File talk:Niederfränkisch.png

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Missing language border


The language border between (Westerlauwers) Frisian and Low Saxon is missing; note that this border does not coincide completely with the border of the province of Fryslân. – gpvos (talk) 18:46, 20 March 2016 (UTC)

This is a Map about the lower Franconian languages aka dialects. It is a correct fact that the language border between the Frisian and Low Saxon language aren't shown. Give a good reason please, why the language border Frisian/Low Saxon must be shown in the map.-- 09:12, 1 June 2017 (UTC)[回覆]
The language border between Germanic and French is also shown (near Eupen/Malmédy and further to the south), which is also not relevant to Low Franconian. – gpvos (talk) 12:04, 30 October 2017 (UTC)