Commons:National Archives and Records Administration/Categorize/US National Archives series: Historic Photos, compiled ca. 1920 - ca. 1960

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Category:US National Archives series: Historic Photos, compiled ca. 1920 - ca. 1960
No. File Categorized?
1 (Xerophyllum Tenax) Pine Lily, Bear Grass, Indian Basket Grass. - NARA - 299011.tif ✓ Done
2 (Mimulus Lewisii) Monkey Flower - NARA - 299012.tif ✓ Done
3 (Eucephalus Pancicapitatus) - NARA - 299013.tif ✓ Done
4 (Campula Piperi) Piper's Blue-Bell - NARA - 299014.tif ✓ Done
5 (Erigeron Cespitosa) - NARA - 299015.tif ✓ Done
6 (Phlox Diffusa) Mountain Phlox - NARA - 299016.tif ✓ Done
7 (Saxifrage Tolmiei) Saxifrage - NARA - 299017.tif ✓ Done
8 (Erigeran Saluginosus) - NARA - 299018.tif ✓ Done
9 (Campula Rotundifolia) Scotch Blue-Bell - NARA - 299019.tif ✓ Done
10 (Pedicularis Bracteorsa) Elephant Trunk and (Castilleja Oreopola) Indian Paint Brush. - NARA - 299020.tif ✓ Done
11 (Senecio Websteri) - NARA - 299021.tif ✓ Done
12 (Spirea Hendersoni) - NARA - 299022.tif ✓ Done
13 Grass of Parnassus, Olympic National Forest - NARA - 299023.tif ✓ Done
14 (Pulsatilla Occidentalis) and (Heuchera Racemosa) - NARA - 299024.tif ✓ Done
15 (Spiraea Densiflora) - NARA - 299025.tif ✓ Done
16 Licorice Root Fern - NARA - 299026.tif ✓ Done
17 Alpine Anenome - NARA - 299027.tif ✓ Done
18 Red Heather - NARA - 299028.tif ✓ Done
19 Arabis Drommondi (^) - NARA - 299029.tif ✓ Done
20 Arabis Drommondi(^) - NARA - 299030.tif ✓ Done
21 Pedicularia Racemosa - NARA - 299033.tif ✓ Done
22 Twin Flower Linnaea Americana - NARA - 299034.tif ✓ Done
23 Cornas Canadensis - NARA - 299035.tif ✓ Done
24 Bear Grass - NARA - 299036.tif ✓ Done
25 Bear Grass-Squaw Grass - NARA - 299037.tif ✓ Done
26 Minulus Langsdorfii - NARA - 299038.tif ✓ Done
27 Haberaria - NARA - 299039.tif ✓ Done
28 Haberaria - NARA - 299040.tif
29 Oregon Anenome - NARA - 299041.tif ✓ Done
30 Oregon Anenome - NARA - 299042.tif ✓ Done
31 Senecio Trian - NARA - 299043.tif
32 Senecio Trian - NARA - 299044.tif
33 Princess Pine - NARA - 299045.tif ✓ Done
34 Hearat Leaved Amica (Amica Cordifolia) - NARA - 299046.tif ✓ Done
35 Aster - NARA - 299047.tif ✓ Done
36 Ranuculus - NARA - 299048.tif ✓ Done
37 Caltha - NARA - 299049.tif ✓ Done
38 Tiarella - NARA - 299050.tif ✓ Done
39 Senecio Trian - NARA - 299051.tif ✓ Done
40 Pyrola Secunda - NARA - 299052.tif ✓ Done
41 Pealy Sunlsting "Anaphalis" - NARA - 299053.tif
42 Princess Pine - NARA - 299054.tif
43 Lupine - NARA - 299055.tif ✓ Done
44 Peavine Ridge, Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299104.tif
45 Peavine Ridge in Sixes River, Sisiiyou National Forest, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299105.tif
46 H. B. Steiner's Ranch, Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299106.tif
47 Steiner Ranch, Brush in Shade of Fir and Alder, Siskiyou Forest, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299107.tif
48 Oregon State Fair, Salem, Oregon, Second Prize Long Mohair, 1920. - NARA - 299108.tif
49 Uinta National Forest, Utah, 1920 - NARA - 299109.tif ✓ Done
50 Uinta National Forest, Utah, 1920 - NARA - 299110.tif ✓ Done
51 Wild Rose, Chumstick Creek, Wenatchee, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299111.tif ✓ Done
52 Erigeron, Bohemia Area, Santiam, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299112.tif
53 Hosakia, Detroit, or, Santiam, 1920 - NARA - 299113.tif ✓ Done
54 Agastache Urticiolia (Giant Hyssop), Umpqua, D. C. I., Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299114.tif
55 Notholcus Lanatus (Velvet Grass), Detroit, or, Santiam, 1920. - NARA - 299115.tif ✓ Done
56 Viorna Douglasii (Virgins Bower), Ironside Exp. Plot, Whitman, 1920. - NARA - 299116.tif
57 Lilim Parviflorum (Wild Tiger Lily), Wenatchee, Washington, 1920. - NARA - 299117.tif ✓ Done
58 Boschniakia Strobilacea, Matney Gulch Exp. Area, Crater, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299118.tif ✓ Done
59 Lupinus and Carduus, Cape Blanco, Siskiyou, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299119.tif ✓ Done
60 Anaphalis, Bohemia Mountain, Umpqua, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299120.tif
61 Eriogonum, Bohemia, Umpqua, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299121.tif ✓ Done
62 White Blossom Thistle, Cape Blanco, Siskiyou, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299122.tif
63 Blasamorhiza Sagittata (Balsam Root) Big Creek, Minam, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299123.tif
64 Hydrophyllum Capitatum (Waterleaf), Umatilla, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299124.tif ✓ Done
65 Agastache Occidentalis, Bohemia Area, Umpqua, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299125.tif
66 Lupinus, Leavenworth, Wenatchee, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299126.tif
67 Castanopsis Chrysophylla (Chinquapin), Detroit, Santiam, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299127.tif ✓ Done
68 Erythronium Parviflorum (Dog Tooth Violet), Umatilla, Oregon. 1920. - NARA - 299128.tif
