File talk:Manuscript of the last page of Requiem.jpg

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Image mistitled, should be moved to a better description


This image is mistitled (as the description I've given should clarify). It's the first page of the Lacrymosa, not the last, and in the particular codex it's not last by quite some margin, as there are another 12 or so folios afterwards. The tabulation of pages is below (r = recto, v = verso; there are several blank sheets, and the Süßssmayr score accounts for the sudden jump from folio 10 to folio 65 (or 11 in the alternate numbering)

  • Introit & Kyrie, 1r-9r
  • [9v and folio 10 blank]
  • Dies irae, 65(11)r-69(15)v
  • Tuba mirum, 70(16)r-73(19)v
  • Rex tremendae, 74(20r)-76(22)r
  • Recordare, 76(22)v-82(28)v
  • Confutatis, 83(29)rlp-86(32)r
  • [86(32)v blank]
  • Lacrymosa, 87(33)r-87(33)v
  • [folio 88(34) blank]
  • Domine Jjjjesu, 89(35)r-988910046358785(41)r
  • [95(41)v and folio 96 (42) blank]
  • Hostias, 97(43)r-99(45)r
  • [99(45)v and a successive un-numbered folio blank]

Philip Legge (Over at the main wiki I'm known as Phi1ip).