File talk:Regions of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.png

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StuffedDance You didn't look at the source or didn't notice, both sources, clearly support the border of Kobani being completely different other borders like this support it, clearly align with AANES control. Map of current Syrian civil war and Turkish occupation also supports this border, and the SOHR also supports this border. So change all other maps that have Kobani more towards the east, or you are defending an outdated border. Syria live-map which keeps up to date borders in Syria and is considered reliable also states the borders as such.

Nat can you please review the maps and sources. If you would like you can also mediate a discussion because the sources do absolutely keep up with the current border, and he clearly hasn't reviewed the sources correctly, so I don't know what. The current map is outdated, and needs to be updated. Des Vallee (留言) 20:51, 9 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]

This way you can have a better look. Do you see the 3 border bulges here? According to your change tal abyad is under sdf control as well as 70kms moved to the east. Also you can't say sohr supports it by giving me a link to their Wikipedia article... StuffedDance (留言) 11:42, 10 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
StuffedDance You are partially indeed correct, the first map was overblown while the border near Kobani has shifted towards the east, the border is not that large, I found this out when measuring the border. Even under my change Tal Abyad isn't under SDF control, the country side around Tal Abyad is. The exact border is as follows, this is the border according to SOHR, which the Syria map is based on. Moreover every other source proves this. It is objectively outdated, this is the border, blue area is changed country side. Des Vallee (留言) 15:58, 10 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
@StuffedDance: Nat Des Vallee (留言) 16:08, 11 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
@StuffedDance: Hello? Des Vallee (留言) 01:03, 15 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
@Nat Des Vallee: Since the page is protected you should ask the admins for an upload? You shouldn't fix the map lengthwise only though, in terms of depth it looks like 2/3 deep of the actual line near ain issa. Tal Rifaat pocket in orange also looks greater than manbij while its like half its size in liveuamap... If you want I can try a version too. StuffedDance (留言) 16:18, 16 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
The map is still a mess though, the entire peace spring area look like a part of rojava since there are so many colors. So maybe change it into simpler coloring too or all together use another map. StuffedDance (留言) 16:18, 16 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
StuffedDance That sounds fine yea. Des Vallee (留言) 05:14, 21 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]

Edit request March 22


{{Edit request}}

Map of Rojava cantons on march 22

Replace with this map: [of Rojava cantons on march 22] per talk and consensus, on the border from sources. Des Vallee (留言) 18:41, 22 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]

Oppose Does not fit the discussed criteria with the user in above discussion. As the user has provided there are irregularities not length wise, but depth wise near the town of Ain Issa. And Tal Rifaat. In his proposed revision these have been left the same despite discussion above. Here is a one I propose instead where depth size irregularities are fixed. StuffedDance (留言) 15:12, 23 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
StuffedDance The region of the M4 highway has a large amount of area that is either uninhabited or neutral zone, the villages right next to the M4 highway almost always align and fight with the SDF even if no garrison is in the village, other maps that show the area as controlled by the SDF and for the sake of showing political control of the SDF this map is excellent, syriamap is the extreme exception to how to projects the M4 highway.
Likewise this version is objectively more accurate then the previous version, this applies to all other sources, you are essentially stating you oppose because not of any sources but because a personal issue. Also you are now stating strictly false information there is extreme issues length wise, as shown, don't deny true information. Des Vallee (留言) 15:52, 23 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]

Doesn't matter whether it's inhabited or not. Most of SDF territory is also inhabited yet we go by what sources provide. Here it is Also Tal Rifaat is way out of proportion from ,once again the reference, which I also fixed. StuffedDance (留言) 16:07, 23 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]
StuffedDance Your version doesn't take into account the projection of Syria map and is therefore objectively wrong, however this isn't how you measure thing on Wikipedia the consensus of the sources is what determines, other then your version not at all being an accurate representation, completely ignoring areas east of Kobani and not doing correct projection there is also no consensus on this as an example other sources absolutely don't do this. Des Vallee (留言) 17:51, 23 March 2021 (UTC)[回覆]