent-nosed face resembles that of a seventeenth century engravature portrait of the last grand master of the Knights Templar, JACQUES de Molay. One might be tempted to think it was a DOUBLE reference to BOTH JACO'S! Interestingly enough, in the apparently originally blank (and incomplete!)crest shield there is sketched in charcoal a faint image of a DOUBLE-barred cross (with beam near the top and the bottom)and what appears to be a lance set diagonally against it bisecting its center on the its LEFT side (the RIGHT of the picture crest). Possibly the crest imagery was added by Jacopo de Barbari himself, as personal confirmation that this was indeed supposed to be a characiture of him! Interestingly enough, in Jacopo's print of "Saint Elizabeth and the Infant John with the Holy Family" we find a SIMILAR imagery in the form of the fence rails behind the two women created by a rail juxtoposed diagonally (but on the RIGHT side) against a thin tree trunk with several rails tied across it like bars of a cross. While it might seem there are too many "bars" to match the image of the heraldry crest of Durer's drawing, the two highest ones meet a rail placed unreasonably out of line from the fence alignment and at a high angle to form the connection of similarity. The only difference is that in the landscape scene the diagonal beam is on the RIGHT side of the crux imagery (the LEFT of the picture scene). In a set of trees at the right of the picture there is a tree bough extending upwards at the same aangle from the same direction of lower left to upper right of the picture plane and imaginatively forming the shape of the letter "Z". The letter that begins the word "ZADDOCK"-- the Hebrew word for "JUST" or "RIGHTEOUS". Thus the deduction that Jacopo was a Jew of Italy, much like Leonardo da Vinci! But Herr Reinharrd, WHAT has THAT got to do with THIS picture on Wikipedia??!! The connection my friend is in the clue of the artist signature and date. Notice how he writes his name with the emphasis of certain CAPITALIZED letters: "J" and then small "a" and "c" and an "o" above the "c"; not sspelling his full first name but an abbreviation of it: "Jaco". Almost as if he wanted to be ambiguous whether to use the Italian version of "Jacopo" or "Jacobo" or just the plain Hebraic "Jacob". BUT the "B" is actually part of the name anyway: it's the CAPITAL "B" hanging at the end of the line with two dots in front of it after the origin moninker of "de barbari". He did NOT CAPITALIZE the name of the village of his birth: Barbari in Italy. Below the name is the date of the art work, 1504, BUT with a strange dot placed over the 1 as if forming the small letter "i" with the following 5 to suggest the English word "is". AS IF to say that "JacoB de barbari is a FOUR(4)"! What's THAT mean Herr?? The number "FOUR" in HEBREW is "ARBA"--- etymologically cognitaive with "ARABIA" for the "FOUR-square" Arabian peninsula and the same as the name of the Palestinian site which according to the Bible was later called "HEBRON" and allegedly settled FOUR years BEFORE the then Imperial capital of Egypt called "Tanis"--- from where the HEBREW Exodus was supposed to have started according to some of the Psalms and Prophets. FOURTHERMORE, the smaller dot over the 1 is slightly misaligned a larger dot placed seemingly at random on the note in white blank space and which IS aligned with the larger "o" misaligned in the name "Jaco(B)"!! But WHAT'S the significance of THAT, Herr Reinharrd??!! It's not as if all THREE are aligned. And maybe the "dot" in the blank space is just a speck littered into the paint. Highly unlikely that an artist would simply have let a speck of dirt stay in the clear area of his picture where it would be instantly (and distractingly) noticeable; unless he WANTED it to be noticed. And WHY WOULD he WANT it be noticed?? In a painting by a contemporary of all THREE men---Albrecht Durer, Leonardo da Vinci, and Jacopo---- by the name of Rene d' Anjou of France and called "The Dream of Arcadia", there are what appear to be THREE white dots or maybe pearls or berries decorating the wreath on the sleeping knight's helmet. They are also misaligned and of the same variance of size BUT placed just as the two dots and the "o" of Jacopo's note in the painting!! Coincidence?! I think not Herr Blucher. I think the similarity was DELIBERATE because they were conveying the SAME message: they BOTH represent the THREE great Egyptian pyramids of the Giza plateau--- the largest one of Khufu, the next largest of Kafra, and the smallest (and slightly misaligned one) of Menkaura!!! In other words, these JEWISH artist/FREEMAISONS were saying that just as the HEBREWS came out of Egypt in the Exodus from slavery to the glory of the "Promised Land" so as slaves (and STONEMASONS of cyclopean excellence) THEY were claiming to be the ones who built the pyramids!!! And JEWISH KNIGHTS TEMPLAR (as was Jacques de Molay) later formed the FREEMAISONS!!! And Jacques de Molay's BODY (long before he was arrested, imprisoned, and burned at the stake of course) might even have formed SOMETHING ELSE!! But THAT'S another story, Herr Blucher.

Magnificent Reinharrd! Conspiracy through the centuries depicted in the culture of the arts as clues--- Civilation of Conspiracy Culture!!! Conspiracy Culture!!