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User:JJMC89 bot/report/BSicons/logs/move/2018-01

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Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
File:KRZq+1o.svg   (KRZq+1o) 248874789 2018-01-01T00:25:04Z DerBorg [[COM:FR#FR1|Criterion 1]] (original uploader’s request)


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
uhACCle   (uhACC+l) 249258173 2018-01-02T13:00:53Z Jc86035
kHST3 any   (xmkHST3 grey+black) 249293526 2018-01-02T16:14:21Z Jc86035
HST3 any cubic   (xmHST3 (cubic) grey+black) 249293822 2018-01-02T16:15:49Z Jc86035
HST3 any circular   (xmHST3 grey+black) 249293890 2018-01-02T16:16:01Z Jc86035
3HST3 any   (xm3HST3 grey+black) 249293924 2018-01-02T16:16:14Z Jc86035
HSTr any   (xmHSTr grey+black) 249293974 2018-01-02T16:16:28Z Jc86035




Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
xGRENZEr   (xKZOLLeq) 249837345 2018-01-04T11:03:18Z Jc86035
xGRENZEl   (xKZOLLaq) 249837354 2018-01-04T11:03:20Z Jc86035




Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
mvSTR purple   (mvSTR purple+) 250431782 2018-01-06T05:07:55Z Jc86035


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
xENDEe ruby   (ENDExe ruby) 250744863 2018-01-07T11:50:24Z Jc86035
BHFlf!   (BHFl) 250776508 2018-01-07T14:03:18Z Jcb per [[Commons:Deletion requests/File:BSicon BHFl.svg]]
BHFrf!   (BHFr) 250777596 2018-01-07T14:08:02Z Jcb per [[Commons:Deletion requests/File:BSicon BHFr.svg]]


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
htBHFaq maroon   (htBHFafq maroon) 251041825 2018-01-08T12:01:49Z Jc86035
KABZl+34 maroon   (kABZl+34 maroon) 251042058 2018-01-08T12:02:57Z Jc86035
KABZl+34 orange   (kABZl+34 orange) 251042090 2018-01-08T12:03:05Z Jc86035
utvKRZto sky+   (umtvKRZto sky+) 251042795 2018-01-08T12:06:26Z Jc86035
uextvKRZto sky+   (uxmtvKRZto sky+) 251042868 2018-01-08T12:06:47Z Jc86035


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
hBHFCCa teal   (htBHFeg teal) 251242066 2018-01-09T05:25:05Z Jc86035
hBHFCCe teal   (htBHFaf teal) 251242132 2018-01-09T05:25:27Z Jc86035
hBHFCCaq teal   (htBHFafq teal) 251242220 2018-01-09T05:25:59Z Jc86035
utTBHFt green+   (umtTBHFt green+) 251242358 2018-01-09T05:26:50Z Jc86035
hBHFCCeq teal   (htBHFegq teal) 251242704 2018-01-09T05:28:51Z Jc86035
BHFrg!   (BHF+l) 251284130 2018-01-09T09:25:17Z Jc86035




Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
BHFlg!   (BHF+r) 251933747 2018-01-11T15:56:19Z Jc86035
CABZq+l   (CABZql') 251938542 2018-01-11T16:26:34Z Jc86035
CABZq+r   (CABZq+l') 251938574 2018-01-11T16:26:48Z Jc86035
CABZql   (CABZqr') 251938593 2018-01-11T16:26:53Z Jc86035
CABZqr   (CABZq+r') 251938609 2018-01-11T16:27:00Z Jc86035
eCABZ+lr   (CABZ+rxl) 251938803 2018-01-11T16:28:25Z Jc86035
eCABZl+l   (CABZxl+l) 251938826 2018-01-11T16:28:35Z Jc86035
eCABZlr   (CABZrxl) 251938844 2018-01-11T16:28:43Z Jc86035
eCABZr+r   (CABZxr+r) 251938869 2018-01-11T16:28:53Z Jc86035
xCABZ+lr   (CABZ+lxr) 251938939 2018-01-11T16:29:23Z Jc86035
xCABZl+l   (CABZl+xl) 251938951 2018-01-11T16:29:28Z Jc86035
xCABZlr   (CABZlxr) 251938972 2018-01-11T16:29:38Z Jc86035
xCABZr+r   (xCABZr+xr) 251938991 2018-01-11T16:29:43Z Jc86035
eCABZq+l   (eCABZql') 251939162 2018-01-11T16:30:49Z Jc86035
xCABZq+l   (xCABZql') 251939166 2018-01-11T16:30:51Z Jc86035
eCABZq+r   (eCABZq+l') 251939210 2018-01-11T16:31:12Z Jc86035
xCABZq+r   (xCABZq+l') 251939213 2018-01-11T16:31:13Z Jc86035
eCABZql   (eCABZqr') 251939233 2018-01-11T16:31:22Z Jc86035
xCABZql   (xCABZqr') 251939236 2018-01-11T16:31:22Z Jc86035
eCABZqr   (eCABZq+r') 251939259 2018-01-11T16:31:30Z Jc86035
xCABZqr   (xCABZq+r') 251939260 2018-01-11T16:31:30Z Jc86035
xCABZr+xr   (CABZr+xr) 251939543 2018-01-11T16:33:45Z Jc86035
ueCABZ+lr   (uCABZ+rxl) 251939724 2018-01-11T16:34:52Z Jc86035
ueCABZl+l   (uCABZxl+l) 251939728 2018-01-11T16:34:54Z Jc86035
ueCABZlr   (uCABZrxl) 251939730 2018-01-11T16:34:55Z Jc86035
ueCABZr+r   (uCABZxr+r) 251939736 2018-01-11T16:34:56Z Jc86035
uxCABZ+lr   (uCABZ+lxr) 251939759 2018-01-11T16:35:06Z Jc86035
uxCABZlr   (uCABZlxr) 251939765 2018-01-11T16:35:09Z Jc86035
uxCABZl+l   (uCABZl+xl) 251939766 2018-01-11T16:35:09Z Jc86035
uxCABZr+r   (uCABZr+xr) 251939767 2018-01-11T16:35:09Z Jc86035
uCABZq+l   (uCABZql') 251940063 2018-01-11T16:37:22Z Jc86035
ueCABZq+l   (ueCABZql') 251940065 2018-01-11T16:37:22Z Jc86035
uexCABZq+l   (uexCABZql') 251940070 2018-01-11T16:37:23Z Jc86035
uxCABZq+l   (uxCABZql') 251940071 2018-01-11T16:37:24Z Jc86035
uCABZq+r   (uCABZq+l') 251940128 2018-01-11T16:37:40Z Jc86035
ueCABZq+r   (ueCABZq+l') 251940129 2018-01-11T16:37:41Z Jc86035
uexCABZq+r   (uexCABZq+l') 251940134 2018-01-11T16:37:43Z Jc86035
uxCABZq+r   (uxCABZq+l') 251940142 2018-01-11T16:37:46Z Jc86035
uCABZql   (uCABZqr') 251940267 2018-01-11T16:38:51Z Jc86035
ueCABZql   (ueCABZqr') 251940274 2018-01-11T16:38:53Z Jc86035
uexCABZql   (uexCABZqr') 251940278 2018-01-11T16:38:55Z Jc86035
uxCABZql   (uxCABZqr') 251940287 2018-01-11T16:38:59Z Jc86035
uCABZqr   (uCABZq+r') 251940290 2018-01-11T16:39:00Z Jc86035
ueCABZqr   (ueCABZq+r') 251940304 2018-01-11T16:39:03Z Jc86035
uexCABZqr   (uexCABZq+r') 251940309 2018-01-11T16:39:06Z Jc86035
uxCABZqr   (uxCABZq+r') 251940317 2018-01-11T16:39:08Z Jc86035
eDABZ+lr   (DABZ+rxl) 251940782 2018-01-11T16:42:41Z Jc86035
eDABZl+l   (DABZxl+l) 251940787 2018-01-11T16:42:43Z Jc86035
eDABZlr   (DABZrxl) 251940791 2018-01-11T16:42:43Z Jc86035
eDABZr+r   (DABZxr+r) 251940793 2018-01-11T16:42:45Z Jc86035
ueDABZ+lr   (uDABZ+rxl) 251940796 2018-01-11T16:42:45Z Jc86035
ueDABZl+l   (uDABZxl+l) 251940800 2018-01-11T16:42:47Z Jc86035
ueDABZlr   (uDABZrxl) 251940802 2018-01-11T16:42:48Z Jc86035
ueDABZr+r   (uDABZxr+r) 251940806 2018-01-11T16:42:49Z Jc86035
xDABZ+lr   (DABZ+lxr) 251941017 2018-01-11T16:44:01Z Jc86035
xDABZl+l   (DABZl+xl) 251941065 2018-01-11T16:44:24Z Jc86035
xDABZlr   (DABZlxr) 251941067 2018-01-11T16:44:24Z Jc86035
xDABZr+r   (DABZr+xr) 251941068 2018-01-11T16:44:25Z Jc86035
uxDABZ+lr   (uDABZ+lxr) 251941075 2018-01-11T16:44:27Z Jc86035
uxDABZl+l   (uDABZl+xl) 251941079 2018-01-11T16:44:28Z Jc86035
uxDABZlr   (uDABZlxr) 251941084 2018-01-11T16:44:29Z Jc86035
uxDABZr+r   (uDABZr+xr) 251941087 2018-01-11T16:44:30Z Jc86035


