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I mostly contribute to the french wikipedia and wikibooks. In case you wish to contact me, please use this page.

From time to time, I browse categories to sort crystal structures by their space groups, with the great help of crystallographic databases when no reference is given in the file description - I do nothing when different polymorphs exist and I can't decide which one it is from looking at the picture. This is tedious work, help would be much appreciated. If you need illustrations for crystal structures, ask me!

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Cristallographie géométrique


Images created during the writing of the wikibook Cristallographie géométrique, sorted by chapters:

Crystal structures

Name Formula Space group Files
Alexandrite Be(AlO2)​2 Pnma Alexandrite structure.png
Anglesite PbSO4 Pbnm (Pnma) Anglesite structure ac.png, Anglesite structure bc.png
Atacamite Cu2Cl(OH)3 Pnma Atacamite.png
Augite (CaMg0.74Fe0.25)Si2O6 C2/c Augite.png
Barium titanate BaTiO3 Pm3m BaTiO3.PNG, BaTiO3 oxygen coordination.png
Benitoite BaTiSi3O9 P6c2 Benitoite structure.png
Beryl Be3Al2Si6O18 P6/mcc BerylStructure.png
Boleite KPb26Ag9Cu24Cl62(OH)48 Pm3m Boleite 001.png, Boleite 111 open cage.png
Botallackite Cu2Cl(OH)3 P21/m Botallackite.png
Breithauptite NiSb P63/mmc Breithauptite structure.png
Calderite Mn3Fe2(SiO4)3 Ia3d Caldérite.png
Carnotite K2(UO2)2(VO4)2 P21/a (P21/c) Carnotite structure ab.png, Carnotite structure ac.png
Chervetite Pb2V2O7 P21/a (P21/c) Chervetite structure.png
Chrysoberyl Be(AlO2)​2 Pnma Chrysoberyl ab.png, Chrysoberyl ac.png
Cookeite r LiAl4(Si3Al)O10(OH)8 Cc Cookeite r structure.png, Cookeite r structure Al,Li-layer.png,
Cookeite r structure Al-layer.png, Cookeite r structure AlSi-layer.png
Copper iron germanate Cu2Fe2Ge4O13 P21/m Cu2Fe2Ge4O13.jpg
Cordiérite Al3Mg2AlSi5O18 Cccm Cordierite structure.png
Covellite CuS Cmcm Covellite LT.png
Cryolite Na3AlF6 P21/n (P21/c) Cryolite RT ab.png, Cryolite RT ac.png (room temperature)
Fm3m Cryolite HT.png (high temperature)
Cumengeite Pb21Cu20Cl42(OH)40·6H2O I4/mmm Cumengeite structure.png, Cumengeite structure open cage.png
Dioptase CuSiO3·H2O R3 Dioptase structure.png, Dioptase structure ac.png
Fiedlerite Pb3Cl4F(OH)H2O P1 Fiedlerite-1A.png (1A polymorph)
P21/a (P21/c) Fiedlerite.png (2M polymorph)
Francevillite (Ba,Pb)(UO2)2(VO4)2·5H2O Pcan Francevillite ab.png, Francevillite ac.png, Francevillite bc.png
Gorceixite BaAl3(PO4)(PO3OH)(OH)6 R3m Gorceixite crystal structure.png
Greigite Fe3S4 Fd3m Greigite structure 110 FeS6 octahedra.png, Greigite structure 110 FeS4 tetrahedra.png, Greigite structure 110 SFe4 tetrahedra.png
Indialite Al3Mg2AlSi5O18 P6/mcc Indialite structure.png
Joaquinite-(Ce) Ba2Ce2Ti2(Fe1.04Na0.96)Si8O26(OH)·(H2O) C2 Joaquinite-(Ce) structure.png
Kurnakovite MgB3O3(OH)5·5H2O P1 Kurnakovite.png
Laurionite PbCl(OH) Pcmn (Pnma) Laurionite crystal structure.png
Libethenite Cu2(PO4)(OH) Pnnm Libethenite structure.png
Miargyrite AgSbS2 C2/c Miargyrite.png
Mitscherlichite K2CuCl4·2H2O P42/mnm KMitscherlichite.png
Mounanaite PbFe+32(VO4)2(F,OH)2 C2/m Mounanaite ab.png, Mounanaite ac.png
Olivine Mg2SiO4 Pnma Olivine Mg2SiO4.png
Paralaurionite PbCl(OH) C2/m Paralaurionite crystal structure.png
Perovskite CaTiO3 Pbnm (Pnma) CaTiO3 structure ab.png, CaTiO3 structure bc.png
Post-perovskite MgSiO3 Cmcm Post-perovskite structure ab.png, Post-perovskite structure bc.png
Roselite Ca2(Mg,Co)(AsO4)2·2(H2O) P21/c Rosélite structure.png
Schorl NaFe3Al6(BO3)3(Si6O18)(OH)4 R3m Schorl structure.png
Spinel MgAl2O4 Fd3m Spinel structure.png
Stannite Cu2(Fe,Zn)SnS4 I42m Stannite.png
Staurolite (Fe,Mg,Zn,Co)4Al18Si8O46(OH)2 C2/m Staurolite structure 53151 ab.png, Staurolite structure 53151 ac.png
Strontium copper
SrCu2(BO3)2 I42m SrCu2(BO3)2 room temperature phase.png
I4/mcm SrCu2(BO3)2 high temperature phase.png
Talc Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 C1 (P1) Talc 1A structure ac.png
C2/c Talc 2M structure ac.png
Thoreaulite SnTa2O6 Cc Thoreaulite crystal structure.png
Trisilver vanadate Ag3VO4 C2/c Ag3VO4 alpha crystal structure.png
I42m Ag3VO4 beta crystal structure.png
Fm3m Ag3VO4 gamma crystal structure.png
Vanadinite Pb5(VO4)3Cl P63/m Vanadinite.png

Other images




