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Tīmūr bin Taraghay Barlas (Chagatai Turkish: تیمور - Tēmōr, "iron") (1336 – February 1405), known in the West as Tamerlan/e, was a 14th century warlord of Turco-Mongol descent. Alternative spellings of his name are: Temur, Taimur, Timur Lenk, Timur-i Leng, Temur-e Lang, Amir Timur, Aqsaq Timur, as well as the Latinized Tamerlane and Tamburlaine. As many as 17 million people may have died from his conquests. Was born April 9, 1336 in Hoja Ilghar (Uzbekistan) and died in Otrar (Kazakhstan)on February 18, 1405 Central Asian conqueror, who played a significant role in the history of Central, South and West Asia and the Caucasus, the Volga region and Russia. An outstanding leader, the Emir (since 1370). The founder of the Empire and Timurid dynasty, with its capital at Samarkand.

Like Genghis Khan, Timur personally entered into all the details of military organization, had detailed information about the enemy forces and the status of their lands among his troops enjoyed absolute authority, and may well have to rely on his associates. Less fortunate was the choice of the persons set out at the head of civil administration (many cases of punishment for extortion dignitaries in Samarkand, Herat, Shiraz, Tabriz). Tamerlane liked to talk to scientists, especially listening to reading historical works, his knowledge of history, he surprised a medieval historian, philosopher and thinker, Ibn Khaldun, tales of valor historical and legendary heroes Timur used to inspire his men.

Timur left behind dozens of monumental architecture, some of them went into the treasury of world culture. The buildings of Timur, in whose creation he took an active part, find it artistic taste. Timur was concerned primarily about the prosperity of his native Maurya and about the rise of the light of its capital - Samarkand. Timur gather from all the lands conquered by the masters, architects, jewelers, builders and architects in order to equip the city of his empire: the capital of Samarkand, the home of his father - Kesh (Shakhrisabz), Bukhara, the border town of Iasi (Turkestan). All his care, which he invested in the capital of Samarkand, he was able to express a word of it: - "Over Samarkand will always be blue sky and gold stars." Only in recent years, they took measures to raise the welfare of other areas of the state, mainly the border (in 1398 held a new irrigation canal in Afghanistan in 1401 - in the Caucasus, etc.) [6]


Timur/Tamerlan in art
