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(重新導向自Zhongshan Park,Beijing
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中山公园正门 South gate of the Zhongshan Park[編輯]

孙中山像 Sun Yat-sen's Bronze Statue[編輯]


请见社稷坛(see also She ji tan

石狮 Stone lions[編輯]

保卫和平坊 Defending Peace Archway[編輯]

Marble memorial archway erected by Qing to commemorate Baron von Kettler, killed during the Yihetuan Movement in 1900. This archway originally stood outside the western entrance to the Xizongbu Alley, but after Germany's defeat in World War I, it was removed to the Zhongshan Park and inscribed with the words "Triumph of Righteousness"(Gongli Zhansheng). After 1949 it was rein scribed in Guo Moruo's handwriting with "Defend the Peace" (Baowei Heping).

习礼亭 The Practising Pavilion[編輯]

兰亭八柱亭 The Lanting Otastyle Pavilion[編輯]

唐花坞 Tanghuawu Pavilion[編輯]

中山音乐堂 Zhongshan Music Hall[編輯]


格言亭 Maxim Pavilion[編輯]

树木花卉 Plant[編輯]