File talk:TIROS-1-Earth.png

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This image is now known to have been mis-labelled. It is not the first picture from TIROS-1, but is one of the early ones, having been taken on 2 April 1960, a little over a day after launch. For details see the Royal Meteorological Society publication Weather, 65, 211-213, or for a shorter account visit

— 以上未簽名的留言是由該使用者加入的: Ajsecmwf (留言 • 貢獻) 2010-08-10 07:07 (UTC) — 以上未簽名的留言是由該使用者加入的: Mykhal (留言 • 貢獻) 06:03, 17 February 2022 (UTC)[回覆]

The web page is unavailable even in the Web Archive, maybe it has changed to: (留言) 06:07, 17 February 2022 (UTC)[回覆]