File talk:Pacific hurricane tracks 1980-2005.jpg

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"Should a tropical cyclone enter the central north Pacific from the western north Pacific, where they occur year-round, or from the eastern north Pacific, where the season starts in May, it is not known if such a system will be considered out of season or not."

Cybrarian's Notes: I write here because I figure I am writing to people who care about the subjects I am studying. I am not trying to pick a fight with my sources. The first link is Wikipedia. The second link is to the NOAA Data. The third link is to National Climatic Data Center and Gibbs. The quotation above is an indication the experts have not considered all the curves and I appoint myself critic. U are focused on hurricanes because they create so much damage all at once. Here I point out tropical storms near the Indian Ocean effect Alaskan Weather and, if my study continues in that direction, I will show u how weather on the other side of Earth affect the weather on our side of the planet. (Thermal Jets "cap out" in The Lakes and The Gulf of Alaska. (Also in the North Atlantic. But one person can only do so much and I hope my readers will "see" my muse and get to work.))

NOAA Buoy 46001 has the badest weather I have studied yet. Barometric pressure went from 982.7 mb February 13, 2011 to 1048.2 mb on the 24th. (A simple BASIC program will help u read the file records for highs and lows of PRES, ATMP and WTMP. Then go "see" the Gibbs GOES pics. Look closely at the picture elements. Ask yourself, "How can that be?" Right now I'm in the qualitative phase of quantitative analysis. I see what and wonder how and why. (SOS)

FEB 2011 Buoy 46001 Averages 36.6°F 40.9 °F 1.5 °/D 1013.5 hPa

  1. Records ATMP 666 WTMP 666 PRES 666

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