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
evKRZ3u-   (evKRZ3+1u-) 252222788 2018-01-12T15:20:38Z Jc86035 +1 would be necessary to distinguish -KRZq3 and -KRZq3+1
ueKS+BHFa   (uexKS+BHFa) 252314380 2018-01-12T22:35:09Z Wiki13 [[COM:FR#FR4|Criterion 4]] (harmonizing names of file set) · per BSicon conventions
ueKS+BHFe   (uexKS+BHFe) 252314456 2018-01-12T22:35:31Z Wiki13 [[COM:FR#FR4|Criterion 4]] (harmonizing names of file set) · per BSicon conventions


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
exCABZqr   (exCABZq+r') 252388333 2018-01-13T05:28:13Z Jc86035
exCABZq+l   (exCABZql') 252388416 2018-01-13T05:28:43Z Jc86035
exCABZql   (exCABZqr') 252388483 2018-01-13T05:29:08Z Jc86035
exCABZq+r   (exCABZq+l') 252388521 2018-01-13T05:29:21Z Jc86035
mvÜST-ÜST yellow+sky   (vÜST yellow-ÜST sky) 252398908 2018-01-13T06:32:32Z Jc86035
xhKBHFxe   (ehKBHFxe) 252516682 2018-01-13T13:50:59Z DerBorg [[COM:FR#FR3|Criterion 3]] (obvious error)
extKINTACCa etal   (extKINTACCa teal) 252558526 2018-01-13T16:43:49Z Jc86035 wrong title
extKINTACCaq etal   (extKINTACCaq teal) 252558540 2018-01-13T16:43:52Z Jc86035 wrong title
extKINTACCe etal   (extKINTACCe teal) 252558549 2018-01-13T16:43:55Z Jc86035 wrong title
extKINTaq etal   (extKINTaq teal) 252558564 2018-01-13T16:43:58Z Jc86035 wrong title
extKINTeq etal   (extKINTeq teal) 252558576 2018-01-13T16:44:02Z Jc86035 wrong title
tACCq etal   (tACCq teal) 252558627 2018-01-13T16:44:05Z Jc86035 wrong title
tBST etal   (tBST teal) 252558651 2018-01-13T16:44:11Z Jc86035 wrong title
tBSTq etal   (tBSTq teal) 252559720 2018-01-13T16:48:08Z Jc86035 wrong title
tDST etal   (tDST teal) 252559732 2018-01-13T16:48:11Z Jc86035 wrong title
tDSTq etal   (tDSTq teal) 252559744 2018-01-13T16:48:14Z Jc86035 wrong title
tHST etal   (tHST teal) 252559756 2018-01-13T16:48:18Z Jc86035 wrong title
tHSTACC etal   (tHSTACC teal) 252559764 2018-01-13T16:48:21Z Jc86035 wrong title
tHSTq etal   (tHSTq teal) 252559776 2018-01-13T16:48:25Z Jc86035 wrong title
tINT etal   (tINT teal) 252559788 2018-01-13T16:48:29Z Jc86035 wrong title
tINTACCq etal   (tINTACCq teal) 252559797 2018-01-13T16:48:32Z Jc86035 wrong title
tINTq etal   (tINTq teal) 252559977 2018-01-13T16:49:10Z Jc86035 wrong title
tKACCeq etal   (tKACCeq teal) 252560013 2018-01-13T16:49:16Z Jc86035 wrong title
tKBHFe etal   (tKBHFe teal) 252560024 2018-01-13T16:49:19Z Jc86035 wrong title
tKBSTe etal   (tKBSTe teal) 252560038 2018-01-13T16:49:22Z Jc86035 wrong title
tKDSTe etal   (tKDSTe teal) 252560052 2018-01-13T16:49:26Z Jc86035 wrong title
tKHSTe etal   (tKHSTe teal) 252560062 2018-01-13T16:49:29Z Jc86035 wrong title
tKINTACCa etal   (tKINTACCa teal) 252560070 2018-01-13T16:49:34Z Jc86035 wrong title
tKINTACCaq etal   (tKINTACCaq teal) 252560600 2018-01-13T16:51:31Z Jc86035 wrong title
xtBST etal   (xtBST teal) 252560615 2018-01-13T16:51:35Z Jc86035 wrong title
xhKACCe   (xhKACCxe) 252650070 2018-01-13T22:40:46Z Wiki13 [[COM:FR#FR3|Criterion 3]] (obvious error)


