File talk:Pieter Brueghel the Elder - The Dutch Proverbs - Google Art Project.jpg

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Kann bitte jemand mit passender Kenntnis und Zugriffsmöglichkeit die Großbilddatei dieses Bildes reparieren? Sir_Toby

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I don't really get this... what should I do in order to add Finnish translations?--Apoikola (talk) 19:24, 17 April 2013 (UTC)[回覆]

It was only temporary lock because of image was Picture of the day on the enwiki. It is possible to edit file now. --Jklamo (talk) 11:16, 20 April 2013 (UTC)[回覆]

text in Dutch missing at 1 place

missing Dutch text

Dear colleagues, at one place (see image) in the painting the Dutch text is missing if i "hoover" over the image.

The missing text is "De zon niet in het water kunnen zien schijnen - Afgunst hebben (jaloers zijn) op een ander".

I tried to add the dutch text however i fail... Somebody knows how to do this? Kind regards Saschaporsche (留言) 14:10, 22 November 2020 (UTC)[回覆]

Saschaporsche Fixed. Dylsss (留言) 06:52, 11 December 2020 (UTC)[回覆]