File talk:Pelliot chinois 4646.jpg

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Wrong identification of image?


If the image is from Pelliot chinois 4646, according to BNF records, PC 4646 is a version of Vimalakirti Sutra in Chinese. According to Sam van Schaik, the reverso of PC 4646 is Mahaparinirvana Sutra. I've yet to verify the image is in BNF PC 4646.

Though a contributor described the image as "Edict in which Trisong Detsen permits the doctrine of Moheyan", nothing about the content looks like an edict, and why would a Tibetan king write his edict in Chinese rather than Tibetan? Rather, the first few sentence of the image reads: "非但佛體空 眾生不可得 法界無增減 猶如彼太虛", a typical paragraph of a Mahayana sutra. So it seems that the image is wrongly identified. If the edict is part of PC 4646, the fragment shown here is not part of it. --Happyseeu (留言) 09:19, 25 October 2019 (UTC)[回复]

OK, I have some time today, and figured out and solved the problem by uploading a different page(p. 129) of the manuscript, which is part of Dun Wu Da Cheng Zheng Li Jue(頓悟大乘正理決) and the text mentions the edict on Jan 15, 794 CE that approves the teaching of Moheyan as correct. This also explains why the page is written in Chinese, since Dun Wu Da Cheng Zheng Li Jue was written by a Chinese that describes the en:Samye Debate. For reference, see Historical Dictionary of Tibet and Eighteen Lectures on Dunhuang. --Happyseeu (留言) 17:05, 25 October 2019 (UTC)[回复]