File talk:Structure of spider silk thread.svg

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Spider silk diagram


Hello Chen-Pan Liao! I am editing the English Wikipedia article on Spider Silk. Your image is very beautiful, but is slightly wrong. Do you still have the vector source file?

What needs to be done: The strings between the beta sheet blocks are good, but need to be changed slightly. They should come in at the ends of the beta sheets, parallel to the zig-zag lines (from the left and the right). This is shown on the diagram already. They should not come to the sides of the beta sheets (top and bottom of the beta sheet blocks in your diagram). This does not happen in the paper you cite, and is not current understanding of the model in the scientific literature.

If you still have the image source file please could you change it?

If you do not have the file or are too busy I will change the image in one week. I will change it to how I describe above.

你好! 我正在阅读Wikipedia关于Spider silk的文章。你画的蜘蛛丝的结构图非常漂亮,但是有一点小问题,希望你能够修改一下,如果你还有原始的可编辑矢量图。 我现在描述一下这个问题: 你的结构很简单明了,其中两种基本结构是晶体和无定形区。这里的晶体结构叫做β-sheet,是由蜘蛛丝蛋白分子的片段折叠而成的,所以每个β-sheet只有一个头一个尾。经典的比较公认的蜘蛛丝结构是反平行β-sheet,也就是从一角开始,遇到丙氨酸就可以转角180度,如此反复,就形成这个结晶结构。你可以去掉每个晶体中多余的线头只留一头一尾吗?还有就是,这个结构可能很明了,但是并不代表最新的科学研究,也不能够解释很多复杂现象,但作为wikipedia的科普文章,服务大家的科学兴趣是足够了。我的初衷是希望这篇Spider silk的文章更加科学,更加准确。


best wishes

vincentsarego (do I have to make a separate account for the Commons?) 14:58, 17 June 2011 (UTC)[回覆]

致vincentsarego。非常謝謝您的指教。不過很不好意思,我並不能完完全全了解您的意思,因為我對生化領域是個大外行。當然這張圖也是大致依照文獻的圖案重繪而成,確實沒有顧及您所談到的問題。所以,我先大致改作了一些,針對beta-sheet部份做了修正。接下來,歡迎您盡情改作該圖吧!無論是直接上傳新版本或另開啟一個新的圖片我都樂觀其成,也期待您在蜘蛛絲的專業知識使該圖能更上層樓。至於原始檔,該SVG圖就是Inkscape的原始檔,可先試以Inkscape開啟之,我也是用Inkscape製作該檔案的。最後,我實在不知道該怎麼與您聯絡才在此回應您的問題。若您有看見這次的回應,也煩請您留個言。以上。Apan (talk) 19:53, 17 June 2011 (UTC)[回覆]
Hello everyone,

I think have understood what vincentsarego has said, so I did it. If you wan to see the result look for the file called: Structure of spider silk thread Modified.svg

This file can also be found on the spider silk page.

best regards


Cdanish2 (talk) 15:03, 24 June 2011 (UTC)[回覆]

TO Cdanish2. Thanks for your proofing and the modified version. I've also understood why/what you modified.