69 Eriodictyon Glutinosum (Yerba Santa or Mount Balm) Matney Gulch Exp. Area, Crater, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299129.tif
70 Phacelia, Chumstick, Creek, Wenatche, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299130.tif
71 Lathyrus Nevadensis (Nevada Peavine), Big Creek, Minam, 1920. - NARA - 299131.tif ✓ Done
72 Delphinium, Texas Bar Range, Umatilla, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299132.tif ✓ Done
73 Thlaspi Alpestre (Alpine Pennycress), Camas and Hideaway Range, Umatilla, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299133.tif
74 Road Building, Wenatchee, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299134.tif
75 Road Building, Wenatchee, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299135.tif
76 Cheanimnus C^amp,H Range, Wallowa, Washington, 1914 - NARA - 299136.tif
77 Type of Bulls on the Burns C^amp,H Range, Myrtle Park, Maheur Forest, 1917. - NARA - 299137.tif
78 Dehorning Cattle, Stanton Ranch, Mill Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1915. - NARA - 299138.tif ✓ Done
79 Sheep Bedded, Cougar Mountain Allotment, Wenatchee Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299139.tif
80 Sheep on Cougar Mountain Allotment, Wenatchee Forest, Washington, 1920. - NARA - 299140.tif
81 Counting Sheep Crossing Bridge, Minam Div, Whitman Forest, Washington, 1917. - NARA - 299141.tif
82 Sheep Camp, Kaser Allotment, Potted Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1916. - NARA - 299142.tif
83 Zogleman Sheep Leaving Corral During Lambing, Egypt Valley, Snow Mountain, Ochoco Forest, 1919. - NARA - 299143.tif
84 Sheep Leaving Ochoco Forest via Trout Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1916. - NARA - 299144.tif
85 Goats Grazing Logged Off Area, Deschutes Forest, 1920 - NARA - 299145.tif ✓ Done
86 Goat Grazing Ceanothus Intergerrimus, Crater Forest, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299146.tif
87 Davis Bros. Goats Near Ashland, Oregon, Crater Forest, 1920 - NARA - 299147.tif
88 Kid or Goat Fence, Davis Bros. Ranch, Ashland, Oregon, Crater Forest, 1917. - NARA - 299148.tif ✓ Done
89 Angora Goats on Cutover Oak Land, Cleaning Sprouts, Douglas County, Oregon, Umpqua Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299149.tif ✓ Done
90 Pepper Bush or Myrtle (Umbelulara Californica) Browsed by Goats, Siskiyou Forest, California, 1920. - NARA - 299150.tif
91 Angora Goats in Oak-Conifer Type, Douglas County, Oregon, Umpqua Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299151.tif
92 Typical Logged Over, Burned Off Land in Sixes River Region, Southwest Oregon, Siskiyou Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299152.tif ✓ Done
93 Logged Off Browse Type Heavily Grazed by Angora Goats, Bend Oregon, Deschutes Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299153.tif
94 Fort Rock, Adjacent Deschutes National Forest, or 1920 - NARA - 299154.tif
95 Snow Drifts on Crest of High Divide, Wallowa National Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299155.tif
96 Mountains at the Head of the West Fork Wallowa River, Wallowa National Forest, 1915. - NARA - 299156.tif ✓ Done
97 Sentinel Peak and Head of North Fork Imnaha River, Wallowa National Forest, 1915. - NARA - 299157.tif ✓ Done
98 Fish Lake and Surrounding Region, Whitman Forest, 1915 - NARA - 299158.tif
99 Silver Lake (Dry) from Silver Lake Paisley Road, Wallowa Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299159.tif ✓ Done
100 College Creek R. S, Wallowa Forest, 1914 - NARA - 299160.tif
101 Bolan Mountain Lookout Tower, Siskiyou Forest, California , 1919. - NARA - 299162.tif ✓ Done
102 Bolan Lake, Siskiyou Forest, California, 1919 - NARA - 299163.tif ✓ Done
103 Priineville, or, Ochoco Forest, Oregon 1914 - NARA - 299164.tif ✓ Done
104 Medical Springs R. S., Minam Forest, 1917 - NARA - 299165.tif ✓ Done
105 Mill Creek Valley from Evans Ranch, Ochoco Forest, 1916 - NARA - 299166.tif
106 Signal Point from Main Divide Trail, Upper Mill Creek Basin, Ochoco Forest, 1914. - NARA - 299167.tif
107 Ninemile Trail, Pasania Densiflora, Quercus Crysolepis, Siskiyou Forest, California 1919. - NARA - 299168.tif
108 Congleton Ranch near Paulina Oregon, Ochoco Forest, 1917 - NARA - 299169.tif
109 Looking down Ochoco Creek from Blancard Ranch, Ochoco Forest, 1915. - NARA - 299170.tif
110 Looking up Mill Creek from Johnson Ranch, Ochoco Forest, 1915. - NARA - 299171.tif
111 Head Gate Ochoco Irrigation Project, Ochoco Creek, near Prineville, Oregon, Ochoco Forest, 1914. - NARA - 299172.tif
112 Orchard District,Wenatchee River, near Cashmere, Washington, Wenatchee Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299173.tif
113 Bohemia Mountain looking south from Fairview Lookout, Umpqua Forest, Oregon 1920. - NARA - 299174.tif
114 Musick Mine, Umpqua Forest 1920 - NARA - 299175.tif ✓ Done
115 Mount Jefferson from Coffin Mountain Lookout, Santiam Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299176.tif
116 Farm Land on Ochoco Creek , Ochoco Forest, 1919 - NARA - 299177.tif
