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Broken redirects


Broken redirects found for this module: adjectives: 'black glazed' -> 'black-glazed'
adjectives: 'black-glaze' -> 'black-glazed'
adjectives: 'black glaze' -> 'black-glazed'
adjectives: 'wash painting' -> 'wash'
adjectives: 'lead glazed' -> 'lead-glazed'
adjectives: 'red-brown' -> 'reddish brown'
nouns: 'iron sheet' -> 'sheet iron'
nouns: 'maple panel' -> 'maple wood'
nouns: 'dry point' -> 'drypoint'
nouns: 'soft-paste' -> 'soft-paste porcelain'
nouns: 'chromolithograph' -> 'chromolithography'
nouns: 'larch' -> 'larch wood'
nouns: 'beech' -> 'beech wood'
nouns: 'digital photo' -> 'digital photograph'
nouns: 'papier-mache' -> 'papier mache'
nouns: 'fibre' -> 'fiber'
nouns: 'european beech' -> 'european beech wood'
nouns: 'photo' -> 'photograph'
nouns: 'verre églomisé' -> 'verre eglomise'
nouns: 'lapis' -> 'lapis lazuli'
nouns: 'grandiorite' -> 'granodiorite'
nouns: 'bas relief' -> 'bas-relief'
nouns: 'aluminum' -> 'aluminium'
nouns: 'gelatine' -> 'gelatin'
nouns: 'hippo ivory' -> 'hippopotamus ivory'
nouns: 'bisque (pottery)' -> 'biscuit porcelain'
nouns: 'sacking' -> 'hessian fabric'
nouns: 'buchs tree' -> 'boxwood'
nouns: 'bisque' -> 'biscuit porcelain'
nouns: 'aquarel' -> 'watercolor'
nouns: 'mammoth tusk' -> 'mammoth ivory'
nouns: 'marqueterie' -> 'marquetry'
nouns: 'china ink' -> 'india ink'
nouns: 'glue paint' -> 'distemper'
nouns: 'faïence' -> 'faience'
nouns: 'elephant tusk' -> 'elephant ivory'
nouns: 'japan paper' -> 'japanese paper'
nouns: 'woollen' -> 'woolen'
nouns: 'bistre' -> 'bister'
nouns: 'leaded glass' -> 'lead glass'
nouns: 'horse hair' -> 'horsehair'
nouns: 'highlights' -> 'highlight'
nouns: 'guayacan' -> 'lignum vitae'
nouns: 'pencildrawing' -> 'pencil drawing'
nouns: 'lustreware' -> 'lusterware'
nouns: 'halfah grass' -> 'esparto'
nouns: 'hyacinth' -> 'jacinth'
nouns: 'beaver board' -> 'beaverboard'
nouns: 'chifon' -> 'chiffon'
nouns: 'beech panel' -> 'beech wood'
nouns: 'pear tree' -> 'pear wood'
nouns: 'steatite' -> 'soapstone'
nouns: 'albumen silver print' -> 'albumen print'
nouns: 'chine-collé paper' -> 'chine-collé'
nouns: 'mother-of-pearl' -> 'nacre'
nouns: 'aquarelle' -> 'watercolor'
nouns: 'majolica' -> 'maiolica'
nouns: 'shakudō' -> 'shakudo'
nouns: 'luna marble' -> 'carrara marble'
nouns: 'beechwood' -> 'beech wood'
nouns: 'pierre de saint leu' -> 'saint-leu stone'
nouns: 'coarse-grained marble' -> 'coarse-grain marble'
nouns: 'cedar' -> 'cedar wood'
nouns: 'conte stick' -> 'conte crayon'
nouns: 'sepia' -> 'sepia ink'
nouns: 'conté' -> 'conte crayon'
nouns: 'luster-paint' -> 'luster glaze'
nouns: 'cornelian' -> 'carnelian'
nouns: 'poplarwood' -> 'poplar wood'
nouns: 'colour pencil' -> 'color pencil'
nouns: 'fibreboard' -> 'fiberboard'
