File talk:Mercator projection SW.jpg

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Can anyone make a square version that shows a bit more and is in a square?

See . Strebe (對話) 19:21, 1 March 2017 (UTC)[回覆]

Thanks! (this time I didn't forget ~~~~) 24691358r (對話) 16:07, 2 March 2017 (UTC)[回覆]

How about Gall-Peters and square Mercator maps that show countries? 24691358r (對話) 16:09, 2 March 2017 (UTC)[回覆]

Also I would like equirectangular, Mollweide and Winkel tripel with countries! 24691358r (對話) 16:15, 2 March 2017 (UTC)[回覆]