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
hkSTR+c2 brown   (hSTR+hk2 brown) 252717101 2018-01-14T04:38:33Z Jc86035
CABZq+l'   (CABZq+l) 252720035 2018-01-14T04:57:31Z Jc86035 Moved page
CABZq+r'   (CABZq+r) 252720058 2018-01-14T04:57:39Z Jc86035 Moved page
CABZql'   (CABZql) 252720078 2018-01-14T04:57:47Z Jc86035 Moved page
CABZqr'   (CABZqr) 252720096 2018-01-14T04:57:54Z Jc86035 Moved page
eCABZq+l'   (eCABZq+l) 252720115 2018-01-14T04:58:02Z Jc86035 Moved page
eCABZq+r'   (eCABZq+r) 252720137 2018-01-14T04:58:09Z Jc86035 Moved page
eCABZql'   (eCABZql) 252720163 2018-01-14T04:58:18Z Jc86035 Moved page
eCABZqr'   (eCABZqr) 252720175 2018-01-14T04:58:24Z Jc86035 Moved page
exCABZq+l'   (exCABZq+l) 252720195 2018-01-14T04:58:32Z Jc86035 Moved page
exCABZq+r'   (exCABZq+r) 252720212 2018-01-14T04:58:39Z Jc86035 Moved page
exCABZql'   (exCABZql) 252720234 2018-01-14T04:58:49Z Jc86035 Moved page
exCABZqr'   (exCABZqr) 252720249 2018-01-14T04:58:54Z Jc86035 Moved page
uCABZq+l'   (uCABZq+l) 252720265 2018-01-14T04:59:02Z Jc86035 Moved page
uCABZq+r'   (uCABZq+r) 252720283 2018-01-14T04:59:09Z Jc86035 Moved page
uCABZql'   (uCABZql) 252720296 2018-01-14T04:59:17Z Jc86035 Moved page
uCABZqr'   (uCABZqr) 252720312 2018-01-14T04:59:25Z Jc86035 Moved page
ueCABZq+l'   (ueCABZq+l) 252720332 2018-01-14T04:59:32Z Jc86035 Moved page
ueCABZq+r'   (ueCABZq+r) 252720350 2018-01-14T04:59:40Z Jc86035 Moved page
ueCABZql'   (ueCABZql) 252720366 2018-01-14T04:59:47Z Jc86035 Moved page
ueCABZqr'   (ueCABZqr) 252720387 2018-01-14T04:59:55Z Jc86035 Moved page
uexCABZq+l'   (uexCABZq+l) 252720404 2018-01-14T05:00:02Z Jc86035 Moved page
uexCABZq+r'   (uexCABZq+r) 252720423 2018-01-14T05:00:10Z Jc86035 Moved page
uexCABZql'   (uexCABZql) 252720445 2018-01-14T05:00:18Z Jc86035 Moved page
uexCABZqr'   (uexCABZqr) 252720456 2018-01-14T05:00:25Z Jc86035 Moved page
uxCABZq+l'   (uxCABZq+l) 252720483 2018-01-14T05:00:33Z Jc86035 Moved page
uxCABZq+r'   (uxCABZq+r) 252720493 2018-01-14T05:00:40Z Jc86035 Moved page
uxCABZql'   (uxCABZql) 252720510 2018-01-14T05:00:48Z Jc86035 Moved page
uxCABZqr'   (uxCABZqr) 252720524 2018-01-14T05:00:55Z Jc86035 Moved page
xCABZq+l'   (xCABZq+l) 252720539 2018-01-14T05:01:03Z Jc86035 Moved page
xCABZq+r'   (xCABZq+r) 252720554 2018-01-14T05:01:10Z Jc86035 Moved page
xCABZql'   (xCABZql) 252720574 2018-01-14T05:01:18Z Jc86035 Moved page
xCABZqr'   (xCABZqr) 252720590 2018-01-14T05:01:25Z Jc86035 Moved page
ldvINTlq   (ldvINTfq) 252747088 2018-01-14T09:26:05Z Jc86035
xhKACCxe   (ehKACCxe) 252754242 2018-01-14T10:11:36Z Jc86035










Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
ckSTRc4   (kcdSTRc4) 254329384 2018-01-19T15:54:57Z Jc86035
ckSTRc1   (kcdSTRc1) 254329411 2018-01-19T15:55:04Z Jc86035
dkSTRc1   (kdSTRc1) 254333978 2018-01-19T16:13:47Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
dkSTRc2   (kdSTRc2) 254334002 2018-01-19T16:13:52Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
dkSTRc3   (kdSTRc3) 254334024 2018-01-19T16:13:57Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
dkSTRc4   (kdSTRc4) 254334046 2018-01-19T16:14:02Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
exdkSTRc1   (exkdSTRc1) 254334072 2018-01-19T16:14:06Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
exdkSTRc2   (exkdSTRc2) 254334089 2018-01-19T16:14:11Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
exdkSTRc3   (exkdSTRc3) 254334111 2018-01-19T16:14:16Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
exdkSTRc4   (exkdSTRc4) 254334128 2018-01-19T16:14:20Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
udkSTRc1   (ukdSTRc1) 254334547 2018-01-19T16:15:52Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
udkSTRc2   (ukdSTRc2) 254334566 2018-01-19T16:15:55Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
udkSTRc3   (ukdSTRc3) 254334579 2018-01-19T16:15:58Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
udkSTRc4   (ukdSTRc4) 254334596 2018-01-19T16:16:03Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
uexdkSTRc1   (uexkdSTRc1) 254334618 2018-01-19T16:16:06Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
uexdkSTRc2   (uexkdSTRc2) 254334639 2018-01-19T16:16:09Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order
uexdkSTRc3   (uexkdSTRc3) 254334652 2018-01-19T16:16:12Z Jc86035 BSicon prefix order




Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
MSTR   (MASK) 254867304 2018-01-21T10:08:25Z Jc86035




Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
uexTBHFl   (uexTBHFaq) 255531122 2018-01-23T14:10:51Z Mr. Fulano [[COM:FR#FR4|Criterion 4]] (harmonizing names of file set) · per BSicon naming conventions
uexTBHFr   (uexTBHFeq) 255531192 2018-01-23T14:11:06Z Mr. Fulano [[COM:FR#FR4|Criterion 4]] (harmonizing names of file set) · per BSicon naming conventions






Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
exvWBRÜCKE2   (exWBRÜCKE2-WBRÜCKE2) 256379102 2018-01-26T16:30:34Z Jc86035
fmABZr+r   (ABZr+mr +f) 256380766 2018-01-26T16:39:38Z Jc86035
fuABZr+r   (uABZr+mr +f) 256380900 2018-01-26T16:40:28Z Jc86035
ufABZl+l   (uABZml+l +f) 256381057 2018-01-26T16:41:35Z Jc86035
mfABZl+l   (ABZml+l +f) 256381103 2018-01-26T16:41:53Z Jc86035
umtABZ+lr   (tABZ+lmr) 256383660 2018-01-26T16:55:01Z Jc86035
emABZlr   (ABZrxml) 256384087 2018-01-26T16:56:33Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
exmABZlr   (exABZrml) 256384117 2018-01-26T16:56:40Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
mABZlr   (ABZrml) 256384148 2018-01-26T16:56:48Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
uemABZlr   (uABZrml) 256384183 2018-01-26T16:56:55Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
uexmABZlr   (uexABZrml) 256384208 2018-01-26T16:57:03Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
uxmABZlr   (ABZlxmr) 256384249 2018-01-26T16:57:18Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
xmABZlr   (uABZlxmr) 256384267 2018-01-26T16:57:25Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
emABZ+lr   (ABZ+rxml) 256384295 2018-01-26T16:57:33Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
exmABZ+lr   (exABZ+rml) 256384322 2018-01-26T16:57:41Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
mABZ+lr   (ABZ+rml) 256384343 2018-01-26T16:57:48Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
uemABZ+lr   (uABZ+rml) 256384363 2018-01-26T16:57:55Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
uexmABZ+lr   (uexABZ+rml) 256384376 2018-01-26T16:58:03Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
uxmABZ+lr   (ABZ+lxmr) 256384418 2018-01-26T16:58:18Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
xmABZ+lr   (uABZ+lxmr) 256384437 2018-01-26T16:58:26Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
uABZ+rml   (uABZ+rxml) 256384736 2018-01-26T17:00:27Z Jc86035
uABZrml   (uABZrxml) 256384876 2018-01-26T17:00:58Z Jc86035
umABZlr   (uABZrml) 256398550 2018-01-26T18:18:04Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions
umABZ+lr   (uABZ+rml) 256398591 2018-01-26T18:18:11Z Jc86035 per BSicon naming conventions


