File talk:Newspaper fatima 353.jpg

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English translation of text


This seems useful, but I can't figure out where to put it (if it even belongs on Wikimedia). I fed this image into an OCR system and then through Google Translate to get this rough but better-than-nothing translation:

(Carta a alguem que pede um testemunho insuspeito).
Quebrando um silencio de mais de vinte anos e com a invocação dos longinquos e saudosos tempos em que convivemos n'uma fraternal camaradagem, iluminada então p la fé comum e fortalecida por identicos propositos, escreves-me para que te diga, sincera e minuciosamente, o que vi e ouvi na charneca de Fátima, quanlo a tama de celestes aparições congregou n'aquele desolado ermo dezenas de milhares de pessoas mais sedentas, segundo creio, de sobrenatural do que impelidas por mera curiosidade ou receosas de um logro...
Estão os catolicos em desacordo sobre a importancia e a significação do que presencearam. Uns convenceram-se de que se tinham cumprido prometimentos do Alto; outros acham-se ainda longe de acreditar na incontroversa realidade de um milagre. Foste um crente na tua juventude e deixaste de sel-o. Pessoas de familia arrastaram-te a Fátima, no vagalhão colossal d'aquele povo que ali se juntou a 15 de outubro. O teu racionalismo sofreu um formidivel embate e quer s estabelecer uma opinião. segura socorrendo-te de depoimentos ins speitos como o meu, pois que estive lá apenas no desempenho de uma missão bem di icil, tal a de relatar imparcia mente para um grande diario, O Seculo, os fact is que diante de mim. se desenrolassem e tudo quanto de curioso e de elucidativo a eles se prendesse. Não ficará por satisfazer o teu desejo, mas decerto que os nossos olhos e os nossos ouvidos não viram nem ouviram ccisas diversas, e que raros foram os que ficaram insensiveis á grandeza de semelhante espectaculo, unico entre nós e de todo o ponto digno de meditação e de estudo..
O que ouvi e me levou a Fátima? Que a Virgem Maria, depois da festa da Ascenção, aparecera a tres crianças que apascentavam gado, duas mocinhas e um zagalete, recomendando-lhes que orassem e prometendo-lhes. aparecer ali, sobre uma azinheira, no dia 15 de cada mez, até que em outubro lhes daria qualquer sinal do poder de Deus e faria reVerações. Espalhou-se a nova por muitas leguas e ma redondeza: voou, de terra em terra, até os conins de Portugal, e a roma-
PHOTO CAPTION: Varios aspectos do povo ajoelhado e orando no momento de descobrir o sol e de se dar o fenomeno que tanto impressionou a multidão.

Or, the English translation:

(Letter to someone who asks for an unsuspected testimony).
Breaking a silence of more than twenty years and with the invocation of the distant and nostalgic times in which we lived in fraternal comradeship, enlightened then by the common faith and strengthened by the same purposes, you write to me to tell you, sincerely and in detail, what I saw and heard on the heath of Fatima, when the multitude of celestial apparitions gathered in that desolate wasteland tens of thousands of people more thirsty, I believe, for the supernatural than impelled by mere curiosity or fearful of a deception...
Catholics are in disagreement over the importance and significance of what they witnessed. Some were convinced that promises from above had been fulfilled; others are still far from believing in the incontrovertible reality of a miracle. You were a believer in your youth and you failed to seal it. Family members dragged you to Fátima, in the colossal wave of the people who gathered there on October 15th. Your rationalism has suffered a formidable collision and wants to establish an opinion. I can safely rely on inspecting testimonies such as mine, since I was there only in the performance of a very difficult mission, such as reporting impartially to a great diary, O Seculo, the facts before me. unfold and everything that is curious and illuminating was attached to them. Your desire will not be left unfulfilled, but certainly our eyes and our ears have not seen or heard different facts, and that few have been insensitive to the grandeur of such a spectacle, unique among us and of every point worthy of meditation. and study..
What did I hear that took me to Fatima? That the Virgin Mary, after the feast of the Ascension, had appeared to three children who were herding cattle, two girls and a zagalete, recommending them to pray and promising them. appear there, over a holm oak, on the 15th of each month, until in October she would give them any sign of God's power and make reverences. The news spread for many leagues and surroundings: it flew, from land to land, as far as the <UNKNOWN "conins?"> of Portugal, and Rome
PHOTO CAPTION: Various aspects of the people kneeling and praying at the moment of discovering the sun and the phenomenon that so impressed the crowd.

The odd thing about this is that it seems to indicate that this page was printed not sooner than 1937 ("breaking a silence of more than 20 years"), even though the file description claims this was printed in 1917.

--BCSWowbagger (トーク) 06:39, 22 May 2022 (UTC)[返信]

@BCSWowbagger Cool, thanks for that! Regarding the time of printing, the linked source has the full issue of the publication available. If you click on the backwards button, you will find the title page with the proper publishing date of October 29, 1917. Maybe the author is imagining how they would look back at this event 20 years later if someone asked them? To get the full picture, you would probably have to go through the content of the following pages too ([1], [2]). El Grafo (トーク) 10:58, 23 May 2022 (UTC)[返信]