File talk:Tskhinval after Georgian attack4.jpg

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There is no grievance to explain: Russavia told you that the description is apt. Keep your opinion for yourself, do not disparage the source publicly. I cannot further prevent your rampant Georgian POV from becoming blatant on English Wiki, but here I, as a neutral contributor(Bulgarian) together with Russavia (UK), explained to you that your intransigent and staunch POV-pushing is inacceptable. Discontinue your blatant disregard of two independent neutral contributors, пожалуйста. Bogorm (talk) 16:24, 11 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]

First of all, you will have to town down if you want to be taken seriously. Second, neither you nor Russavia are neutral contributors, but rather - to put it in your own words - rampant (pro)-Russian POV promoters. Third, Russavia's assertion that "the description is apt" is not an order to me to stop fixing the problem with the neutrality of the image description. Hope this helps. --Kober (talk) 17:50, 11 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
Claiming that you are able to attain neutrality by dsregarding stringent explanations by us, when your country is a direct participant in the conflict and neither mine nor Russavia's is, sounds ineffably facetous. Bogorm (talk) 18:20, 12 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
"town" in the English language is a noun and is never used as a verb. Consequently, "town down" could not be a meaningful English exprssion and I have not the least idea about what you wanted to say. You can switch to French, German, Danish, Japanese or Russian language, in order to prevent the current dialog from suffering further misapprehensions. Bogorm (talk) 18:30, 12 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
Bogorm, please stop trolling. Typos are common when typing fast. Your arguments have so far been limited to personal attacks, incivility and attempts at discriminating me on the basis of my nationality. --Kober (talk) 19:41, 12 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
btw, what does "facetous" mean? Is this your neologism? Ahem... --Kober (talk) 19:45, 12 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
No, that was inadvertent mechanical mistake - on the keyboard "i" is near "o" and I thought that I have pressed it, but I had not. This explication should be sufficient. Notwithstanding I still do not understand "town down", I am not trolling, but sincerely complaining about the lack of comprehension. Please explain what your meaning was. Your accusations are far-fetched, where did I say "Georgians are the bad site", I simply said tha you ought to take the concordant rejection of your POV by two neutral users as into consideration, which you obviously did not deign to do. And the insertion of quotes in the description has a deliberate POV-purpose, which is inadmissible here. You can explain your misgivings about in English Wikipedia talk pages, I am not sure if you should on this one, but incontestably you should refrain from hints with quotes on the Image space, this space is not supposed to serva as a platform for attacks on the source, please be aware thereof. Bogorm (talk) 20:39, 12 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
The source is clearly written in the section "Author" - therefore claiming that the image represents this or this according to its author is a redundancy, it is the same as "According to Rembrabdt on his self-portait he has depicted himself", does it sound fatuous? Instead of fatuity one uploads the self-portrait and writes "Auhor: Rembrandt", that is the purpose of the section! Bogorm (talk) 20:44, 12 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
Bogorm you not speak for Bulgarians but only for your self, so pleas stop continuation of war in wikipedia. Geagea (talk) 03:32, 25 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
I would like an explication for your last severe accusation! Refrain from further unsourced indignities directed against editors. Bogorm (talk) 20:08, 26 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
First I am not Georgian I'm Israely.
secondly: You were clam above that if you are Bulgarian that means you are neutral. well it is not, I dont know what is real nationality but according to your edites and youe enthusiasm insistence on this case, it is obvious that you are pro Ossetian/pro Abkhazian/Pro Russian. If you were neutral you leave the neutral addition.
thirdly: Saying that you are Bulgarian according to your statement it more accurate then just saying that you are Bulgarian. Geagea (talk) 00:19, 27 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
Hm, I do not think I have understood your third point, please clarify what you mean. The precedent two are your figments. Adding Anführungszeichen/кавычки (this symbol : " ) is clear partiality aiming at discrediting Osinform as unreliable and it was accordingly removed as a defamation which it is. Moreover, two of Georgia's ministers are Israelis - Yakobashvili and one more. Bogorm (talk) 20:39, 27 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
Unless you improve your English (Israel i, not ...y), I would rather you addressed me in one of the other languages I speak (here we are not obliged to adhere to any particular language whichsoever, Commons has not diverse language versions as do Wikipedia and Wiktionary): Deutsch, Français, Pусский язык, 普通話, 日本語, Dansk, Lingua Latina or Íslenska in order to evade misapprehensions. Ok? Bogorm (talk) 20:47, 27 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
Well the two ministers from Georgia are jews. one of them spend 1.5 year in Israel as a chaild. You can know so much languages and still be ignorance about Georgia and Ossetia. You edit is childish (how old are you anyway? 12?). If you donwt understand the third point, read again the change you make and then read the point again (ты знать настолько язык). Pleas stop reverting. Geagea (talk) 23:31, 27 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]
Do you really think that by 12 years I could acquire knowledge in 8 different languages? I am not Schelling after all, he had such abilities in his infancy! I have reached majority, that is all, here is no forum. Bogorm (talk) 13:02, 2 November 2008 (UTC)[回复]

Bogorm, please stop treating other users condescendingly and discriminating them on the basis of their nationality. What have Yakobashvili, Jews or Isreal to do with the current discussion? I'm afraid your Russo-centrist pan-Slavic POV and prejudices toward certain ethnicities will not allow you to understand what the point of a neutral user is. --Kober (talk) 20:14, 28 October 2008 (UTC)[回复]

Your defamatory comments on other editors are not welcome and are bound to be perceived as inadmissible. If you think that the advent of two Georgian editors who begin naming the black white (in a Russo-Georgian issue), although this has been reprimanded by one British and one Bulgarian (eo ipso neutral) editors is an epitome of neutrality, then your sense of humour seems to evade mine apprehension abilities. Your government has cut access to Russian-speaking Internet sites, not to speak about the demeanour of your medias, Kober, since he dwells in Georgia, is not able to open Osinform at all, but he once readily wrote his opinion on the site in one talk page in English Wikipedia. Again an epitome of neutrality, right? Bogorm (talk) 13:02, 2 November 2008 (UTC)[回复]