117 Congleton Ranch on Beaver Creek, Paulina C^amp,H Range, Ochoco Forest, 1918. - NARA - 299178.tif
118 Cliff Rock on Forest Boundary, Mckay Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1914. - NARA - 299179.tif
119 Red Bluff, Desolation Canyon, Ochoco Forest, 1913 - NARA - 299180.tif ✓ Done
120 Steins Pillar, Barney Ranch on Mill Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1916. - NARA - 299181.tif
121 Steins Pillar, Barney Ranch on Mill Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1916. - NARA - 299182.tif ✓ Done
122 Trout Creek Country, Ochoco Forest, 1917 - NARA - 299183.tif
123 Hash Rock Head of Little Mill Creek from Mckay-Mill Creek Divide, Ochoco Forest, 1916. - NARA - 299184.tif
124 Twin Pillars and Hash Rock behind it,Ochoco Forest, 1915 - NARA - 299185.tif
125 Dicks Bluff ^amp, Trout Creek Basin showing Timber type, Ochoco Forest, 1914. - NARA - 299186.tif
126 Bald Mountain from Dicks Creek Divide, Ochoco Forest, 1914 - NARA - 299187.tif ✓ Done
127 Twin Pillars, Ochoco Forest, 1914 - NARA - 299188.tif ✓ Done
128 Old Indian Fort near Albee, Ochoco Forest, 1915 - NARA - 299189.tif ✓ Done
129 Fincher Homestead, Mill Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1911 - NARA - 299190.tif ✓ Done
130 Sanger Peak from Takilma, Oregon, Siskiyou Forest, 1919 - NARA - 299191.tif
131 Canyon City, County Seat of Grant Co. Oregon, Malheur Forest, 1917. - NARA - 299193.tif
132 Port Orford Beach, Battle Rock in foreground, Umatilla Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299194.tif
133 Town of Detroit, Oregon logged over section. Seed to Grasses, Santiam Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299195.tif ✓ Done
134 The Big "Bench", Detroit area reseeded 1916-17, Santiam Forest, or 1920. - NARA - 299196.tif ✓ Done
135 Breitenbush Burn seeded to Orchard Grass, Detroit, Oregon, Santiam, 1920. - NARA - 299197.tif ✓ Done
136 Logged over area near Mill City not seeded to grass, Santiam Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299198.tif
137 Savage Rapids Dam on Rogue River above Grants Pass, Siskiyou, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299199.tif ✓ Done
138 Oregon Caves Camp, showing camp and new road, Siskiyou Forest, Oregon,1922. - NARA - 299200.tif
139 South fork of Mckenzie River Trail, Cascade Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299201.tif
140 Fish Trap-Salmon, across South Willamette River near boundary, Cascade Forest, or, 1922. - NARA - 299202.tif
141 New road to Foley Springs on Mckenzie River District, Cascade Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299203.tif
142 Mckenzie Bridge Ranger Station, Pioneers' Monument with Ranger Taylor. - NARA - 299204.tif ✓ Done
143 Squirrel study on Wagner Butte, Crater Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299205.tif
144 On top of Yellowjacket Butte, Crater Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299206.tif
145 Sugar Pine Ranger Station, on Umpqua-Crater Divide, Umpqua Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299207.tif ✓ Done
146 Youing Plover on stream in Douglas County, Umpqua Forest, Oregon 1922. - NARA - 299208.tif
147 Falls on South Umpqua, Umpqua Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299209.tif ✓ Done
148 South Umpqua Ranger Station Cabin, Umpqua Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299210.tif ✓ Done
149 Grasshopper Lookout Point, Umpqua Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299211.tif
150 Giant Arctostapholos Viscida, Matney Gulch, Crater Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299212.tif
151 Elk Lake Range, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299213.tif
152 Elk Lake Alootment, Main Outlet of Mud Lake, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299214.tif
153 Elk Lake Allotment, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1922 - NARA - 299215.tif
154 New Gopher Mounds on Flat Meadow Range, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299216.tif
155 The Three Sisters, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299217.tif
156 Lave Field, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299218.tif
157 Black Crater and Mount Jefferson, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299219.tif
158 Taylor Butte, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1922 - NARA - 299220.tif ✓ Done
159 Hinton's Sheep in Timber North of Wicken's Plain, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299221.tif
160 Erosion North of Olallie Ranger Station, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1922. - NARA - 299222.tif
161 Horse Lake and Ranger Station, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1922. - NARA - 299223.tif ✓ Done
162 Lake Valley near Scott Lake, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299224.tif
163 Typper Upper Meadow of the South Sister, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1916. - NARA - 299225.tif
164 Scott Lake and Three Sisters, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1922 - NARA - 299226.tif