nouns: 'lithograph' -> 'lithography'
nouns: 'mud plaster' -> 'earthen plaster'
nouns: 'birchwood' -> 'birch wood'
nouns: 'conté stick' -> 'conte crayon'
nouns: 'copper beechwood' -> 'copper beech wood'
nouns: 'woodblock print' -> 'woodcut'
nouns: 'papier-mâché' -> 'papier mache'
nouns: 'guaiacum' -> 'lignum vitae'
nouns: 'taffety' -> 'taffeta'
nouns: 'stipple' -> 'stipple engraving'
nouns: 'colored pencil' -> 'color pencil'
nouns: 'insular marble' -> 'greek insular marble'
nouns: 'clay pottery' -> 'ceramic'
nouns: 'metal sheet' -> 'sheet metal'
nouns: 'kakejiku' -> 'kakemono'
nouns: 'conté crayon' -> 'conte crayon'
nouns: 'fir' -> 'fir wood'
nouns: 'graywacke' -> 'greywacke'
nouns: 'tortoise' -> 'tortoise shell'
nouns: 'mixed' -> 'mixed technique'
nouns: 'larch-tree panel' -> 'larch wood'
nouns: 'letterpress print' -> 'letterpress'
nouns: 'birch' -> 'birch wood'
nouns: 'pear' -> 'pear wood'
nouns: 'transparent watercolours' -> 'transparent watercolor'
nouns: 'esparto grass' -> 'esparto'
nouns: 'red chalk' -> 'sanguine'
nouns: 'maroquin' -> 'morocco leather'
nouns: 'medium grain marble' -> 'medium-grain marble'
nouns: 'colour lithograph' -> 'color lithography'
nouns: 'biscuit' -> 'biscuit porcelain'
nouns: 'fine-grained marble' -> 'fine-grain marble'
nouns: 'pear panel' -> 'pear wood'
nouns: 'aqua marine' -> 'aquamarine'
nouns: 'stonepaste' -> 'fritware'
nouns: 'silver albumen photograph' -> 'albumen print'
nouns: 'shammy' -> 'chamois leather'
nouns: 'watercolours' -> 'watercolor'
nouns: 'cottonwood panel' -> 'poplar wood'
nouns: 'encaustic' -> 'encaustic painting'
nouns: 'medium-grained marble' -> 'medium-grain marble'
nouns: 'papier mâché' -> 'papier mache'
nouns: 'coarse grain marble' -> 'coarse-grain marble'
nouns: 'transparent watercolour' -> 'transparent watercolor'
nouns: 'luni marble' -> 'carrara marble'
nouns: 'chine collé' -> 'chine-collé'
nouns: 'carbon pencil' -> 'charcoal pencil'
nouns: 'hot wax painting' -> 'encaustic painting'
nouns: 'stone-paste' -> 'fritware'
nouns: 'island marble' -> 'greek insular marble'
nouns: 'mahogany panel' -> 'mahogany wood'
nouns: 'cedar panel' -> 'cedar wood'
nouns: 'hand scroll' -> 'handscroll'
nouns: 'walnut panel' -> 'walnut wood'
nouns: 'european beech panel' -> 'european beech wood'
nouns: 'copper beech' -> 'copper beech wood'
nouns: 'glass pearl' -> 'glass bead'
nouns: 'hard-paste' -> 'hard-paste porcelain'
nouns: 'cottonwood' -> 'poplar wood'
nouns: 'chine collé paper' -> 'chine-collé'
nouns: 'casein' -> 'casein paint'
nouns: 'ferrous alloy' -> 'iron alloy'
nouns: 'six technique' -> 'six's technique'
nouns: 'coarse grained marble' -> 'coarse-grain marble'
nouns: 'hot-wax painting' -> 'encaustic painting'
nouns: 'larch-tree wood' -> 'larch wood'
