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global function "format"

is invoked from e.g. Created with/layout when

  • either the name of the logo starts with U+ or &#
  • and/or an iconsize is specified.
  1. analize logo: when it contains a dot, it cannot be a codepoint
    no further checks are performed whether is is a valid file name, e.g. "U+2861.svg";
    without a dot it is assumed to be a codepoint, as e.g. ⡡
    no further checks are performed whether is is a valid codepoint,
    but the notation U+ is converted to &#x... and the display becomes tooltipped
  2. analize iconsize: when it is missing, useful defaults are set: 33px for Unicode, 36x22px for files
    when it is specified, the absence/presence of the px dimension is verified
  3. either the file, or the codepoint is displayed

With other file names and no iconsize, no invocation occurs


local p = {}   --  Module for: Formatting Logo

function p.format (frame)
	local gpar = frame.args		--	global
	local file = 'F'			--	assume file
	local size = gpar[2] or '0'	--	"0" for	"unspecified"
	local styl = ';'..gpar[3] or '-'	--	"unspecified"
	local titl = '">'			-- no title
	if  mw.ustring.sub(size, -2) == 'px' then
		size = mw.ustring.sub(size, 1, #size-2 )
	if	not mw.ustring.find( gpar[1], '.', 1, true ) then
		if	mw.ustring.sub ( gpar[1], 1, 2 ) == 'U+'	or
			mw.ustring.sub ( gpar[1], 1, 2 ) == '&#'	then
			file = 'U'
			if	mw.ustring.sub( gpar[1], 1, 2 ) == 'U+' then	--	standardize:
				titl = '" title='..gpar[1]..'>'
				gpar[1] = mw.ustring.gsub( gpar[1]..';', 'U%+', '&#x' ),_ 
				mw.ustring.sub( gpar[1], 1, 3 ) == '&#;' then	--	textstring: 	
				gpar[1] = mw.ustring.sub( gpar[1], 4 )
			if	styl == ';-' then styl = ';' end	--	not specified
			if	size ~= '0' then
				local stab = mw.text.split( size, 'x' )
				size = stab[1]
				if stab[2] then size = stab[2] end	--	height
				size = '33'		--	Unicode default size
		if	size == '0'	then
			size = '36x22'		--	File default size

	if file == 'F' then 
		return '[[File:'..gpar[1]..'|'..size..'px]]'	-- allow linking
		return '<span style="font-size:'..size..'px;vertical-align:middle'..styl..titl..gpar[1]..'</span>'
end -- function format

return p