File talk:TreeOfLife.svg

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I don't currently know what needs to be done with this file, because it once showed up in full color at reduced sizes on all my browsers, but now does not. With another file where this was occurring someone stripped out CMYK display options and the image displayed properly, and I suggest that someone might try this on this image. ~ Kalki (talk) 23:41, 7 October 2009 (UTC)[返信]

This image still is rendering only in grays at reduced sizes — it once rendered colorfully at all sizes, but for the last few months seems to simply be gray at reduced sizes. I know similar problems have been solved by converting a CMYK image to another format, and I would like to see this happen here — it is a good image when it renders well. ~ Kalki (talk) 04:25, 17 March 2010 (UTC)[返信]
I'm pretty certain it has nothing to do with CMYK (which is more of a JPEG option than an SVG thing), but has to do with the way the SVG file is formatted, with only indirect oblique links between the style properties and the elements they're supposed to be associated with:
     id="title1873">Tree of Life</title>
        #s1 {
          fill: #f0f0f0;
          stroke: #f0f0f0;
        #s2 {
          fill: #808080;
          stroke: #808080;
       class="sephiroth" />
       class="sephiroth" />

etc. etc. I really don't have the patience or interest in all the finicky detailed file editing that would be necessary to disentangle all this with the tools I have, but if your image editing program can do it automatically (by saving as plain SVG or something), then it might be easy for you... AnonMoos (talk) 05:23, 17 March 2010 (UTC)[返信]

Got fixed by SVG rendering software updates (of course, a lot of other files have been broken by SVG rendering software updates). "Always on the move", as Obi-Wan Kenobi would say... AnonMoos (talk) 23:12, 24 October 2012 (UTC)[返信]