File talk:Prieure de sion-logo.png

出典:ウィキメディア・コモンズ (Wikimedia Commons)
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i read about this in a dan brown book so i looked it up.

A “knot” that isn't quite a knot — intentional?


After looking at the illustration for a while, I saw that what at first looks like a simple knot is actually not a knot at all, but in fact only a simple twist. I also noticed that this is quite correctly traced by the creator of the SVG, at least judging from the first picture I came across at the source site.

What I don't know, though, and would be curious to hear if fellow Wikipedians have any theories about, is this: Is there anything to say whether this simple twist is what the original creator of the sigil intended, or was he actually trying to draw a knot?