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
mvSTR yellow+teal   (mSTR yellow~teal) 256598456 2018-01-27T12:04:22Z Jc86035
dKBHF~La yellow   (dKBHFa~R yellow) 256598739 2018-01-27T12:05:58Z Jc86035
dBHF~L yellow   (dBHF~R yellow) 256598756 2018-01-27T12:06:03Z Jc86035
dBHF~L fuchsia   (dBHF~R fuchsia) 256598784 2018-01-27T12:06:17Z Jc86035
dKBHF~Leq lime   (dBHF~Fq lime) 256598972 2018-01-27T12:07:41Z Jc86035
exKBHF~F brown   (exBHF~F- brown) 256599051 2018-01-27T12:08:08Z Jc86035
BHF black-halforange   (mBHFe black~orange+black) 256599216 2018-01-27T12:08:55Z Jc86035
dSTR-R   (dv-STR) 256600513 2018-01-27T12:14:58Z Jc86035
dSTR-LR   (dvSTR) 256600559 2018-01-27T12:15:21Z Jc86035
exdSTR-L   (exdvSTR-) 256600621 2018-01-27T12:15:44Z Jc86035
exdSTR-R   (exdv-STR) 256600633 2018-01-27T12:15:49Z Jc86035
dSTR-L   (dvSTR-) 256600664 2018-01-27T12:16:03Z Jc86035
cdSTR-R   (cdSTR~R) 256600786 2018-01-27T12:16:55Z Jc86035
cdSTR-L   (cdSTR~L) 256600858 2018-01-27T12:17:20Z Jc86035
excdSTR-L   (excdSTR~L) 256600866 2018-01-27T12:17:24Z Jc86035
excdSTR-R   (excdSTR~R) 256600874 2018-01-27T12:17:27Z Jc86035
cSTR-L   (cSTR~L) 256600941 2018-01-27T12:17:48Z Jc86035
cSTR-R   (cSTR~R) 256601007 2018-01-27T12:18:06Z Jc86035
ucSTR-R   (ucSTR~R) 256601139 2018-01-27T12:18:35Z Jc86035
udSTR-L   (udvSTR-) 256601297 2018-01-27T12:19:19Z Jc86035
udSTR-R   (udv-STR) 256601324 2018-01-27T12:19:26Z Jc86035
uexdSTR-R   (uexdv-STR) 256601347 2018-01-27T12:19:33Z Jc86035
uexdSTR-L   (uexdvSTR-) 256601369 2018-01-27T12:19:40Z Jc86035
ucdSTR-L   (ucdSTR~L) 256601465 2018-01-27T12:20:07Z Jc86035
ucdSTR-R   (ucdSTR~R) 256601483 2018-01-27T12:20:11Z Jc86035
uexcdSTR-R   (uexcdSTR~R) 256601494 2018-01-27T12:20:14Z Jc86035
vSTR-LR   (vvSTR) 256601803 2018-01-27T12:21:39Z Jc86035
vSTR-LRq   (vvSTRq) 256601820 2018-01-27T12:21:45Z Jc86035
exvSTR-LR   (exvvSTR) 256601867 2018-01-27T12:22:05Z Jc86035
exvSTR-LRq   (exvvSTRq) 256601909 2018-01-27T12:22:20Z Jc86035
uexSTR-L   (uexvSTR~L) 256602062 2018-01-27T12:23:24Z Jc86035
uexSTR-Lq   (uexSTR~Lq) 256602102 2018-01-27T12:23:39Z Jc86035
uexSTR-LR   (uexSTR~LR) 256602221 2018-01-27T12:24:26Z Jc86035
uexSTR-R   (uexSTR~R) 256602250 2018-01-27T12:24:37Z Jc86035
uexSTR-Rq   (uexSTR~Rq) 256602267 2018-01-27T12:24:45Z Jc86035
uKSTRa-L   (uKSTRa~L) 256602297 2018-01-27T12:24:58Z Jc86035
uKSTRa-R   (uKSTRa~R) 256602303 2018-01-27T12:25:02Z Jc86035
uKSTRe-L   (uKSTRe~L) 256602316 2018-01-27T12:25:07Z Jc86035
uKSTRe-R   (uKSTRe~R) 256602333 2018-01-27T12:25:13Z Jc86035
uexKSTRa-L   (uexKSTRa~L) 256602377 2018-01-27T12:25:32Z Jc86035
uexKSTRa-R   (uexKSTRa~R) 256602387 2018-01-27T12:25:35Z Jc86035
uexKSTRe-L   (uexKSTRe~L) 256602391 2018-01-27T12:25:37Z Jc86035
uexKSTRe-R   (uexKSTRe~R) 256602400 2018-01-27T12:25:41Z Jc86035
uSTR-L   (uSTR~L) 256602487 2018-01-27T12:26:08Z Jc86035
uSTR-Lq   (uSTR~Lq) 256602509 2018-01-27T12:26:12Z Jc86035
uSTR-LR   (uSTR~LR) 256602530 2018-01-27T12:26:16Z Jc86035
uSTR-R   (uSTR~R) 256602542 2018-01-27T12:26:20Z Jc86035
exKSTRa-R   (exKSTRa~R) 256602694 2018-01-27T12:27:21Z Jc86035
exKSTRe-L   (exKSTRe~L) 256602706 2018-01-27T12:27:26Z Jc86035
uSTR-Rq   (uSTR~Rq) 256602707 2018-01-27T12:27:26Z Jc86035
exKSTRe-R   (exKSTRe~R) 256602715 2018-01-27T12:27:29Z Jc86035
KSTRa-L   (KSTRa~L) 256602718 2018-01-27T12:27:31Z Jc86035
KSTRa-R   (KSTRa~R) 256602735 2018-01-27T12:27:34Z Jc86035
KSTRe-L   (KSTRe~L) 256602746 2018-01-27T12:27:38Z Jc86035
KSTRe-R   (KSTRe~R) 256602763 2018-01-27T12:27:42Z Jc86035
vSTR-R   (vv-STR-STR) 256602905 2018-01-27T12:28:27Z Jc86035
exKSTRa-L   (exKSTRa~L) 256603006 2018-01-27T12:28:50Z Jc86035
vSTR-Rq   (STRq-STRq-) 256603013 2018-01-27T12:28:53Z Jc86035
