File talk:Lightning striking the Eiffel Tower - NOAA.jpg

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I accidentally hit the revert link when I was meaning to view the original image. Whoever has the ability to delete can delete the last three revisions and have Para's version be the current image. Para's is the current revision, but there's no need to have the other versions. Maybe there should be a confirmation message before reverting? I'll have to be sure to click nowhere near the rev link next time.

Wdwic Pictures 18:15, 31 March 2006 (UTC)[返信]

More than a lightning


I think the description is not correct. I see there are three distinct lightnings striking the tower, and the photo seems to be shot with a long-exposition tecnique. --Gwilbor 12:21, 28 February 2007 (UTC) This is real. Documented By Leonardo Stella[返信]