File talk:Wiki-cumshot.png

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I personally do not find this image offensive because it is so generic and not really all that erotic nor pornographic despite the subject matter- it is a simplistic representation of something quite normal in Western civilization that goes backs thousands of years ago. One might arguably complain that there should be another similar depiction with a male ejaculating into a male's mouth since that also is a reality for the same amount of history. And no one can prove either way how fellatio or the oral cumshot originated- from homosexuality or heterosexuality. I, myself, am male and straight and yet have experienced oral sex with a male and have tasted semen. It is not a big deal IMHO. This depiction is like judging art- what is pornographic or erotic to one person may be beautiful or normal to another. If the artist had submitted an actual oral cumshot with real people then the balance tips towards pornography and/or obscenity. But this is not the case. This depiction for all intents and purposes could have come from a straight sex education manual or store-bought sexual pleasure instruction manual. The guy's penis looks normal size and the woman looks average too (no buxon blonde eating semen from a hung dude). From a health perspective I do not think this is irresponsible as healthy semen is mostly protein but maybe a warning should be posted with a health message concerning STDs and ways of aquiring them- especially orally. Other than that, I would just leave it alone.

For a close comparison ONLY: This is real, so now compare to art. Art is tame by direct comparison and non-offensive. Rather generic compared to reality. User: 17:22, 21 February 2009

  • I would not claim that art is non-offensive, a lot of people seem to find art offensive. Personally, neither of these offend me, but for many, they are not only offended by this, but by showing a woman's face uncovered at all, so it's rather subjective you see. Ty (talk) 22:25, 26 April 2010 (UTC)[回覆]