vSTR-Lq   (-STRq-STRq) 256603150 2018-01-27T12:29:52Z Jc86035
exvSTR-L   (exvvSTR-STR-) 256603205 2018-01-27T12:30:12Z Jc86035
exvSTR-Lq   (ex-STRq-STRq) 256603266 2018-01-27T12:30:32Z Jc86035
exvSTR-R   (exvv-STR-STR) 256603289 2018-01-27T12:30:40Z Jc86035
exvSTR-Rq   (exSTRq-STRq-) 256603312 2018-01-27T12:30:48Z Jc86035
vSTR-L   (vvSTR-STR-) 256603379 2018-01-27T12:31:10Z Jc86035
exSTR-L   (exSTR~L) 256603544 2018-01-27T12:32:23Z Jc86035
exSTR-Lq   (exSTR~Lq) 256603552 2018-01-27T12:32:25Z Jc86035
exSTR-LR   (exSTR~LR) 256603555 2018-01-27T12:32:27Z Jc86035
exSTR-LRq   (exSTR~LRq) 256603561 2018-01-27T12:32:28Z Jc86035
exSTR-R   (exSTR~R) 256603572 2018-01-27T12:32:31Z Jc86035
exSTR-Rq   (exSTR~Rq) 256603611 2018-01-27T12:32:45Z Jc86035
STR-L   (STR~L) 256603651 2018-01-27T12:33:01Z Jc86035
STR-Rq   (STR~Rq) 256603676 2018-01-27T12:33:11Z Jc86035
gSTR-R   (gSTR~R) 256603823 2018-01-27T12:34:04Z Jc86035
STR-Lq   (STR~Lq) 256603828 2018-01-27T12:34:05Z Jc86035
STR-LR   (STR~LR) 256603831 2018-01-27T12:34:07Z Jc86035
STR-R yellow   (STR~R yellow) 256603834 2018-01-27T12:34:07Z Jc86035
STR-LRq   (STR~LRq) 256603841 2018-01-27T12:34:09Z Jc86035
STR-R   (STR~R) 256603846 2018-01-27T12:34:10Z Jc86035
STR-R blue   (STR~R blue) 256603850 2018-01-27T12:34:12Z Jc86035
STR-R black   (STR~R black) 256603869 2018-01-27T12:34:16Z Jc86035
gSTR-L   (gSTR~L) 256603896 2018-01-27T12:34:26Z Jc86035
gdSTR-L   (gdvSTR-) 256603942 2018-01-27T12:34:43Z Jc86035
gdSTR-R   (gdv-STR) 256603978 2018-01-27T12:34:55Z Jc86035
fcSTR-R   (fcSTR~R) 256604054 2018-01-27T12:35:26Z Jc86035
fdSTR-R   (fdv-STR) 256604069 2018-01-27T12:35:31Z Jc86035
STR-L+STR+l   (vvSTR-STR+l-) 256604557 2018-01-27T12:37:41Z Jc86035
STR-L+STRl   (vvSTR-STRl-) 256604702 2018-01-27T12:38:12Z Jc86035
STR-L black   (STR~L black) 256604777 2018-01-27T12:38:31Z Jc86035
STR-L blue   (STR~L blue) 256604785 2018-01-27T12:38:33Z Jc86035
STR-L ochre   (STR~L ochre) 256604801 2018-01-27T12:38:36Z Jc86035
STR-L yellow   (STR~L yellow) 256604816 2018-01-27T12:38:41Z Jc86035
STR+r+STR-R   (vv-STR+r-STR) 256604981 2018-01-27T12:39:09Z Jc86035
STRr+STR-R   (vv-STRr-STR) 256605112 2018-01-27T12:39:40Z Jc86035
exSTR-L grey   (exSTR~L grey) 256605200 2018-01-27T12:40:02Z Jc86035
exSTR-R grey   (exSTR~R grey) 256605245 2018-01-27T12:40:06Z Jc86035
exSTR-L blue   (exSTR~L blue) 256605275 2018-01-27T12:40:15Z Jc86035
exSTR-R blue   (exSTR~R blue) 256605281 2018-01-27T12:40:17Z Jc86035
exSTR-L+STR+l   (exvvSTR-STR+l-) 256605312 2018-01-27T12:40:28Z Jc86035
exSTR-L+STRl   (exvvSTR-STRl-) 256605349 2018-01-27T12:40:38Z Jc86035
exSTR+r+STR-R   (exvv-STR+r-STR) 256605428 2018-01-27T12:41:01Z Jc86035
exSTRr+STR-R   (exvv-STRr-STR) 256605458 2018-01-27T12:41:08Z Jc86035
dSTR-L+SHI4c2   (dvSTR-SHI4+l) 256605901 2018-01-27T12:42:40Z Jc86035
dSTR-L ochre   (dSTR~L ochre) 256605989 2018-01-27T12:43:08Z Jc86035
dSTR-L yellow   (dSTR~L yellow) 256605997 2018-01-27T12:43:11Z Jc86035
dSTR-R fuchsia   (dSTR~R fuchsia) 256606004 2018-01-27T12:43:13Z Jc86035
dSTR-R golden   (dSTR~R golden) 256606015 2018-01-27T12:43:16Z Jc86035
dSTR-R ochre   (dSTR~R ochre) 256606025 2018-01-27T12:43:19Z Jc86035
dSTR-R yellow   (dSTR~R yellow) 256606034 2018-01-27T12:43:22Z Jc86035
dSTR~L ochre   (dvSTR- ochre) 256606090 2018-01-27T12:43:47Z Jc86035
dSTR~L yellow   (dvSTR- yellow) 256606106 2018-01-27T12:43:53Z Jc86035
dSTR~R fuchsia   (dv-STR fuchsia) 256606120 2018-01-27T12:43:58Z Jc86035
dSTR~R golden   (dv-STR golden) 256606141 2018-01-27T12:44:05Z Jc86035
dSTR~R ochre   (dv-STR ochre) 256606159 2018-01-27T12:44:11Z Jc86035
dSTR~R yellow   (dv-STR yellow) 256606171 2018-01-27T12:44:15Z Jc86035
