File talk:Sixday.jpg

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Any clue for the chess problem?--RicHard-59 (留言) 16:06, 8 November 2015 (UTC)[回覆]

After 1730, it says Oткрыт Ладожский канал, which, as far as I can tell, means something like "Open Ladoga Canal." I don't know what that has to do with chess. Perhaps it is Russian chess jargon referring to opening a file. Maybe it's just a colorful description of the problem, because it involves opening a file, and it metaphorically refers to a well-known canal in Russia. Perhaps the chess word "file" in Russian is the same word as for "canal." This is all speculation, as I know nothing of the Russian language. (The solution itself doesn't seem to have anything to do with opening a file.) The line under the board says Шахматный зтюд, which means "Chess sketch" according to Google, probably just how you say "chess problem" in Russian. The second line below the board is Белые начинают и выигрывают, meaning "White to move and win." In parentheses, it says (решение см, на листке 30 октября), which Google translates to "(see the decision on October 30)," which we would write as something like, "The answer will appear on October 30." HolyT (留言) 20:21, 18 July 2018 (UTC)[回覆]
As for the chess problem itself, the FEN is Q7/3N3k/7p/6q1/8/8/8/5K2 w - - 0 1. If you input this FEN into an endgame tablebase, such as at, you will see that there is precisely one winning move for White, and it does not result in an immediate win. With Black's best defense, it will take White 20 moves to win, and White will have to make many correct moves with no deviation. The solution is very interesting. It involves a piece walking across the entire board one square at a time. HolyT (留言) 20:32, 18 July 2018 (UTC)[回覆]