165 Sisters Range from The "Wife", Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1916. - NARA - 299227.tif
166 Timberline Lodge ^amp, Ski Area - NARA - 299098.tif ✓ Done
167 Rogue River below Mount Hood, Siskiyou National Forest, 1952. - NARA - 299101.tif ✓ Done
168 Spirit Lake below Mount St Helens - NARA - 299058.tif ✓ Done
169 Mount St. Helens - NARA - 299059.tif ✓ Done
170 Cement Arch Bridge across Collawash River, Mount Hood, 1957 - NARA - 299089.tif
171 Lower South Fork Clackamas River Falls, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon, 1957. - NARA - 299090.tif
172 Upper Fork Clackamas River Falls, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon, 1957. - NARA - 299091.tif
173 Mount Hood Ski Area - NARA - 299092.tif ✓ Done
174 Govt Camp, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon - NARA - 299093.tif
175 Timberline Lodge, built by WPA, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon . - NARA - 299094.tif
176 South Slope, Mount Hood Recreation Area, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon, 1950. - NARA - 299095.tif
177 Ski Bowl at Mount Hood, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon, 1950. - NARA - 299096.tif ✓ Done
178 Timberline Lodge Chair Lift, Mount Hood, Oregon - NARA - 299097.tif
179 Old Stagecoach Stop on Twisp-Conconully Route, Okanagon, Washington. - NARA - 299099.tif ✓ Done
180 Old Stage Coach Stop on Twisp-Conconully Route, Okanagon, Washington. - NARA - 299100.tif
181 Spaatz-Eaker Mining Claim Cabin at Mouth of Tern East Creek, Siskiyou National Forest, California, 1952. - NARA - 299102.tif ✓ Done
182 Link Creek Forest Camp, Deschutes, 1954 - NARA - 299103.tif
183 Clark Gable and Jack Oakie As They Sight The "Wolves" in "The Call of The Wild", Mount Baker National Forest, 1935. - NARA - 299074.tif ✓ Done
184 On The "Yukon"in "The Call of The Wild" Clark Gable with Dog, Mount Baker National Forest, 1935. - NARA - 299075.tif
185 Loretta Young Watching a Scene in "The Call of The Wild", Mount Baker National Forest, 1935. - NARA - 299076.tif ✓ Done
186 Between The Cedars on The North Fork Sauk River Trail, Mount Baker, National Forest , 1936. - NARA - 299077.tif
187 The Sauk River Rapids just above The Upper Falls of North Fork Sauk, Mount Baker N. F., 1936. - NARA - 299078.tif
188 Cedar, Douglas Fir and Hemlock at Lost River on North Fork Sauk Trail, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299079.tif
189 A Rustic Open Front Shelter at French Creek Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299080.tif ✓ Done
190 Among The Cedars on The North Fork Sauk River, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299081.tif ✓ Done
191 A Ski Jumper about 20ft from Snow Take-Off, Heather Meadows, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299082.tif ✓ Done
192 Registry Booth at Clear Creek Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest 1936. - NARA - 299083.tif
193 CCC Constructed Drinking Fountain at Verlot Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299084.tif
194 The Escalator Enroute up Panoram Dome, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299085.tif
195 The Community Kitchen at Baker Lake Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest 1936. - NARA - 299086.tif ✓ Done
196 A Screen Top Stove without Flue on The Douglas Fir Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299087.tif
197 A Registry Booth at French Creek Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299088.tif
198 CCC Boys Digging up Heather Sod for Transplanting on A Picnic Area, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299070.tif
199 The Community Kitchen at French Creek Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299071.tif
200 CCC Boys Constructing Community Kitchen in Galena Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299072.tif ✓ Done
201 CCC Boys Constructing Campground Table and Benches at Baker Lake, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299073.tif
202 CCC Boys getting Fuel Wood from A Campground Cache for Warming Skiers, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299068.tif
203 Supervisor Burgess and Ranger Cooke Trying out The CCC Constructed Hobby Horse, Douglas Fir Forest Camp, Mount Baker... - NARA - 299069.tif
204 A Recreation Trail through Vine Maples, Douglas Fir Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299066.tif
205 A Small Group from A Girls Summer School on Sunrise Lake, Mount Baker National Forest,1936. - NARA - 299067.tif
206 North Cascade Primitive Area at Unimproved Sites, Elbow Basin, Mount Baker National Forest. - NARA - 299063.tif
207 Horse Camp at Image Lake, Glacier Peak, Mount Baker Forest - NARA - 299064.tif ✓ Done
208 Devils Elbow Trail, Skagit River, 1955 - NARA - 299065.tif ✓ Done
209 Ross Lake Reservoir, Mount Baker National Forest, 1954 - NARA - 299062.tif ✓ Done
210 Sisters Ski Resort, Malheur National Forest, @ 1950 - NARA - 299060.tif
211 Sisters Ski Resort, malheur National Forest, @ 1950 - NARA - 299061.tif
212 South Sister, Deschutes National Forest, 1954 - NARA - 299056.tif ✓ Done
