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Mr. Farley’s career includes leadership positions in both the public and private sectors – including eight years in the City Manager’s Office in Sacramento, eight years as a small-business owner, and nine years with Fortune 1000 companies.  He has executed a wide range of innovative programs and projects of unprecedented scale – many of which received regional and statewide recognition. A substantial portion of his career has involved strategic planning, economic development, capital budgeting and financing, and presenting work products to elected officials, advisory boards, board of directors, financial partners, community organizations, news media, and editorial boards. He has a master’s degree from the USC Price School of Public Policy with a focus on Intergovernmental Management.  He recently completed the coursework requirements for a PhD in Public Policy and Administration with a concentration in urban and regional policy. During his PhD studies he produced a number of papers and articles on a wide-range of topics including real estate development, local economic development and policy history.