File talk:Map Swabian War.png

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Thank you, Sidonius. Just a few minor nitpicks:

  1. "Aargau, zu Bern" should be "Aargau, to Berne"
  2. "Mulhausen" should be "Mulhouse" — even if the old name might have been "Mulhausen"; we go by generally by current names. Makes it easier for people who don't know the geography. Maybe "Mulhouse" and then in smaller text below "(Mulhausen)" (if indeed that was the contemporary name)?
  3. "Grasburg"... I know that as "Schwarzenburg".
  4. "Z.O" ("Zugewandter Ort") at "Schaffhausen" is (a) German and (b) not needed.
  5. The date at "Hallau" is wrong.
  6. "Massstab" should be "Scale".
  7. "Etsch" should be "Adige".
  8. "Zurich" should be "Zürich"... (Yeah, I know. But the en: Wikipedia insists on using "ü".)
  9. The arrow on the Bodensee: they came from Lindau, not from Konstanz. See Riezler, p. 445.
  10. "Schwaderloh/Triboltingen": Schwaderloh is a couple of kilometers inland (south), see the map. The battle was at Triboltingen. Schwaderloh should be shown separately (maybe using a tent icon to indicate a military camp).
  11. "St. Gall" should be "St. Gallen" according to en: Wikipedia usage.
  12. "Rheintal" should be "Rhine valley"
  13. "Biel" should be "Biel/Bienne"
  14. Did the territory of the Leage of God's House indeed encompass the Vinschgau?? I don't think so. I thought it only extended to Müstair.
  15. Can we do away with the black border and the title in the upper left corner?

Lupo 08:46, 5 September 2006 (UTC)[返信]

Hallo Lupo, Sorry for the many mistakes. It takes some time to perfect maps like that.

  • "Mülhausen" is normally the name of "Mulhouse" - I looked it up and chose the German form, because at that time the city was clearly German speaking. That changed only after 1945.
  • "Grasburg" is indeed the correct name for the territory. It is often confused with the city of Schwarzenburg, that lies in this territory. Name Grasburg is a castle which was the seat of the bailiff.
  • Hallau: I have to look it up again - may be wrong. What date do you suggest?
  • "Etsch" again is an Italian Name - since the region in the map is German speaking I suggest using the Etsch-form. The Tirol only became Italian after 1918 and was then italianized. Most of the Italian names are invented during that time, like "Glorenza" for "Glurns".
  • The "ü" is no problem - will add that again.
  • I will correct the arrows. I thought I read somewhere that they came from Constance. Must be wrong.
  • The Schwaderloh issue is difficult. I think your idea is great. The problem there is, that the battle is known under the Schwaderloh name even if it is false. I will try your version.
  • St. Gall I thought was the English name of St. Gallen - but can be corrected again.
  • "Rheintal" does not refer to the valley but to the territory of the bailiff of Rheintal (don't know if this is the right translation of "Herrschaft Rheintal". I recommend not to translate, because of this.
  • The upper Vinschgau was indeed part of the ligue of God's house from 1415 until 1618. But in this region as in the biggest part of the Ligue of the Ten Jurisdictions the high justice belonged to Habsburg, but was also claimed by the bishop of Chur. It is often not shown correctly in historical maps.
  • no border and no title - why no title? but OK

By the way - what is better: Basle or Bale or Basel?

I will do the corrections tomorrow, thank you for the review, sidonius 20:21, 5 September 2006 (UTC)[返信]

In general, I suggest for this English map the names under which the articles reside at the English Wikipedia should be used. Otherwise, there will be a confusing discrepancy between the map and the text. Thus "Basel", "Mulhouse", "Adige". For the last two, using "Mülhausen (Mulhouse)" and "Etsch (Adige)" could also work. "Rheintal" doesn't have an article yet, I don't know whether it would become "Rhine valley"... leave it for the time being; but it might need changing later on. I also thought "St. Gall" was the English name, but the English Wikipedia makes a difference: en:St. Gall vs. en:St. Gallen. No title because it's superfluous; the image caption already gives that information. No border because I think a black border makes it look like a funeral notice :-) Hallau: the date should be 4. April 1499, not 1491! Vinschgau: yep, I agree. In fact, I had even written about the conflict of jurisdictions in the article! Lupo 08:00, 6 September 2006 (UTC)[返信]
The new version is now available. I removed the arrows in the Lake of Constance, since this expedition is not so important. I read the text you indicated: "Sicher ist, daß er [Maximilian] von jeder Unternehmung abstehen mußte, und voll Enttäuschung und Unwillen wird er am 22. Juli nach Lindau zurückgefahren sein. Doch hatte er die Absicht in acht Tagen wieder nach Constanz zu kommen. Ein Teil der Truppen, darunter reichstädtische, nahm er mit sich, um irgendwo am schweizerischen Seeufer unterwegs einen guten Anschlag auszuführen. Dieser beschränkte sich darauf, daß bei Stad zwischen Rorschach und Rheineck gelandet, von dort aus trotz tapferer Gegenwehr der kleinen Schar, die den Zugang verteidigte und hierbei 70 Leute verlor, Rorschach angegriffen und dieses sanktgallische Städtchen niedergebrannt wurde." It means King Maximilian took some troops and was heading by ship to Lindau. On the way they landed at Stad in between Rorschach and Rheineck and ransacked the town of Rorschach, lost 70 men, then left again to Lindau. So he indeed came from Constance, but did not ransack Rheineck, what I read somewhere else. As a new feature I added more passes as the Umbrail and the Hauenstein Passes and I indicated the zones of warfare. Hope you like it. sidonius 16:32, 6 September 2006 (UTC)[返信]
I do! It's great. Thank you very much! Lupo 09:05, 7 September 2006 (UTC)[返信]