213 Mirror Lake, South Sister, Deschutes National Forest 1954 - NARA - 299057.tif
214 (Xerophyllum Tenax) Pine Lily, Bear Grass, Indian Basket Grass. - NARA - 299011.jpg ✓ Done
215 (Mimulus Lewisii) Monkey Flower - NARA - 299012.jpg ✓ Done
216 (Eucephalus Pancicapitatus) - NARA - 299013.jpg
217 (Campula Piperi) Piper's Blue-Bell - NARA - 299014.jpg
218 (Erigeron Cespitosa) - NARA - 299015.jpg
219 (Phlox Diffusa) Mountain Phlox - NARA - 299016.jpg
220 (Saxifrage Tolmiei) Saxifrage - NARA - 299017.jpg ✓ Done
221 (Erigeran Saluginosus) - NARA - 299018.jpg
222 (Campula Rotundifolia) Scotch Blue-Bell - NARA - 299019.jpg
223 (Pedicularis Bracteorsa) Elephant Trunk and (Castilleja Oreopola) Indian Paint Brush. - NARA - 299020.jpg
224 (Senecio Websteri) - NARA - 299021.jpg
225 (Spirea Hendersoni) - NARA - 299022.jpg
226 Grass of Parnassus, Olympic National Forest - NARA - 299023.jpg
227 (Pulsatilla Occidentalis) and (Heuchera Racemosa) - NARA - 299024.jpg
228 (Spiraea Densiflora) - NARA - 299025.jpg
229 Licorice Root Fern - NARA - 299026.jpg ✓ Done
230 Alpine Anenome - NARA - 299027.jpg ✓ Done
231 Red Heather - NARA - 299028.jpg ✓ Done
232 Arabis Drommondi (^) - NARA - 299029.jpg
233 Arabis Drommondi(^) - NARA - 299030.jpg
234 Nymphae Ploysepala - NARA - 299031.jpg ✓ Done
235 Pedicularia Racemosa - NARA - 299033.jpg ✓ Done
236 Twin Flower Linnaea Americana - NARA - 299034.jpg ✓ Done
237 Cornas Canadensis - NARA - 299035.jpg ✓ Done
238 Bear Grass - NARA - 299036.jpg ✓ Done
239 Bear Grass-Squaw Grass - NARA - 299037.jpg ✓ Done
240 Minulus Langsdorfii - NARA - 299038.jpg ✓ Done
241 Haberaria - NARA - 299039.jpg ✓ Done
242 Haberaria - NARA - 299040.jpg
243 Oregon Anenome - NARA - 299041.jpg ✓ Done
244 Oregon Anenome - NARA - 299042.jpg ✓ Done
245 Senecio Trian - NARA - 299043.jpg
246 Senecio Trian - NARA - 299044.jpg
247 Princess Pine - NARA - 299045.jpg ✓ Done
248 Hearat Leaved Amica (Amica Cordifolia) - NARA - 299046.jpg ✓ Done
249 Aster - NARA - 299047.jpg ✓ Done
250 Ranuculus - NARA - 299048.jpg ✓ Done
251 Caltha - NARA - 299049.jpg
252 Tiarella - NARA - 299050.jpg ✓ Done
253 Senecio Trian - NARA - 299051.jpg
254 Pyrola Secunda - NARA - 299052.jpg
255 Pealy Sunlsting "Anaphalis" - NARA - 299053.jpg
256 Princess Pine - NARA - 299054.jpg
257 Lupine - NARA - 299055.jpg ✓ Done
258 Peavine Ridge, Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299104.jpg
259 Peavine Ridge in Sixes River, Sisiiyou National Forest, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299105.jpg
260 H. B. Steiner's Ranch, Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299106.jpg
261 Steiner Ranch, Brush in Shade of Fir and Alder, Siskiyou Forest, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299107.jpg
262 Oregon State Fair, Salem, Oregon, Second Prize Long Mohair, 1920. - NARA - 299108.jpg
263 Uinta National Forest, Utah, 1920 - NARA - 299109.jpg ✓ Done
264 Uinta National Forest, Utah, 1920 - NARA - 299110.jpg ✓ Done
265 Wild Rose, Chumstick Creek, Wenatchee, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299111.jpg
266 Erigeron, Bohemia Area, Santiam, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299112.jpg
267 Hosakia, Detroit, or, Santiam, 1920 - NARA - 299113.jpg ✓ Done
268 Agastache Urticiolia (Giant Hyssop), Umpqua, D. C. I., Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299114.jpg
269 Notholcus Lanatus (Velvet Grass), Detroit, or, Santiam, 1920. - NARA - 299115.jpg ✓ Done
270 Viorna Douglasii (Virgins Bower), Ironside Exp. Plot, Whitman, 1920. - NARA - 299116.jpg
271 Lilim Parviflorum (Wild Tiger Lily), Wenatchee, Washington, 1920. - NARA - 299117.jpg ✓ Done
272 Boschniakia Strobilacea, Matney Gulch Exp. Area, Crater, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299118.jpg ✓ Done
273 Lupinus and Carduus, Cape Blanco, Siskiyou, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299119.jpg ✓ Done
274 Anaphalis, Bohemia Mountain, Umpqua, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299120.jpg
275 Eriogonum, Bohemia, Umpqua, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299121.jpg ✓ Done
276 White Blossom Thistle, Cape Blanco, Siskiyou, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299122.jpg
277 Blasamorhiza Sagittata (Balsam Root) Big Creek, Minam, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299123.jpg
278 Hydrophyllum Capitatum (Waterleaf), Umatilla, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299124.jpg ✓ Done
279 Agastache Occidentalis, Bohemia Area, Umpqua, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299125.jpg
280 Lupinus, Leavenworth, Wenatchee, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299126.jpg
281 Castanopsis Chrysophylla (Chinquapin), Detroit, Santiam, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299127.jpg ✓ Done
282 Erythronium Parviflorum (Dog Tooth Violet), Umatilla, Oregon. 1920. - NARA - 299128.jpg
283 Eriodictyon Glutinosum (Yerba Santa or Mount Balm) Matney Gulch Exp. Area, Crater, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299129.jpg