cSTR-L azure   (cSTR~L azure) 256606186 2018-01-27T12:44:23Z Jc86035
cSTR-R azure   (cSTR~R azure) 256606198 2018-01-27T12:44:26Z Jc86035
uexcdSTR-L   (uexcdSTR~L) 256614910 2018-01-27T13:27:26Z Jc86035
hSTR-L   (hSTR~L) 256615114 2018-01-27T13:28:44Z Jc86035
hSTR-R   (hSTR~R) 256615122 2018-01-27T13:28:47Z Jc86035
exhSTR-L   (exhSTR~L) 256615145 2018-01-27T13:28:54Z Jc86035
exhSTR-R   (exhSTR~R) 256615155 2018-01-27T13:28:58Z Jc86035
uhSTR-L   (uhSTR~L) 256615167 2018-01-27T13:29:02Z Jc86035
uhSTR-R   (uhSTR~R) 256615174 2018-01-27T13:29:07Z Jc86035
uexhSTR-L   (uexhSTR~L) 256615211 2018-01-27T13:29:11Z Jc86035
uexhSTR-R   (uexhSTR~R) 256615224 2018-01-27T13:29:15Z Jc86035
tSTR-L   (tSTR~L) 256615547 2018-01-27T13:31:14Z Jc86035
tSTR-LR   (tSTR~LR) 256615557 2018-01-27T13:31:17Z Jc86035
tSTR-R   (tSTR~R) 256615569 2018-01-27T13:31:21Z Jc86035
extSTR-L   (extSTR~L) 256615606 2018-01-27T13:31:27Z Jc86035
extSTR-LR   (extSTR~LR) 256615618 2018-01-27T13:31:31Z Jc86035
extSTR-R   (extSTR~R) 256615633 2018-01-27T13:31:34Z Jc86035
utSTR-L   (utSTR~L) 256615670 2018-01-27T13:31:45Z Jc86035
utSTR-LR   (utSTR~LR) 256615675 2018-01-27T13:31:47Z Jc86035
uextSTR-Lq   (uextSTR~Lq) 256615873 2018-01-27T13:32:30Z Jc86035
uextSTR-Rq   (uextSTR~Rq) 256615946 2018-01-27T13:32:43Z Jc86035
utSTR-R   (utSTR~R) 256615982 2018-01-27T13:32:52Z Jc86035
utSTR-Lq   (utSTR~Lq) 256615993 2018-01-27T13:32:54Z Jc86035
utSTR-Rq   (utSTR~Rq) 256616008 2018-01-27T13:32:58Z Jc86035
uextSTR-L   (uextSTR~L) 256616023 2018-01-27T13:33:04Z Jc86035
uextSTR-LR   (uextSTR~LR) 256616038 2018-01-27T13:33:07Z Jc86035
uextSTR-R   (uextSTR~R) 256616313 2018-01-27T13:34:20Z Jc86035
LSTR-L   (LSTR~L) 256616725 2018-01-27T13:36:41Z Jc86035
LSTR-R   (LSTR~R) 256616736 2018-01-27T13:36:44Z Jc86035
exLSTR-L   (exLSTR~L) 256616747 2018-01-27T13:36:48Z Jc86035
exLSTR-R   (exLSTR~R) 256616854 2018-01-27T13:37:27Z Jc86035
exhdSTR-L   (exhdSTR~L) 256616874 2018-01-27T13:37:38Z Jc86035
exhdSTR-R   (exhdSTR~R) 256616881 2018-01-27T13:37:43Z Jc86035
BRIDGE-Lf   (BRIDGEf~L) 256616899 2018-01-27T13:37:54Z Jc86035
BRIDGE-Lg   (BRIDGEg~L) 256616908 2018-01-27T13:38:01Z Jc86035
BRIDGE-Rf   (BRIDGEf~R) 256616924 2018-01-27T13:38:10Z Jc86035
BRIDGE-Rg   (BRIDGEg~R) 256616937 2018-01-27T13:38:16Z Jc86035
exhdSTR~L   (exhdvSTR-) 256617018 2018-01-27T13:38:50Z Jc86035
exhdSTR~R   (exhdv-STR) 256617040 2018-01-27T13:38:56Z Jc86035
extdSTR-L   (extdvSTR-) 256617309 2018-01-27T13:39:53Z Jc86035
extdSTR-R   (extdv-STR) 256617324 2018-01-27T13:39:59Z Jc86035
hdSTR-L   (hdvSTR-) 256617364 2018-01-27T13:40:14Z Jc86035
hdSTR-R   (hdv-STR) 256617383 2018-01-27T13:40:21Z Jc86035
tdSTR-L   (tdvSTR-) 256617970 2018-01-27T13:42:57Z Jc86035
tdSTR-R   (tdv-STR) 256617995 2018-01-27T13:43:04Z Jc86035
uLSTR-L   (uLSTR~L) 256618003 2018-01-27T13:43:06Z Jc86035
uLSTR-R   (uLSTR~R) 256618010 2018-01-27T13:43:09Z Jc86035
uexLSTR-L   (uexLSTR~L) 256618049 2018-01-27T13:43:12Z Jc86035
uexLSTR-R   (uexLSTR~R) 256618062 2018-01-27T13:43:15Z Jc86035
uexhdSTR-L   (uexhdvSTR-) 256618080 2018-01-27T13:43:20Z Jc86035
uexhdSTR-R   (uexhdv-STR) 256618101 2018-01-27T13:43:26Z Jc86035
uextdSTR-L   (uextdvSTR-) 256618405 2018-01-27T13:44:39Z Jc86035
uextdSTR-R   (uextdv-STR) 256618417 2018-01-27T13:44:43Z Jc86035
uexnSTR-L   (uexnSTR~L) 256618427 2018-01-27T13:44:47Z Jc86035
uhdSTR-L   (uhdvSTR-) 256618429 2018-01-27T13:44:47Z Jc86035
uhdSTR-R   (uhdv-STR) 256618439 2018-01-27T13:44:51Z Jc86035
uexnSTR-R   (uexnSTR~R) 256618442 2018-01-27T13:44:51Z Jc86035
utdSTR-L   (utdvSTR-) 256618463 2018-01-27T13:44:57Z Jc86035
utdSTR-R   (utdv-STR) 256618484 2018-01-27T13:45:03Z Jc86035


