Category:AKA Red Sea Squirt

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AKA 'Red Sea Squirt' which was found on a trailing edge of the screw blades of No.1 torpedo blamed for the sinking of Korean Navy corvette PCC-772. Some people claimed that this was a red sea squirt in juvenile or larval state. A Korean government agency inspected this object solely and held a press conference denying that claim and announced that there would be no further investigation. The exact identity of this object is yet to be discovered.

Location: Trailing edge of screw blade R3 (Please refer to the following Imgaes)

File:Location of AKA Red Sea Squirt (DSC 0075-crop wtih labels).jpg
File:Location of AKA Red Sea Squirt - Trailing Edge of R3 screw blade (DSC 0809).JPG

Size: Width of the Red Column Shaped Part - about 0.7mm

International quest requested by the owner of these photographs;

I will pay US$1,000 for the true identity of this object or any decisive clue leading to the same.
Payment will be made after confirmation made by any one of respectfull scientific institutes.

Media in category "AKA Red Sea Squirt"

The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.