284 Phacelia, Chumstick, Creek, Wenatche, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299130.jpg
285 Lathyrus Nevadensis (Nevada Peavine), Big Creek, Minam, 1920. - NARA - 299131.jpg ✓ Done
286 Delphinium, Texas Bar Range, Umatilla, Oregon, 1920 - NARA - 299132.jpg ✓ Done
287 Thlaspi Alpestre (Alpine Pennycress), Camas and Hideaway Range, Umatilla, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299133.jpg
288 Road Building, Wenatchee, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299134.jpg
289 Road Building, Wenatchee, Washington, 1920 - NARA - 299135.jpg
290 Cheanimnus C^amp,H Range, Wallowa, Washington, 1914 - NARA - 299136.jpg
291 Type of Bulls on the Burns C^amp,H Range, Myrtle Park, Maheur Forest, 1917. - NARA - 299137.jpg
292 Dehorning Cattle, Stanton Ranch, Mill Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1915. - NARA - 299138.jpg ✓ Done
293 Sheep Bedded, Cougar Mountain Allotment, Wenatchee Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299139.jpg
294 Sheep on Cougar Mountain Allotment, Wenatchee Forest, Washington, 1920. - NARA - 299140.jpg
295 Counting Sheep Crossing Bridge, Minam Div, Whitman Forest, Washington, 1917. - NARA - 299141.jpg
296 Sheep Camp, Kaser Allotment, Potted Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1916. - NARA - 299142.jpg
297 Zogleman Sheep Leaving Corral During Lambing, Egypt Valley, Snow Mountain, Ochoco Forest, 1919. - NARA - 299143.jpg
298 Sheep Leaving Ochoco Forest via Trout Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1916. - NARA - 299144.jpg
299 Goats Grazing Logged Off Area, Deschutes Forest, 1920 - NARA - 299145.jpg ✓ Done
300 Goat Grazing Ceanothus Intergerrimus, Crater Forest, Oregon, 1920. - NARA - 299146.jpg
301 Davis Bros. Goats Near Ashland, Oregon, Crater Forest, 1920 - NARA - 299147.jpg
302 Kid or Goat Fence, Davis Bros. Ranch, Ashland, Oregon, Crater Forest, 1917. - NARA - 299148.jpg ✓ Done
303 Angora Goats on Cutover Oak Land, Cleaning Sprouts, Douglas County, Oregon, Umpqua Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299149.jpg ✓ Done
304 Pepper Bush or Myrtle (Umbelulara Californica) Browsed by Goats, Siskiyou Forest, California, 1920. - NARA - 299150.jpg
305 Angora Goats in Oak-Conifer Type, Douglas County, Oregon, Umpqua Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299151.jpg
306 Typical Logged Over, Burned Off Land in Sixes River Region, Southwest Oregon, Siskiyou Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299152.jpg ✓ Done
307 Logged Off Browse Type Heavily Grazed by Angora Goats, Bend Oregon, Deschutes Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299153.jpg
308 Fort Rock, Adjacent Deschutes National Forest, or 1920 - NARA - 299154.jpg
309 Snow Drifts on Crest of High Divide, Wallowa National Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299155.jpg
310 Mountains at the Head of the West Fork Wallowa River, Wallowa National Forest, 1915. - NARA - 299156.jpg ✓ Done
311 Sentinel Peak and Head of North Fork Imnaha River, Wallowa National Forest, 1915. - NARA - 299157.jpg ✓ Done
312 Fish Lake and Surrounding Region, Whitman Forest, 1915 - NARA - 299158.jpg
313 Silver Lake (Dry) from Silver Lake Paisley Road, Wallowa Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299159.jpg
314 College Creek R. S, Wallowa Forest, 1914 - NARA - 299160.jpg
315 Bolan Mountain Lookout Tower, Siskiyou Forest, California , 1919. - NARA - 299162.jpg ✓ Done
316 Bolan Lake, Siskiyou Forest, California, 1919 - NARA - 299163.jpg ✓ Done
317 Priineville, or, Ochoco Forest, Oregon 1914 - NARA - 299164.jpg ✓ Done
318 Medical Springs R. S., Minam Forest, 1917 - NARA - 299165.jpg ✓ Done
319 Mill Creek Valley from Evans Ranch, Ochoco Forest, 1916 - NARA - 299166.jpg
320 Signal Point from Main Divide Trail, Upper Mill Creek Basin, Ochoco Forest, 1914. - NARA - 299167.jpg
321 Ninemile Trail, Pasania Densiflora, Quercus Crysolepis, Siskiyou Forest, California 1919. - NARA - 299168.jpg
322 Congleton Ranch near Paulina Oregon, Ochoco Forest, 1917 - NARA - 299169.jpg
323 Looking down Ochoco Creek from Blancard Ranch, Ochoco Forest, 1915. - NARA - 299170.jpg
324 Looking up Mill Creek from Johnson Ranch, Ochoco Forest, 1915. - NARA - 299171.jpg
325 Head Gate Ochoco Irrigation Project, Ochoco Creek, near Prineville, Oregon, Ochoco Forest, 1914. - NARA - 299172.jpg
326 Orchard District,Wenatchee River, near Cashmere, Washington, Wenatchee Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299173.jpg
327 Bohemia Mountain looking south from Fairview Lookout, Umpqua Forest, Oregon 1920. - NARA - 299174.jpg
328 Musick Mine, Umpqua Forest 1920 - NARA - 299175.jpg ✓ Done
329 Mount Jefferson from Coffin Mountain Lookout, Santiam Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299176.jpg
330 Farm Land on Ochoco Creek , Ochoco Forest, 1919 - NARA - 299177.jpg
331 Congleton Ranch on Beaver Creek, Paulina C^amp,H Range, Ochoco Forest, 1918. - NARA - 299178.jpg
332 Cliff Rock on Forest Boundary, Mckay Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1914. - NARA - 299179.jpg
