File talk:Loiwing...a new link in China National Airways - NARA - 196904.jpg

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Information developed about this photo:

The name, in Chinese characters, of the DC-2 in the photo is Chongqinq (the city); hence this is the aircraft that had been the Kweilin and was rebuilt after the Kweilin Incident.

The category "China National Aviation Corporation" (CNAC) refers to the aircraft only. The subtitle "a new link" is somewhat misleading. CNAC also served several locations in Burma: Lashio and Meitkyinia, as examples.

The site itself, "Loiwing", was assigned by the Nationalist Chinese government in Chongqing in 1939 to the Central Aircraft Manufacturing Company.

The aircraft is pointed roughly WSW and located on the Loiwing "Factory" airstrip (runway heading: 06-24 (64°-244°)) at approximately N23°53.90 E97°37.35

This airstrip should be distinguished from the Loiwing "Aerodrome" (Suili) site at N23°54.78 E97°42.60.

The camera is looking roughly ESE (~103°) based on the mountain ridge line behind the plane. Visible behind the aircraft are CAMCO (Central Aircraft Manufacturing Company) facilities.

The photo was taken sometime before the aircraft was strafed on the ground and destroyed on 29 October 1940.

The site was occupied by the Japanese in May 1942 (Airfield Report No 21, April 1944, p 2 (USAF Archive microfilm roll A8055, p 0628) and not recovered until around 06 Jan 1945 when the 112 Regiment of the Chinese Army passed through the area.