File talk:Leuchtstofflampen-chtaube050409.jpg

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Dear Web Master

     I am SiriWat Jr. W,I work for EGAT and during this time we are prepare for the 21st EGAT 'electrical appliance Seminar. I response for the Fluorescent Lamb sector.
       I have tried to find more information about mechanicim for generate ligth from the Fluorescent Lamb.

By Using the serching like they can help me to finding your useful information web site.

       If you not mind ,may I bother you please send me more detail about the information below.
           1.The mechanicim for generate ligth from the Fluorescent Lamb
           2.The % Loss of energy (Convert from electricity -> Ligth -> Heat -> Sound )
           3.The QC to check your productity.
      At last,I have yo say thank you so much on your kindly response. I know I have beg you for more and more Inform but please feel free to give me if you have some more privacy data .

Your sincerely, SiriWat Jr. W