333 Red Bluff, Desolation Canyon, Ochoco Forest, 1913 - NARA - 299180.jpg ✓ Done
334 Steins Pillar, Barney Ranch on Mill Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1916. - NARA - 299181.jpg
335 Steins Pillar, Barney Ranch on Mill Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1916. - NARA - 299182.jpg ✓ Done
336 Trout Creek Country, Ochoco Forest, 1917 - NARA - 299183.jpg
337 Hash Rock Head of Little Mill Creek from Mckay-Mill Creek Divide, Ochoco Forest, 1916. - NARA - 299184.jpg
338 Twin Pillars and Hash Rock behind it,Ochoco Forest, 1915 - NARA - 299185.jpg
339 Dicks Bluff ^amp, Trout Creek Basin showing Timber type, Ochoco Forest, 1914. - NARA - 299186.jpg
340 Bald Mountain from Dicks Creek Divide, Ochoco Forest, 1914 - NARA - 299187.jpg ✓ Done
341 Twin Pillars, Ochoco Forest, 1914 - NARA - 299188.jpg ✓ Done
342 Old Indian Fort near Albee, Ochoco Forest, 1915 - NARA - 299189.jpg ✓ Done
343 Fincher Homestead, Mill Creek, Ochoco Forest, 1911 - NARA - 299190.jpg ✓ Done
344 Sanger Peak from Takilma, Oregon, Siskiyou Forest, 1919 - NARA - 299191.jpg
345 Canyon City, County Seat of Grant Co. Oregon, Malheur Forest, 1917. - NARA - 299193.jpg
346 Port Orford Beach, Battle Rock in foreground, Umatilla Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299194.jpg
347 Town of Detroit, Oregon logged over section. Seed to Grasses, Santiam Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299195.jpg ✓ Done
348 The Big "Bench", Detroit area reseeded 1916-17, Santiam Forest, or 1920. - NARA - 299196.jpg ✓ Done
349 Breitenbush Burn seeded to Orchard Grass, Detroit, Oregon, Santiam, 1920. - NARA - 299197.jpg ✓ Done
350 Logged over area near Mill City not seeded to grass, Santiam Forest, 1920. - NARA - 299198.jpg
351 Savage Rapids Dam on Rogue River above Grants Pass, Siskiyou, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299199.jpg ✓ Done
352 Oregon Caves Camp, showing camp and new road, Siskiyou Forest, Oregon,1922. - NARA - 299200.jpg
353 South fork of Mckenzie River Trail, Cascade Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299201.jpg
354 Fish Trap-Salmon, across South Willamette River near boundary, Cascade Forest, or, 1922. - NARA - 299202.jpg
355 New road to Foley Springs on Mckenzie River District, Cascade Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299203.jpg
356 Mckenzie Bridge Ranger Station, Pioneers' Monument with Ranger Taylor. - NARA - 299204.jpg ✓ Done
357 Squirrel study on Wagner Butte, Crater Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299205.jpg
358 On top of Yellowjacket Butte, Crater Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299206.jpg
359 Sugar Pine Ranger Station, on Umpqua-Crater Divide, Umpqua Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299207.jpg ✓ Done
360 Youing Plover on stream in Douglas County, Umpqua Forest, Oregon 1922. - NARA - 299208.jpg
361 Falls on South Umpqua, Umpqua Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299209.jpg ✓ Done
362 South Umpqua Ranger Station Cabin, Umpqua Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299210.jpg ✓ Done
363 Grasshopper Lookout Point, Umpqua Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299211.jpg
364 Giant Arctostapholos Viscida, Matney Gulch, Crater Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299212.jpg
365 Elk Lake Range, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299213.jpg
366 Elk Lake Alootment, Main Outlet of Mud Lake, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299214.jpg
367 Elk Lake Allotment, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1922 - NARA - 299215.jpg
368 New Gopher Mounds on Flat Meadow Range, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299216.jpg
369 The Three Sisters, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299217.jpg
370 Lave Field, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299218.jpg
371 Black Crater and Mount Jefferson, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299219.jpg
372 Taylor Butte, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1922 - NARA - 299220.jpg ✓ Done
373 Hinton's Sheep in Timber North of Wicken's Plain, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922. - NARA - 299221.jpg
374 Erosion North of Olallie Ranger Station, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1922. - NARA - 299222.jpg
375 Horse Lake and Ranger Station, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1922. - NARA - 299223.jpg ✓ Done
376 Lake Valley near Scott Lake, Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1922 - NARA - 299224.jpg
377 Typper Upper Meadow of the South Sister, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1916. - NARA - 299225.jpg
378 Scott Lake and Three Sisters, Deschutes Forest, Oregon 1922 - NARA - 299226.jpg
379 Sisters Range from The "Wife", Deschutes Forest, Oregon, 1916. - NARA - 299227.jpg
380 Timberline Lodge ^amp, Ski Area - NARA - 299098.jpg
381 Rogue River below Mount Hood, Siskiyou National Forest, 1952. - NARA - 299101.jpg ✓ Done
382 Spirit Lake below Mount St Helens - NARA - 299058.jpg
