File talk:LGBT Free Zones Poland 2020.png

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Maybe 2 colours should be used in this graphics: red for the openly LBGT-free areas and yellow for those who have only signed the Local Government Charter of The Rights of The Family? BasileusAutokratorPL (對話) 15:50, 27 September 2020 (UTC)[回覆]



This is clearly POV, as the map didn't shows anything, what it claims. The red Colour marks NOT the LGBT Free Zones. --Cautious (對話) 20:26, 22 June 2021 (UTC)[回覆]

Nonsense map


The map is pur nonsense, as it marks red 3 different levels of administrative division in Poland in the same color and is obvious that level 1 contains level 2 and it contains level 3. Seeing red color one doesn't know if the resolution is passed on the level of commune or not. Does it affect demonstration approval or not?--Cautious (對話) 20:29, 22 June 2021 (UTC)[回覆]

Indeed @Cautious etc. I have thus added the Factual tag with a note:
Fact disputed|This is a copy of a webpage a political activist. Read here "We cannot say that “LGBT free zones” were created in Poland. " and compare with its descriptions here: "The information is up to date as of July 2021" (copied in enwiki) vs "had passed anti-LGBT resolutions as of January 2020 marked in red" + Wikipedia:RIGHTGREATWRONGS plus a spelling mistake: "Poland's territorial entities commited to homophobia by their governing majorities." Zezen (對話) 20:07, 3 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
I removed the tag since the article you link does not the accuracy of the zones existing but the words used to describe them.‎⠀Trimton⠀‎‎ 16:12, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
As it is complicated and if you are new to the subject, read the ru- pl- zh- en-wiki articles (including their Talks) that may use or had used this file, the sociological and political sciences articles in Google Scholars, especially the ones including "Staszewski" or "Paulina Pająk, Jakub Gawron, Paweł Preneta, Kamil Maczuga" (the campaigners): my sample 5 minute finds are: Queer(in)g Poland in the 21st Century: How Was It at the Beginning of the Millennium? , with case studies: The slow shift of the status quo. Try then to find this map (or similar) or RS there for extraordinary claims "Poland's territorial entities commited [!] to homophobia" in such articles.
Avoid POV sources while doing so: partisan press, politicians' RGW statements and partisan SJW "Radical Journals of X", with topical articles "The Dialectic of Neoliberal Exploitation and Cultural-Sexual Exclusion: ..." (I am not making up neither of these titles).
To drive the message home if you are based in the US: consider this Map: Where Critical Race Theory Is Under Attack which is much more colourful (and so was the original of this map from these campaigners' site) with a description in Commons "USA territorial entities committed to racial hatred".
As a summary and simplifying it a bit: this map, with its "scary quotes" red, is as valid as one showing the current locations of the presumed TERFs in the UK. Including J. K. Rowling herself.
Zezen (對話) 06:27, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
Oh, and its Dutch description: "Polish areas currently cleansed of sexual bliss" (check: gelukzaligheid). It is trolling.
Zezen (對話) 07:54, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
I removed the iffy Dutch and English descriptions ‎⠀Trimton⠀‎‎ 16:17, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]

I agree that the map needs better documentation and that "LGBT (ideology-)free zones" is just one of the terms used. However, the subject of this map is clearly defined in the enwiki article and backed up by reliable sources. The three levels are a non-issue since they are clearly mentioned in the map description (note the use of the boolean "or"). Fashaj could you maybe improve the mage description to clearly state your data source, what they count as a zone? Thank you ‎⠀Trimton⠀‎‎ 16:01, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]

Thank you very much @Trimton. We all agree with "LGBT (ideology-)free zones" and I trust in your judgement. (The other colleagues, especially new to this subject: click the links above for starters and then do research in high quality RSes.)
Bows to all. Zezen (對話) 18:14, 4 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
@Trimton - Additional info I have just found by chance: the map is out of date.
Thus also the claim "The information [map] is still up to date as of July 2021" is false. It would also be good to advise the wikis which use this outdated map thereof.
Bows Zezen (對話) 20:52, 8 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
OK, after a 3 days' wait I have updated the EN descriptions myself then. Zezen (對話) 18:15, 11 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
Thank you, Zezen, you're right. Fashaj could you update the map? ‎⠀Trimton⠀‎‎ 22:53, 21 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
Sure, just give me few days, and i'll remake it. Fashaj (對話) 12:45, 22 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
Instead of this map, there will be 3 separate files, each one depiciting other type of administrative unit: voivodeships, counties and municipalities.

Links below:

LGBT Free Zones Poland 2020 - depiciting Voivodeship level
LGBT Free Zones Poland 2020 on counties level

Fashaj (對話) 14:10, 22 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]

Thank you @Fashaj - especially the counties level one is much different to the old one here.
  1. Will you also create one current as of 2021-08 then?
  2. What is your source (the RSes)?
  3. As I wrote above, it would be good to update it in all the WM projects that use the outdated (and maybe mislabeled?) one.
Bows, Zezen (對話) 21:30, 22 August 2021 (UTC)[回覆]