Category:Tomb of Christopher Columbus (Dominican Republic)

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In 1795, when France took over the entire island of Hispaniola, Columbus's remains were moved to Havana, Cuba. After Cuba became independent following the Spanish–American War in 1898, the remains were moved back to Spain, to the Cathedral of Seville, where they were placed on an elaborate catafalque. However, a lead box bearing an inscription identifying "Don Christopher Columbus" and containing bone fragments and a bullet was discovered at Santo Domingo in 1877. To lay to rest claims that the wrong relics had been moved to Havana and that Columbus's remains had been left buried in the cathedral at Santo Domingo. The remains were moved in 1992 to a mausoleum built in the new Columbus Lighthouse monument in Santo Domingo East to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Columbus discovery of the Americas (see Christopher Columbus article for details of this controversy).

Media in category "Tomb of Christopher Columbus (Dominican Republic)"

The following 36 files are in this category, out of 36 total.