nouns: 'black-figure ceramic' -> 'black-figure pottery'
nouns: 'fine grained marble' -> 'fine-grain marble'
nouns: 'paros marble' -> 'parian marble'
nouns: 'poplar' -> 'poplar wood'
nouns: 'conte' -> 'conte crayon'
nouns: 'yew' -> 'yew wood'
nouns: 'medium grained marble' -> 'medium-grain marble'
nouns: 'woven paper' -> 'wove paper'
nouns: 'black paste inlay' -> 'black paste'
nouns: 'wood panel' -> 'panel'
nouns: 'woodengraving' -> 'wood engraving'
nouns: 'woodcut print' -> 'woodcut'
nouns: 'birch panel' -> 'birch wood'
nouns: 'moiré silk' -> 'moire'
nouns: 'wood block print' -> 'woodcut'
nouns: 'larch panel' -> 'larch wood'
nouns: 'pierre de saint-leu' -> 'saint-leu stone'
nouns: 'pavonazzetto' -> 'pavonazzo marble'
nouns: 'watercolors' -> 'watercolor'
nouns: 'sheet' -> 'sheet metal'
nouns: 'larch-tree' -> 'larch wood'
nouns: 'walrus tusk' -> 'walrus ivory'
nouns: 'moulding' -> 'molding'
nouns: 'mother of pearl' -> 'nacre'
nouns: 'vermeil' -> 'silver-gilt'
nouns: 'tulle netting' -> 'tulle'
nouns: 'transparent watercolors' -> 'transparent watercolor'
nouns: 'digital color photo' -> 'digital color photograph'
nouns: 'chûban' -> 'chuban'
nouns: 'fibreglass' -> 'fiberglass'
nouns: 'fine grain marble' -> 'fine-grain marble'
nouns: 'polychrome' -> 'polychromy'
nouns: 'terra-cotta' -> 'terracotta'
nouns: 'terra cotta' -> 'terracotta'
nouns: 'alder' -> 'alder wood'
nouns: 'synnada marble' -> 'pavonazzo marble'
nouns: 'larch wood panel' -> 'larch wood'
nouns: 'saint leu' -> 'saint-leu stone'
nouns: 'red-figure' -> 'red-figure pottery'
nouns: 'red-figure ceramic' -> 'red-figure pottery'
nouns: 'larchwood panel' -> 'larch wood'
nouns: 'ebony' -> 'ebony wood'
nouns: 'poplarpanel' -> 'poplar panel'
nouns: 'poplar panel' -> 'poplar wood'
nouns: 'carob' -> 'carob wood'
nouns: 'color lithograph' -> 'color lithography'
nouns: 'pockenholz' -> 'lignum vitae'
nouns: 'dry brush' -> 'drybrush'
nouns: 'black-figure' -> 'black-figure pottery'
nouns: 'gold-glass' -> 'gold glass'
nouns: 'crêpepaper' -> 'crêpe paper'
nouns: 'watercolour' -> 'watercolor'
nouns: 'pentelian marble' -> 'pentelic marble'
nouns: 'pearwood' -> 'pear wood'
nouns: 'nut panel' -> 'walnut wood'
nouns: 'burlap' -> 'hessian fabric'
nouns: 'palosanto' -> 'lignum vitae'
nouns: 'ocher' -> 'ochre'
nouns: 'nut' -> 'walnut wood'
nouns: 'nonferrous metal' -> 'non-ferrous metal'
nouns: 'moulded glass' -> 'molded glass'
nouns: 'walnutpanel' -> 'walnut wood'
nouns: 'moiré' -> 'moire'
nouns: 'maple' -> 'maple wood'
nouns: 'gem' -> 'gemstone'
nouns: 'dry point engraving' -> 'drypoint'
nouns: 'luster' -> 'luster glaze'
nouns: 'egg shell' -> 'eggshell'
nouns: 'colour photography' -> 'color photography'
nouns: 'fingerpainting' -> 'finger painting'
nouns: 'larch tree wood' -> 'larch wood'
nouns: 'indian ink' -> 'india ink'
