File talk:Portrait of Dr. Gachet.jpg

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First and second versions


I have removed reference to this, since it is opinion and speculation. There has been dispute as to whether one or other of the two works is perhaps a forgery.

If they are both by Van Gogh, then the evidence within the pictures themselves informs us that the other was the first version, and that this painting was based on the other work, not on a new sitting by the model.

The evidence is that the other painting has a far greater emphasis on three-dimensional form of the structures, most apparent in the head and cap but also in the coat and the body that it contains. This suggests it is a study from life. This version reproduces the two-dimensional shapes on the surface of the painting and lacks the 3-D quality. This suggests it is a copy, either by Van Gogh or by someone else.

If in doubt, you need look no further than the painting of the cap. Amandajm (talk) 05:10, 8 October 2009 (UTC)[返信]

This Is Not An Ear


I think you are absolutely in the wrong with your deletion of the controversy. It's not like one needs to delete any of the official story to add that the work, itself, has been called into question of being a forgery. I will be making the change as soon as I can find appropriate sources (and to give you a little--but not much--time to respond), but because you only addressed a small part of the alleged evidence that those claiming it a forgery claim to have, arguing as if perspective were the soul are either poorly informed, or dishonest. I'll go with poorly informed...but that is a SHOCKING edit. If the painting turns out to be a forgery it may decrease in value for it's owners, but it is in the public interest to know of such a controversy. 01:44, 26 February 2010 (UTC)[返信]

First version


I didn't delete a controversy. I deleted an unprovable statement. Naturally the seller told the buyer it was the "first version". That proves nothing. The museum that owns the other version will give you a different story. Amandajm (talk) 12:43, 28 June 2010 (UTC)[返信]



Once again I have found a really dreadful digitally "improved" version uploaded over the top of a perfectly adequate version of a painting. Don't upload over files! The changes in this case were frankly ghastly. Amandajm (talk) 12:46, 28 June 2010 (UTC)[返信]