File talk:Leipzigsuicide.jpg

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I removed this description from the Image:

„Burgomeister of Leipzig committed suicide in his Rathaus (City Hall) office together with wife and daughter as 69th Infantry Division and 9th Armored Division closed on the city. In his solid mayoral chair sat Oberbürgermeister Alfred Freiberg, his sightless eyes fixed on the carved ceiling. In armchairs beside him, waxen-faced in death, sat his matronly wife and bespectacled daughter. In an adjoining room Stadtkämmerer (City Treasurer) Kurt Lisso, his wife and daughter also sat in poisoned death. The rigid bodies of four Volksturmers sprawled in other offices. Two, it was plain, had sat across a table, sipping brandy until one had drunk enough to pick up a machine pistol, shoot his comrade and then himself.“

The person on the image seems to be Kurt Lisso. further details see here Hozro 10:35, 21 April 2008 (UTC)[回覆]

The details of this foto can be found in AfterTheBattle, ISSUE No. 130: THE BATTLE FOR LEIPZIG