File talk:Ukraine-Halychyna.png

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20 March 2020 Changes


@Claude Zygiel: Hello. Why did you erase a part of the region? --ZxcvU (留言) 14:10, 23 March 2020 (UTC)[回覆]

@ZxcvU: Hi ! Because західна Галичина в Польщі: це не просто прикордонна смуга Western Galicia in Poland is not just a border strip. It is why I wrote in Poland a large "Western Galicia"... If U dont like it, I'll enlarge this western Galicia on this real area.--Claude Zygiel (留言) 17:28, 24 March 2020 (UTC)[回覆]
Lines outside Ukraine do not indicate Western Galicia, they show historical region, where Ukrainians historically lived (see File:Austria hungary 1911.jpg). --ZxcvU (留言) 17:35, 24 March 2020 (UTC)[回覆]
@ZxcvU: Yes but the historical region before 1918 were the entire Galicia inclusive the polish western part (from Krakow to the actual ukrainian border - see please all the old maps), where Ukrainian lived also, concentred in the Carpathians mountains and piemonts as Lemkos or Gorales (polonised later), Ruthenians or Huzuls, and dispersed also in the polish western Galician plains (and polonised also : a great number of Polish people of this region have names with the suffix ...czuk). There is no difference between the border strip and the rest of western Galicia. Since 1918, we have two modern parts of Galicia : the western one (polish) and the eastern one (ukrainian). --Claude Zygiel (留言) 17:54, 24 March 2020 (UTC)[回覆]
So you mean that before 1918 there weren't division into Western (Polish) and Eastern (Ukrainian) Galicia? That can be true, though I found several books/articles in Ukrainian issued before 1918 where Western or Eastern Galicias are mentioned (don't know about Polish/other literature), there were also a proposition of Supreme Ruthenian Council (Główna Rada Ruska) to divide Galicia into two parts in 1848 though it was not implemented. I think your last change is okay. --ZxcvU (留言) 18:15, 24 March 2020 (UTC)[回覆]
Згадуються інші історичні області та нова назва Кропивницький, що відрізняє широкий від вузького сенсу, а Західна Галичина простягається далі на захід до Польщі.

- Other historical regions and the new name Kropyvnytskyi are mentioned, which distinguishes the broad from the narrow sense, and Western Galicia extends further west to Poland. Сучасні українські географи не важають українськими історичні русі регіони (Полісся, Волині, Східної Галичини, Закарпатської Русьі, Буковини, Буджаку, Поділля, Едісані, Запоріжжя, Свобожанщини, Тавріи й Меотіи) які для них є лише екзонімами; для Меотії вживають «Північне Приазов'я» (або советське позначення «Дон-бас»). Вона з часів незалежності віддала перевагу «історизації» советські області успадкували від УРСР шляхом присвоєння їм прапорів і гербів. Cf. Andreas Kappeler Petite histoire de l'Ukraine, Institut d'études slaves, Paris 1997, 國際標準書號 978-2-7204-0319-4. - Modern Ukrainian geographers do not consider the historical Russian regions (Polyssia, Volhynia, Eastern Galicia, Transcarpathian Russia, Bukovyna, Bujak, Podillia, Edisan, Zaporizhzhia, Svobozhanshchyna, Tavria and Meotia) as Ukrainian, which for them are only exonyms; for Meotia, they use "Northern Azov" (or the Soviet designation "Donbass"). From the time of independence, it preferred to "historicize" the Soviet regions inherited from the Ukrainian SSR by assigning them flags and coats of arms.--Qualimac (留言) 14:59, 28 October 2022 (UTC)[回覆]