File talk:World energy consumption.svg

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SVG Chart

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
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<title>plain text svg graphic</title>
  This svg graphic is to edit with an text editor.
  Please do not overwrite this file by saving with an image editor.
  ----------------&#13;   source:
  all data per day, look in: 'bp-statistical-review-of-world-energy-2015-workbook.xlsx", tab 'Oil Consumption - barrels'
    -> values of tab 'Oil Consumption - tonnes' = tab 'Primary Energy - Cons by fuel'

  Nuclear, hydro, renewable energy in TWh

  Oil, gas, coal are to be calculated into TWh as follows:
  1 toe = 11.63 MWh (
  BP thermal to electrical conversion efficiency: 38%, recalculated by use of:
        'statistical_review_of_world_energy_full_report_2012.xlsx", tab 'Primary Energy - Cons by fuel'
        i.e. nuclear 2011: 2648.7 TWh / 599.3 Mtoe = 4.4194 TWh/Mtoe; 4.4194 MWh/toe / 11.63 MWh/toe = 0.38 = 38%
   -> 1 toe = 4.4194 MWh energy production
   -> 1 Mio toe = 4.4194 TWh energy production
   -> 1000 Mio toe = 4.4 x 1000 TWh energy production

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<!-- graph 2 -->
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Chart needs detailed description


Thanks for the great chart, but it is mandatory to source the data in detail in the file description. Currently there is a link to The XL-spread sheet, from which probably all or most data is sourced, contains a total of 56 sheets and the file size amounts to more than one megabite, there has to be a better reference, especially when original figures get converted, as it seems to be the case here, where million tonnes oil equivalent is displayed as terawatt-hour in the chart. Also the term "World energy consumption" is too generic and can be misleading and cause confusion and subsequent errors if it is not clearly specified. I would do that, but first I need to know the source of original data. Would be a shame to drop the chart from wiki-articles just because the source cannot sufficiently be pin-pointed. Thx so much. Cheers, -- Rfassbind (留言) 15:14, 31 May 2015 (UTC)[回复]

These used the spreadsheet "BP-Statistical_Review_of_world_energy_2014_workbook-revised", using the tabs for consumption in Mtoe, which was multiplied by 0.004194 to obtain 1000 TWh, and rounded to three digits. The 2015 spreadsheet is available now, and the data will be updated in the same way. Delphi234 (留言) 03:35, 13 September 2015 (UTC)[回复]