Page Target logid Date/time User Summary
mbSHI4l brown~ochre   (mbvvSHI4l-- brown~ochre) 256886464 2018-01-28T09:28:24Z Jc86035
mbSHI4l exmaroon~ochre   (embvvSHI4l-- maroon~ochre) 256886663 2018-01-28T09:29:19Z Jc86035
SHI1+r+BHF   (BHFSHI1+r) 256887854 2018-01-28T09:35:07Z Jc86035
mBSHI2l u~purple   (mvBHFSHI2l- u~purple) 256888064 2018-01-28T09:36:04Z Jc86035
mBSHI2r fuchsia~exmaroon   (mv-BHFSHI2r~exBHFSHI2r fuchsia~maroon) 256891276 2018-01-28T09:53:01Z Jc86035
mBSHI2r fuchsia~brown   (mv-BHFSHI2r fuchsia~brown) 256891527 2018-01-28T09:54:50Z Jc86035
exdpBHF~L ruby   (exdpBHF~R ruby) 256891832 2018-01-28T09:56:31Z Jc86035
dBHF~L   (dBHF~R) 256891875 2018-01-28T09:56:50Z Jc86035
fdBHF~L   (fdBHF~R) 256891909 2018-01-28T09:57:04Z Jc86035
udBHF~L   (udBHF~R) 256891945 2018-01-28T09:57:18Z Jc86035
exdBHF~L ruby   (exdBHF~R ruby) 256891957 2018-01-28T09:57:22Z Jc86035
dBHF~L brown   (dBHF~R brown) 256891963 2018-01-28T09:57:25Z Jc86035
udpBHF~L   (udpBHF~R) 256891973 2018-01-28T09:57:29Z Jc86035
exdBHF~L maroon   (exdBHF~R maroon) 256891985 2018-01-28T09:57:32Z Jc86035
dBHF~L maroon   (dBHF~R maroon) 256892000 2018-01-28T09:57:37Z Jc86035
SEP-L   (SEP~R) 256894452 2018-01-28T10:09:07Z Jc86035
SEP-R   (SEP~L) 256894490 2018-01-28T10:09:22Z Jc86035
SEP-L white   (SEP~R white) 256894544 2018-01-28T10:09:41Z Jc86035
SEP-R white   (SEP~L white) 256894559 2018-01-28T10:09:46Z Jc86035
STR yellow-blue   (mSTR blue~yellow) 256896405 2018-01-28T10:17:57Z Jc86035
BHF yellow-blue   (mBHF blue~yellow) 256896556 2018-01-28T10:18:23Z Jc86035
BHF yellow-halfblue   (mBHFe blue~yellow+yellow) 256896737 2018-01-28T10:18:44Z Jc86035
BHF yellow-halfblue2   (mBHFa blue~yellow+yellow) 256896806 2018-01-28T10:19:08Z Jc86035
KBHFa yellow-blue   (mKBHFa blue~yellow) 256896862 2018-01-28T10:19:24Z Jc86035
KBHFe yellow-blue   (mKBHFe blue~yellow) 256896885 2018-01-28T10:19:32Z Jc86035
mSPLe+vBHF-KBHFe black+orange   (mvBHFSHI1l-KBHFSHI1re black+orange) 256897209 2018-01-28T10:21:03Z Jc86035
BHF black-orange   (mBHF black~orange) 256897296 2018-01-28T10:21:18Z Jc86035
HST black-orange   (mHST black~orange) 256897373 2018-01-28T10:21:34Z Jc86035
ABZg+r black-orange   (mSTR+r~STR black~orange) 256897760 2018-01-28T10:23:03Z Jc86035
INT black-orange   (mINT black~orange) 256897807 2018-01-28T10:23:15Z Jc86035
STR black-Lorange   (STR black+LSTR orange) 256897941 2018-01-28T10:23:46Z Jc86035
STR Lblack-orange   (STR orange+LSTR black) 256898012 2018-01-28T10:24:02Z Jc86035
STR black-orange   (mSTR black~orange) 256898040 2018-01-28T10:24:09Z Jc86035
tSTR black-orange   (mtSTR black~orange) 256898104 2018-01-28T10:24:25Z Jc86035
tSTR+1 red+blue   (mtSTR+1 red~blue) 256898353 2018-01-28T10:25:30Z Jc86035
tSTR3+1 red+blue   (mtSTR3+1 red~blue) 256898391 2018-01-28T10:25:40Z Jc86035
INT-L green-yellow   (mINT-L green~yellow) 256898548 2018-01-28T10:26:16Z Jc86035
tBHF red-blue   (mtBHF red~blue) 256898697 2018-01-28T10:26:55Z Jc86035
tBHF+1 red+blue   (mtBHF+1 red~blue) 256898713 2018-01-28T10:26:59Z Jc86035
mTINTxe brown+   (mTINTex brown+) 256898933 2018-01-28T10:27:46Z Jc86035
xmTINT brown   (xmTINT +brown) 256899020 2018-01-28T10:28:11Z Jc86035
xmTINTl +brown   (mTINTaxq brown+) 256899146 2018-01-28T10:28:50Z Jc86035
mTINTr yellow+brown   (mTINTeq brown+yellow) 256899550 2018-01-28T10:30:44Z Jc86035
dKBHFa~R yellow   (dKBHFa~L yellow) 256912672 2018-01-28T11:29:50Z Jc86035 revert move
dBHF~R yellow   (dBHF~L yellow) 256913481 2018-01-28T11:32:22Z Jc86035 revert
dBHF~R fuchsia   (dBHF~L fuchsia) 256913505 2018-01-28T11:32:23Z Jc86035 revert
dBHF~R   (dBHF~L) 256915471 2018-01-28T11:38:59Z Jc86035 revert
fdBHF~R   (fdBHF~L) 256915476 2018-01-28T11:39:00Z Jc86035 revert
exdBHF~R ruby   (exdBHF~L ruby) 256915481 2018-01-28T11:39:01Z Jc86035 revert
dBHF~R brown   (dBHF~L brown) 256915483 2018-01-28T11:39:01Z Jc86035 revert
udBHF~R   (udBHF~L) 256915894 2018-01-28T11:40:50Z Jc86035 revert
udpBHF~R   (udpBHF~L) 256915902 2018-01-28T11:40:52Z Jc86035 revert
exdBHF~R maroon   (exdBHF~L maroon) 256915917 2018-01-28T11:40:55Z Jc86035 revert
dBHF~R maroon   (dBHF~L maroon) 256915925 2018-01-28T11:40:56Z Jc86035 revert
ucSTR~R   (ucSTR-R) 256918326 2018-01-28T11:52:37Z Jc86035 revert
cSTR~R   (cSTR-R) 256918335 2018-01-28T11:52:41Z Jc86035 revert
cSTR~L   (cSTR-L) 256918348 2018-01-28T11:52:45Z Jc86035 revert
excdSTR~R   (excdSTR-R) 256918363 2018-01-28T11:52:50Z Jc86035 revert
excdSTR~L   (excdSTR-L) 256918375 2018-01-28T11:52:53Z Jc86035 revert
cdSTR~L   (cdSTR-L) 256918391 2018-01-28T11:52:58Z Jc86035 revert
cdSTR~R   (cdSTR-R) 256918403 2018-01-28T11:53:01Z Jc86035 revert
uexcdSTR~R   (uexcdSTR-R) 256918415 2018-01-28T11:53:05Z Jc86035 revert
BRIDGEf~L   (BRIDGE-Lf) 256918529 2018-01-28T11:53:39Z Jc86035 revert
BRIDGEf~R   (BRIDGE-Rf) 256918556 2018-01-28T11:53:47Z Jc86035 revert
BRIDGEg~L   (BRIDGE-Lg) 256918580 2018-01-28T11:53:55Z Jc86035 revert
BRIDGEg~R   (BRIDGE-Rg) 256918609 2018-01-28T11:54:02Z Jc86035 revert
KSTRa~L   (KSTRa-L) 256918632 2018-01-28T11:54:09Z Jc86035 revert
KSTRa~R   (KSTRa-R) 256918662 2018-01-28T11:54:17Z Jc86035 revert
KSTRe~L   (KSTRe-L) 256918690 2018-01-28T11:54:26Z Jc86035 revert
KSTRe~R   (KSTRe-R) 256918711 2018-01-28T11:54:32Z Jc86035 revert
LSTR~L   (LSTR-L) 256918741 2018-01-28T11:54:40Z Jc86035 revert
LSTR~R   (LSTR-R) 256918766 2018-01-28T11:54:48Z Jc86035 revert
SEP~L white   (SEP-R white) 256918790 2018-01-28T11:54:54Z Jc86035 revert
SEP~L   (SEP-R) 256918816 2018-01-28T11:55:02Z Jc86035 revert
SEP~R white   (SEP-L white) 256918838 2018-01-28T11:55:10Z Jc86035 revert
SEP~R   (SEP-L) 256918862 2018-01-28T11:55:17Z Jc86035 revert
