Rings of Saturn

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Simulated views



Natural-color mosaic of Cassini narrow-angle camera images of the unilluminated side of Saturn's D, C, B, A and F rings (left to right) taken on May 9, 2007.

A Ring

Oblique (4 degree angle) Cassini images of Saturn's C, B, and A rings (left to right; the F ring is faintly visible in the full size upper image if viewed at sufficient brightness). Upper image: natural color mosaic of Cassini narrow-angle camera photos of the illuminated side of the rings taken on December 12, 2004. Lower image: simulated view constructed from a radio occultation observation conducted on May 3, 2005. Color in the lower image is used to represent information about ring particle sizes.

Keeler Gap


Encke Gap


Cassini Division


Huygens Gap


B Ring


Maxwell Gap


C Ring


Colombo Gap


D Ring



Dark spokes mark the B ring's sunlit side in low phase angle Cassini images. This is a low bitrate video. Full size video with high bitrate of 471kbit/s;
GIF version (400 × 400 pixels, file size: 2.21 MB)



Roche Division


F Ring

The shepherd moons Pandora (left) and Prometheus (right) orbit on either side of the F ring; Prometheus is followed by dark channels that it has carved archive copy at the Wayback Machine into the inner strands of the ring.
A mosaic of 107 images showing 255° (about 70%) of the F Ring as it would appear if straightened out. The radial width (top to bottom) is 1,500 km.

Outer rings


G Ring


Methone Ring Arc


Anthe Ring Arc


Pallene Ring


E Ring


Phoebe ring



Cassini image mosaic of the unlit side of the inner B Ring (top) and outer C Ring (bottom) near Saturn's equinox, showing multiple views of the shadow of Mimas. The shadow is attenuated by the denser B ring. The Maxwell Gap is below center.
Dark B Ring spokes in a low-phase-angle Cassini image of the rings' unlit side. Left of center, two dark gaps (the larger being the Huygens Gap) and the bright (from this viewing geometry) ringlets to their left comprise the Cassini Division.
Cassini image of the sun-lit side of the rings taken in 2009 at a phase angle of 144°, with bright B Ring spokes.
Pan's motion through the A Ring's Encke Gap induces edge waves and (non-self-propagating) spiraling wakes ahead of and inward of it. The other more tightly wound bands are spiral density waves.
Close-up view of Prometheus and the F Ring. A movie of Prometheus at its apoapsis drawing a streamer of material out of the ring, leaving a dark channel, may be viewed here archive copy at the Wayback Machine or here.
Prometheus (at center) and Pandora are the inner and outer F Ring shepherds.
F ring dynamism, probably due to perturbing effects of small moonlets orbiting close to or through the ring's core.
Saturn's shadow truncates the backlit G Ring and its bright inner arc. A movie showing the arc's orbital motion may be viewed here or here archive copy at the Wayback Machine.