nouns: 'digital colour photograph' -> 'digital color photograph'
nouns: 'plique-à-jour enamel' -> 'plique-à-jour'
nouns: 'cypress' -> 'cypress wood'
nouns: 'larchwood' -> 'larch wood'
nouns: 'larch tree' -> 'larch wood'
nouns: 'lapis-lazuli' -> 'lapis lazuli'
nouns: 'lapis albanus' -> 'peperino'
nouns: 'iron-gall ink' -> 'iron gall ink'
nouns: 'acacia gum' -> 'gum arabic'
nouns: 'india proof paper' -> 'china paper'
nouns: 'heliolite' -> 'sunstone'
nouns: 'mahogany' -> 'mahogany wood'
nouns: 'elm' -> 'elm wood'
nouns: 'low relief' -> 'bas-relief'
nouns: 'lustre' -> 'luster glaze'
nouns: 'fir panel' -> 'fir wood'
nouns: 'bloodstone' -> 'heliotrope'
nouns: 'digital colour photo' -> 'digital color photograph'
nouns: 'tortoiseshell' -> 'tortoise shell'
nouns: 'dentalium' -> 'dentalium shell'
nouns: 'cotton cheesecloth' -> 'cheesecloth'
nouns: 'compoboard' -> 'composition board'

Unexpected local values


Terms that appear in Polish but not in English:
nouns: 'electrum'
nouns: 'kakemono'
nouns: 'sardonyx'
nouns: 'argyrotype'
nouns: 'saint-leu stone'
nouns: 'greek marble'
nouns: 'painting'
nouns: 'chromolithograph'
nouns: 'crystal'
nouns: 'copper'
nouns: 'ambrotype'
nouns: 'copper engraving'
nouns: 'leather'
nouns: 'bear fur'
nouns: 'cobalt'
nouns: 'albumen print'
nouns: 'tulle'
nouns: 'paperboard'
nouns: 'silver'
nouns: 'coconut'
nouns: 'mudstone'
nouns: 'brocade'
nouns: 'copper beech wood'
nouns: 'bone'
nouns: 'plaster'
nouns: 'slate'
nouns: 'alder wood'
nouns: 'cotton'
nouns: 'monotype'
nouns: 'graphite pencil'
nouns: 'arkose'
nouns: 'fir wood'
nouns: 'bronze'
nouns: 'sard'
nouns: 'antimony'
nouns: 'chine-collé'
nouns: 'orichalcum'
nouns: 'india ink'
nouns: 'iron gall ink'
nouns: 'schist'
nouns: 'mixed technique'
nouns: 'italic marble'
nouns: 'canvas'
nouns: 'cyanotype'
nouns: 'actinolite'
nouns: 'collotype'
nouns: 'grisaille'
nouns: 'sandstone'
nouns: 'bead'
nouns: 'cradled panel'
nouns: 'wool'
nouns: 'rock crystal'
nouns: 'jasper'
nouns: 'birch bark'
nouns: 'cowry'
nouns: 'oil shale'
nouns: 'digital photograph'
nouns: 'ash wood'
nouns: 'birch wood'
nouns: 'fresco'
nouns: 'finger painting'
nouns: 'bronze powder'
nouns: 'magnetite'
nouns: 'iron'
nouns: 'copper powder'
nouns: 'lead glass'
nouns: 'marble'
nouns: 'graffiti'
nouns: 'mezzotint'
nouns: 'zinc alloy'
nouns: 'quartz'
nouns: 'porphyry'
nouns: 'silver powder'
nouns: 'heliography'
nouns: 'patina'
nouns: 'eclogite'
nouns: 'cloth'
nouns: 'polychromy'
nouns: 'cardboard'
nouns: 'morocco leather'
nouns: 'sapphire'
nouns: 'cabochon'
nouns: 'steel wool'
nouns: 'ink'
nouns: 'horn'
nouns: 'parchment'
nouns: 'gypsum'
nouns: 'photograph'
nouns: 'forging'
nouns: 'cinnabar'
nouns: 'goatskin'
nouns: 'graphite'
nouns: 'zincograph'
nouns: 'zinc'
nouns: 'boxwood'
nouns: 'sanguine'