383 Mount St. Helens - NARA - 299059.jpg ✓ Done
384 Cement Arch Bridge across Collawash River, Mount Hood, 1957 - NARA - 299089.jpg ✓ Done
385 Lower South Fork Clackamas River Falls, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon, 1957. - NARA - 299090.jpg ✓ Done
386 Upper Fork Clackamas River Falls, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon, 1957. - NARA - 299091.jpg ✓ Done
387 Mount Hood Ski Area - NARA - 299092.jpg ✓ Done
388 Govt Camp, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon - NARA - 299093.jpg
389 Timberline Lodge, built by WPA, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon . - NARA - 299094.jpg
390 South Slope, Mount Hood Recreation Area, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon, 1950. - NARA - 299095.jpg
391 Ski Bowl at Mount Hood, Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon, 1950. - NARA - 299096.jpg ✓ Done
392 Timberline Lodge Chair Lift, Mount Hood, Oregon - NARA - 299097.jpg
393 Old Stagecoach Stop on Twisp-Conconully Route, Okanagon, Washington. - NARA - 299099.jpg ✓ Done
394 Old Stage Coach Stop on Twisp-Conconully Route, Okanagon, Washington. - NARA - 299100.jpg
395 Spaatz-Eaker Mining Claim Cabin at Mouth of Tern East Creek, Siskiyou National Forest, California, 1952. - NARA - 299102.jpg ✓ Done
396 Link Creek Forest Camp, Deschutes, 1954 - NARA - 299103.jpg
397 Clark Gable and Jack Oakie As They Sight The "Wolves" in "The Call of The Wild", Mount Baker National Forest, 1935. - NARA - 299074.jpg ✓ Done
398 On The "Yukon"in "The Call of The Wild" Clark Gable with Dog, Mount Baker National Forest, 1935. - NARA - 299075.jpg ✓ Done
399 Loretta Young Watching a Scene in "The Call of The Wild", Mount Baker National Forest, 1935. - NARA - 299076.jpg ✓ Done
400 Between The Cedars on The North Fork Sauk River Trail, Mount Baker, National Forest , 1936. - NARA - 299077.jpg
401 The Sauk River Rapids just above The Upper Falls of North Fork Sauk, Mount Baker N. F., 1936. - NARA - 299078.jpg ✓ Done
402 Cedar, Douglas Fir and Hemlock at Lost River on North Fork Sauk Trail, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299079.jpg ✓ Done
403 A Rustic Open Front Shelter at French Creek Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299080.jpg
404 Among The Cedars on The North Fork Sauk River, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299081.jpg
405 A Ski Jumper about 20ft from Snow Take-Off, Heather Meadows, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299082.jpg ✓ Done
406 Registry Booth at Clear Creek Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest 1936. - NARA - 299083.jpg
407 CCC Constructed Drinking Fountain at Verlot Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299084.jpg
408 The Escalator Enroute up Panoram Dome, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299085.jpg
409 The Community Kitchen at Baker Lake Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest 1936. - NARA - 299086.jpg ✓ Done
410 A Screen Top Stove without Flue on The Douglas Fir Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299087.jpg
411 A Registry Booth at French Creek Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299088.jpg
412 CCC Boys Digging up Heather Sod for Transplanting on A Picnic Area, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299070.jpg
413 The Community Kitchen at French Creek Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299071.jpg ✓ Done
414 CCC Boys Constructing Community Kitchen in Galena Forest Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299072.jpg ✓ Done
415 CCC Boys Constructing Campground Table and Benches at Baker Lake, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299073.jpg ✓ Done
416 CCC Boys getting Fuel Wood from A Campground Cache for Warming Skiers, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299068.jpg ✓ Done
417 Supervisor Burgess and Ranger Cooke Trying out The CCC Constructed Hobby Horse, Douglas Fir Forest Camp, Mount Baker... - NARA - 299069.jpg
418 A Recreation Trail through Vine Maples, Douglas Fir Camp, Mount Baker National Forest, 1936. - NARA - 299066.jpg
419 A Small Group from A Girls Summer School on Sunrise Lake, Mount Baker National Forest,1936. - NARA - 299067.jpg ✓ Done
420 North Cascade Primitive Area at Unimproved Sites, Elbow Basin, Mount Baker National Forest. - NARA - 299063.jpg
421 Horse Camp at Image Lake, Glacier Peak, Mount Baker Forest - NARA - 299064.jpg ✓ Done
422 Devils Elbow Trail, Skagit River, 1955 - NARA - 299065.jpg ✓ Done
423 Ross Lake Reservoir, Mount Baker National Forest, 1954 - NARA - 299062.jpg ✓ Done
424 Sisters Ski Resort, Malheur National Forest, @ 1950 - NARA - 299060.jpg ✓ Done
425 Sisters Ski Resort, malheur National Forest, @ 1950 - NARA - 299061.jpg ✓ Done
426 South Sister, Deschutes National Forest, 1954 - NARA - 299056.jpg ✓ Done
427 Mirror Lake, South Sister, Deschutes National Forest 1954 - NARA - 299057.jpg ✓ Done
428 Nymphaea polysepala - NARA - 299031.tif ✓ Done
429 Nymphaea polysepala - NARA - 299032.jpg ✓ Done
430 Nymphaea polysepala - NARA - 299032.tif ✓ Done