File talk:Lion tamer (LOC pga.03749).jpg

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Information template


I did not revognized the edit in the meantime after adding the info template to the file uploaded in this poor condition. However, the LOC information is very good but it is the LOC information and it is perpetually stored at the LOC. This is wikimedia Commons, we use {{Information}} to store metadata on description (of subkject, material, format, etc.), source, author, date and we use license templates for the copyright status. I therefore improve my information template to add the interesting and usefull information about material and format, but the rest

  • additonally used REPRODUCTION NUMBER at source
  • NOTES (covered by {{PD-US}})
  • SUBJECTS (we have categories)
  • REPOSITORY (coverd by {{LOC-image}})
  • DIGITAL IDs (covered by {{LOC-image}})

are out of our interest and only blow the information up in a not standard format. --Martin H. (talk) 16:19, 15 December 2009 (UTC)[回覆]

If you'd checked my contribution history you'd noticed that there is no need to tell me all of this. The reason why I don't use the info template for LOC images is because I like to have the information at hand when I maintain the images after uploading. And since in all likelihood less than 5% of the images I upload are maintained by anyone else but me I expect that other users let me post the information is the format that's most useful to me, as long as it includes all the info required. Thanks. ~ trialsanderrors (talk) 16:30, 15 December 2009 (UTC)[回覆]
Of course I not checked your contribs, I came to this from the recent uploaded files in Special:NewFiles. --Martin H. (talk) 16:56, 15 December 2009 (UTC)[回覆]