nouns: 'yoko-e'
nouns: 'yew wood'
nouns: 'wove paper'
nouns: 'platinum'
nouns: 'palisander'
nouns: 'tortoise shell'
nouns: 'photocopy'
nouns: 'wood'
nouns: 'gold thread'
nouns: 'walnut wood'
nouns: 'stoneware'
nouns: 'gelatin silver print'
nouns: 'lithography'
nouns: 'ormolu'
nouns: 'wash painting'
nouns: 'distemper'
nouns: 'iron alloy'
nouns: 'chalk'
nouns: 'walrus ivory'
nouns: 'calotype'
nouns: 'sculpture in the round'
nouns: 'vellum'
nouns: 'metallic thread'
nouns: 'gilding'
nouns: 'lithographic paper'
nouns: 'beaverboard'
nouns: 'woodcut'
nouns: 'stone'
nouns: 'travertine'
nouns: 'transparent paper'
nouns: 'tracing paper'
nouns: 'mosaic'
nouns: 'topaz'
nouns: 'soft-paste porcelain'
nouns: 'korean paper'
nouns: 'ruby'
nouns: 'georgette'
nouns: 'tintype'
nouns: 'linocut'
nouns: 'nephrite'
nouns: 'tin'
nouns: 'sculpture'
nouns: 'carnelian'
nouns: 'textile'
nouns: 'pear wood'
nouns: 'taffeta'
nouns: 'blown glass'
nouns: 'tempera'
nouns: 'chiffon'
nouns: 'tapestry'
nouns: 'cedar wood'
nouns: 'emerald'
nouns: 'bister'
nouns: 'shell'
nouns: 'sunstone'
nouns: 'charcoal'
nouns: 'stucco'
nouns: 'plush'
nouns: 'manuscript'
nouns: 'straw'
nouns: 'greek insular marble'
nouns: 'lignum vitae'
nouns: 'bark'
nouns: 'quartzite'
nouns: 'steel engraving'
nouns: 'gemstone'
nouns: 'obsidian'
nouns: 'linen'
nouns: 'hessian fabric'
nouns: 'stainless steel'
nouns: 'fine-grained marble'
nouns: 'ebony wood'
nouns: 'stained glass'
nouns: 'turquoise'
nouns: 'sheet metal'
nouns: 'silver thread'
nouns: 'sillimanite'
nouns: 'mica'
nouns: 'barbotine'
nouns: 'pebble'
nouns: 'slip'
nouns: 'jadeite'
nouns: 'niello'
nouns: 'beryl'
nouns: 'eggshell'
nouns: 'chalcedony'
nouns: 'earthenware'
nouns: 'agate'
nouns: 'gold lacquer'
nouns: 'pen drawing'
nouns: 'cryptomeria wood'
nouns: 'bas-relief'
nouns: 'jacaranda'
nouns: 'resin'
nouns: 'broadcloth'
nouns: 'reed pen'
nouns: 'red-figure pottery'
nouns: 'copper alloy'
nouns: 'rattan'
nouns: 'hippopotamus ivory'
nouns: 'nickel silver'
nouns: 'chrysoprase'
nouns: 'polyester resin'
nouns: 'pulpboard'
nouns: 'print'
nouns: 'postcard'
nouns: 'porcelain'
nouns: 'jute'
nouns: 'poplar wood'
nouns: 'granite'
nouns: 'pyrite'
nouns: 'aragonite'
nouns: 'gum arabic'
nouns: 'oilcloth'
nouns: 'soapstone'
nouns: 'photographic paper'
nouns: 'coral'
nouns: 'gold paint'
nouns: 'daguerreotype'
nouns: 'pastel'
nouns: 'frit'
nouns: 'autochrome'
nouns: 'crêpe paper'
nouns: 'pencil'
nouns: 'faience'
nouns: 'pen'
nouns: 'crayon'
nouns: 'pearl'
nouns: 'marquetry'
nouns: 'terracotta'
nouns: 'parian marble'
nouns: 'color photography'
nouns: 'bamboo'
nouns: 'papier mache'
nouns: 'screen-printing'
nouns: 'asbestos cement'
nouns: 'drawing paper'
nouns: 'lead'
nouns: 'pannotype'
nouns: 'azulejo'
nouns: 'wood engraving'
nouns: 'black and white photography'
