File talk:Usage share of web servers (Source Netcraft).svg

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Please update it properly


This image has to be modified using the section: "Web server developers: Market share of active sites" of this page Server web netcraft. You can't use the page you used because it's only referred to all web-server with TLS. In the section Web server developers: Market share of active sites you can see that Apache it's more than 52% and Microsoft less then 13%. These are more correct statistics. Valerio Bozzolan (talk) 09:52, 10 April 2014 (UTC)[回复]

I don't see what's improper about what I've done. But, I see your point. The "active" data seems slightly more representative of usage share (definition of active). I'll consider your request, but it will be a lot of work. Did you want to do it? ~a (usertalkcontribs) 15:29, 11 April 2014 (UTC)[回复]
For a start I'm sorry for the English a bit 'dry and perhaps unfriendly: I'm not English. What I wrote wanted to be just a suggestion :) Well: Reading the page you cited, from where you obtained the informations, I noticed that the data cited by Netcraft used by you are NOT in reference of all the servers on the planet, but only in reference to servers that use the HTTPS protocol implementation (in other words only server that have support for TLS). Consequently to this consideration, in my opinion your data are absolutely right in a picture that may be titled "Usage share of web servers with TLS support" but this isn't the title of this image! So the solution for me is:
  • Or change the title of this image in "Usage share of web servers with TLS support (Source Netcraft)" (Meh meh...:( );
  • Or choose the data by reference to all the servers on the planet (Uhm...:| );
  • Or choose the data by reference to all the servers on the planet that are "recent" (Uhm! :) );
In other words we can't discarge a large slice of the servers on the planet only because they haven't implemented TLS support! You know what I mean? (I'm on GNU/Linux now but i haven't experience in the creation of .svg using "R". I'm sorry but actually i can't do myself this job, even if I would learn!) Valerio Bozzolan (talk) 17:35, 11 April 2014 (UTC)[回复]
(P.S. Woow! R is wonderful! Using a very instinctive R -f code.r i generated exactly your image at the first attempt! So i'm working on.) Valerio Bozzolan (talk) 18:10, 11 April 2014 (UTC)[回复]
(P.P.S. How did you extrapolated data from Netcraft? I have found only this: wssGraphData.js?ver=02042014) Valerio Bozzolan (talk) 18:17, 11 April 2014 (UTC)[回复]
Yes, I will be making the change you requested, sorry for the late reply. To answer your question "How did you extrapolated data from Netcraft?": I put it in manually. ~a (usertalkcontribs) 21:53, 8 May 2014 (UTC)[回复]
Where does it say anything about Transport Layer Security? The difference between all and active has nothing to do with TLS. Read the definition of active again. active site are the ones with a high uniqueness, while all sites envelops sites with high amounts of duplicate content probably not created by a human being. Netcraft must have a good reason to go to all the labor to make this distinction. ScotXW (talk) 22:09, 8 May 2014 (UTC)[回复]

Please update


It seems as if the numbers are quite outdated now - could you please update the picture? Thanks --Sebastian.Dietrich (留言) 09:32, 20 February 2015 (UTC)[回复]