nouns: 'black-figure pottery'
nouns: 'panel'
nouns: 'watercolor'
nouns: 'ebonite'
nouns: 'alloy'
nouns: 'chrome'
nouns: 'fiberglass'
nouns: 'bitumen'
nouns: 'organza'
nouns: 'opus tessellatum'
nouns: 'steel'
nouns: 'encaustic painting'
nouns: 'poplar panel'
nouns: 'onyx'
nouns: 'coniferous wood'
nouns: 'sepia ink'
nouns: 'newsprint'
nouns: 'nacre'
nouns: 'cast iron'
nouns: 'peridot'
nouns: 'chinese white'
nouns: 'molded glass'
nouns: 'carob wood'
nouns: 'petroglyph'
nouns: 'silk'
nouns: 'maiolica'
nouns: 'metal'
nouns: 'medium-grained marble'
nouns: 'antique laid paper'
nouns: 'maple wood'
nouns: 'mammoth ivory'
nouns: 'limestone'
nouns: 'mahogany wood'
nouns: 'lost-wax casting'
nouns: 'pencil drawing'
nouns: 'japanese paper'
nouns: 'paper'
nouns: 'larch wood'
nouns: 'biscuit porcelain'
nouns: 'calcite alabaster'
nouns: 'carrara marble'
nouns: 'china paper'
nouns: 'lapis lazuli'
nouns: 'greywacke'
nouns: 'european beech wood'
nouns: 'glaze'
nouns: 'laid paper'
nouns: 'lace'
nouns: 'beech wood'
nouns: 'calcite'
nouns: 'aluminium'
nouns: 'letterpress'
nouns: 'ivory'
nouns: 'pentelic marble'
nouns: 'fiberboard'
nouns: 'gelatin'
nouns: 'hymettus marble'
nouns: 'gold leaf'
nouns: 'horsehair'
nouns: 'color lithograph'
nouns: 'hide'
nouns: 'corten steel'
nouns: 'amber'
nouns: 'drypoint'
nouns: 'hematite'
nouns: 'hard-paste porcelain'
nouns: 'hanging scroll'
nouns: 'almandine'
nouns: 'gum'
nouns: 'stipple engraving'
nouns: 'graph paper'
nouns: 'granodiorite'
nouns: 'gold powder'
nouns: 'gold'
nouns: 'amethyst'
nouns: 'gofun'
nouns: 'glass paste'
nouns: 'velvet'
nouns: 'glass'
nouns: 'elm wood'
nouns: 'cotton batiste'
nouns: 'canvas board'
nouns: 'conte crayon'
nouns: 'muschelkalk'
nouns: 'etching'
nouns: 'flint'
nouns: 'diorite'
nouns: 'ceramic'
nouns: 'aquatint'
nouns: 'impasto'
nouns: 'european ash'
nouns: 'brass'
nouns: 'engraving'
nouns: 'embroidery'
nouns: 'elephant ivory'
nouns: 'drawing'
nouns: 'basalt'
nouns: 'filigree'
nouns: 'digital color photograph'
nouns: 'diamond'
nouns: 'collage'
nouns: 'damascus steel'
nouns: 'coarse-grain marble'
nouns: 'concrete'
nouns: 'bakelite'
nouns: 'black chalk'
nouns: 'chuban'
nouns: 'mural'
nouns: 'chert'
nouns: 'charcoal pencil'
nouns: 'chamois leather'
nouns: 'cave painting'
nouns: 'muslin'
nouns: 'garnet'
nouns: 'brush drawing'
nouns: 'brush'
nouns: 'breccia'
nouns: 'clay'
nouns: 'mixed media'
nouns: 'aquamarine'
nouns: 'amphibolite'

Missing translations


Terms that appear in English but not in Polish:
adjectives: 'hollow-cast'
adjectives: 'varnished'
adjectives: 'enameled and gilded'
adjectives: 'molded'
adjectives: 'cast'
adjectives: 'guilloched'
adjectives: 'underglaze'
adjectives: 'opaque'
adjectives: 'orange'
adjectives: 'repousse'
adjectives: 'gold-plated'
adjectives: 'cloisonne'
adjectives: 'embossed'
adjectives: 'tin-glazed'
adjectives: 'ferrous'
adjectives: 'braided'
adjectives: 'sepia'
adjectives: 'cobalt blue'
adjectives: 'chased'
adjectives: 'non-ferrous'
adjectives: 'pale green'
adjectives: 'charred'
adjectives: 'engraved'
adjectives: 'struck'
adjectives: 'enameled'
adjectives: 'printed'
adjectives: 'buff'
adjectives: 'combed'
adjectives: 'partially gilt'
adjectives: 'wheelcut'
adjectives: 'gilded'
adjectives: 'amethyst'
adjectives: 'openwork'
adjectives: 'stenciled'
adjectives: 'champleve'
adjectives: 'unglazed'
adjectives: 'turquoise'
adjectives: 'light green'
adjectives: 'colorless'
adjectives: 'blown'
adjectives: 'thick'
adjectives: 'mineral'
adjectives: 'tan'
adjectives: 'violet'
adjectives: 'mold-blown'
adjectives: 'silvered'
adjectives: 'silver-plated'
adjectives: 'backed'
adjectives: 'silver'
adjectives: 'lacquered'
adjectives: 'painted'
adjectives: 'retouched'
adjectives: 'plique-a-jour'
adjectives: 'pinched'
adjectives: 'pale blue'
adjectives: 'ivory'
adjectives: 'overglaze'
adjectives: 'opacified'
adjectives: 'carved'
adjectives: 'tan-gray'
adjectives: 'nielloed'
adjectives: 'metallic'
adjectives: 'marbled'
adjectives: 'incised'
adjectives: 'turned'
adjectives: 'sculpted'
adjectives: 'damascened'
adjectives: 'inlaid'
adjectives: 'coined'
adjectives: 'transparent'
adjectives: 'colored'
adjectives: 'hammered'
nouns: 'cut-paper work'
nouns: 'silver and black paste inlay'
nouns: 'feather'
nouns: 'feathers'
nouns: 'artwork'
nouns: 'color woodcut'
nouns: 'thassos marble'
nouns: 'tinplate'
nouns: 'teeth'
nouns: 'backed canvas'
nouns: 'artist's board'
nouns: 'precious coral'
nouns: 'shell limestone'
nouns: 'acetate'
nouns: 'wickerwork'
nouns: 'sacrificial matters'
nouns: 'silver stain'
nouns: 'painted plaster'
nouns: 'silver and copper inlay'
nouns: 'siliceous ceramic'
nouns: 'fittings'
nouns: 'line engraving'
nouns: 'art'
nouns: 'lacquered iron'
nouns: 'white-ground'
nouns: 'aquatint (sepia)'
nouns: 'cream wove paper'
nouns: 'intaglio'
nouns: 'synthetic materials'
nouns: 'water-base paint'
nouns: 'etched contour'
nouns: 'stones'
nouns: 'rubies'
nouns: 'accumulator'
nouns: 'collodion silver'
nouns: 'inks'
nouns: 'ripolin'
nouns: 'birds'
nouns: 'seeds'
nouns: 'wooden core'
nouns: 'rag paper'
nouns: 'enamels'
nouns: 'wood chessboard'
nouns: 'willow wood'
nouns: 'tree fungus'
nouns: 'whalebone'
nouns: 'tan wove paper'
nouns: 'slipware'
nouns: 'relief'
nouns: 'silver and gold inlay'
nouns: 'silver and brass inlay'
nouns: 'reserving'
nouns: 'glazes'
nouns: 'slide'
nouns: 'pigments'
nouns: 'quartz frit'
nouns: 'gnathia style'
nouns: 'glue-size'
nouns: 'brass and copper inlay'
nouns: 'repoussé'
nouns: 'autotype'
nouns: 'gilt'
nouns: 'filmstrip'
nouns: 'unknown'
nouns: 'panelcanvas'