STR~L black   (STR-L black) 256918880 2018-01-28T11:55:25Z Jc86035 revert
STR~L blue   (STR-L blue) 256918905 2018-01-28T11:55:33Z Jc86035 revert
STR~L ochre   (STR-L ochre) 256918924 2018-01-28T11:55:40Z Jc86035 revert
STR~L yellow   (STR-L yellow) 256918945 2018-01-28T11:55:47Z Jc86035 revert
STR~L   (STR-L) 256918970 2018-01-28T11:55:55Z Jc86035 revert
STR~LR   (STR-LR) 256918997 2018-01-28T11:56:02Z Jc86035 revert
STR~LRq   (STR-LRq) 256919026 2018-01-28T11:56:10Z Jc86035 revert
STR~Lq   (STR-Lq) 256919047 2018-01-28T11:56:17Z Jc86035 revert
STR~R black   (STR-R black) 256919076 2018-01-28T11:56:25Z Jc86035 revert
STR~R blue   (STR-R blue) 256919100 2018-01-28T11:56:33Z Jc86035 revert
STR~R yellow   (STR-R yellow) 256919126 2018-01-28T11:56:40Z Jc86035 revert
STR~R   (STR-R) 256919159 2018-01-28T11:56:48Z Jc86035 revert
STR~Rq   (STR-Rq) 256919192 2018-01-28T11:56:56Z Jc86035 revert
cSTR~L azure   (cSTR-L azure) 256919218 2018-01-28T11:57:03Z Jc86035 revert
cSTR~R azure   (cSTR-R azure) 256919254 2018-01-28T11:57:10Z Jc86035 revert
exKSTRa~L   (exKSTRa-L) 256919283 2018-01-28T11:57:18Z Jc86035 revert
exKSTRa~R   (exKSTRa-R) 256919308 2018-01-28T11:57:25Z Jc86035 revert
exKSTRe~L   (exKSTRe-L) 256919333 2018-01-28T11:57:33Z Jc86035 revert
exKSTRe~R   (exKSTRe-R) 256919354 2018-01-28T11:57:40Z Jc86035 revert
exLSTR~L   (exLSTR-L) 256919385 2018-01-28T11:57:50Z Jc86035 revert
exLSTR~R   (exLSTR-R) 256919401 2018-01-28T11:57:56Z Jc86035 revert
exSTR~L blue   (exSTR-L blue) 256919426 2018-01-28T11:58:03Z Jc86035 revert
exSTR~L grey   (exSTR-L grey) 256919464 2018-01-28T11:58:11Z Jc86035 revert
exSTR~L   (exSTR-L) 256919497 2018-01-28T11:58:18Z Jc86035 revert
exSTR~LR   (exSTR-LR) 256919529 2018-01-28T11:58:26Z Jc86035 revert
exSTR~LRq   (exSTR-LRq) 256919564 2018-01-28T11:58:34Z Jc86035 revert
exSTR~Lq   (exSTR-Lq) 256919587 2018-01-28T11:58:41Z Jc86035 revert
exSTR~R blue   (exSTR-R blue) 256919614 2018-01-28T11:58:48Z Jc86035 revert
exSTR~R grey   (exSTR-R grey) 256919640 2018-01-28T11:58:56Z Jc86035 revert
exSTR~R   (exSTR-R) 256919667 2018-01-28T11:59:03Z Jc86035 revert
exSTR~Rq   (exSTR-Rq) 256919689 2018-01-28T11:59:11Z Jc86035 revert
exhSTR~L   (exhSTR-L) 256919724 2018-01-28T11:59:18Z Jc86035 revert
exhSTR~R   (exhSTR-R) 256919753 2018-01-28T11:59:26Z Jc86035 revert
extSTR~L   (extSTR-L) 256919849 2018-01-28T11:59:49Z Jc86035 revert
extSTR~LR   (extSTR-LR) 256919885 2018-01-28T11:59:56Z Jc86035 revert
extSTR~R   (extSTR-R) 256919915 2018-01-28T12:00:04Z Jc86035 revert
fcSTR~R   (fcSTR-R) 256919949 2018-01-28T12:00:11Z Jc86035 revert
gSTR~L   (gSTR-L) 256919984 2018-01-28T12:00:19Z Jc86035 revert
gSTR~R   (gSTR-R) 256920014 2018-01-28T12:00:27Z Jc86035 revert
hSTR~L   (hSTR-L) 256920038 2018-01-28T12:00:34Z Jc86035 revert
hSTR~R   (hSTR-R) 256920091 2018-01-28T12:00:41Z Jc86035 revert
tSTR~L   (tSTR-L) 256920139 2018-01-28T12:00:50Z Jc86035 revert
tSTR~LR   (tSTR-LR) 256920185 2018-01-28T12:00:56Z Jc86035 revert
tSTR~R   (tSTR-R) 256920226 2018-01-28T12:01:06Z Jc86035 revert
uKSTRa~L   (uKSTRa-L) 256920249 2018-01-28T12:01:11Z Jc86035 revert
uKSTRa~R   (uKSTRa-R) 256920268 2018-01-28T12:01:19Z Jc86035 revert
uKSTRe~L   (uKSTRe-L) 256920296 2018-01-28T12:01:27Z Jc86035 revert
uKSTRe~R   (uKSTRe-R) 256920320 2018-01-28T12:01:34Z Jc86035 revert
uLSTR~L   (uLSTR-L) 256920355 2018-01-28T12:01:43Z Jc86035 revert
uLSTR~R   (uLSTR-R) 256920381 2018-01-28T12:01:50Z Jc86035 revert
uSTR~L   (uSTR-L) 256920405 2018-01-28T12:01:56Z Jc86035 revert
uSTR~LR   (uSTR-LR) 256920432 2018-01-28T12:02:04Z Jc86035 revert
uSTR~Lq   (uSTR-Lq) 256920456 2018-01-28T12:02:12Z Jc86035 revert
uSTR~R   (uSTR-R) 256920485 2018-01-28T12:02:19Z Jc86035 revert
uSTR~Rq   (uSTR-Rq) 256920508 2018-01-28T12:02:27Z Jc86035 revert
ucdSTR~L   (ucdSTR-L) 256920533 2018-01-28T12:02:34Z Jc86035 revert
ucdSTR~R   (ucdSTR-R) 256920559 2018-01-28T12:02:42Z Jc86035 revert
uexKSTRa~L   (uexKSTRa-L) 256920583 2018-01-28T12:02:49Z Jc86035 revert
uexKSTRa~R   (uexKSTRa-R) 256920611 2018-01-28T12:02:57Z Jc86035 revert
uexKSTRe~L   (uexKSTRe-L) 256920635 2018-01-28T12:03:05Z Jc86035 revert
uexKSTRe~R   (uexKSTRe-R) 256920657 2018-01-28T12:03:12Z Jc86035 revert
uexLSTR~L   (uexLSTR-L) 256920684 2018-01-28T12:03:20Z Jc86035 revert
uexLSTR~R   (uexLSTR-R) 256920714 2018-01-28T12:03:28Z Jc86035 revert
uexSTR~LR   (uexSTR-LR) 256920741 2018-01-28T12:03:35Z Jc86035 revert
uexSTR~Lq   (uexSTR-Lq) 256920770 2018-01-28T12:03:42Z Jc86035 revert
uexSTR~R   (uexSTR-R) 256920790 2018-01-28T12:03:50Z Jc86035 revert
uexSTR~Rq   (uexSTR-Rq) 256920813 2018-01-28T12:03:57Z Jc86035 revert
uexcdSTR~L   (uexcdSTR-L) 256920832 2018-01-28T12:04:05Z Jc86035 revert
uexhSTR~L   (uexhSTR-L) 256920852 2018-01-28T12:04:12Z Jc86035 revert
uexhSTR~R   (uexhSTR-R) 256920872 2018-01-28T12:04:20Z Jc86035 revert
uexnSTR~L   (uexnSTR-L) 256920899 2018-01-28T12:04:28Z Jc86035 revert
uexnSTR~R   (uexnSTR-R) 256920927 2018-01-28T12:04:37Z Jc86035 revert
uextSTR~L   (uextSTR-L) 256920950 2018-01-28T12:04:43Z Jc86035 revert
uextSTR~LR   (uextSTR-LR) 256920977 2018-01-28T12:04:50Z Jc86035 revert
uextSTR~Lq   (uextSTR-Lq) 256921004 2018-01-28T12:04:57Z Jc86035 revert
uextSTR~R   (uextSTR-R) 256921039 2018-01-28T12:05:05Z Jc86035 revert
uextSTR~Rq   (uextSTR-Rq) 256921067 2018-01-28T12:05:13Z Jc86035 revert
uexvSTR~L   (uexSTR-L) 256921102 2018-01-28T12:05:20Z Jc86035 revert
uhSTR~L   (uhSTR-L) 256921131 2018-01-28T12:05:28Z Jc86035 revert
uhSTR~R   (uhSTR-R) 256921159 2018-01-28T12:05:35Z Jc86035 revert
uhdv-STR   (uhdSTR-R) 256921194 2018-01-28T12:05:43Z Jc86035 revert
uhdvSTR-   (uhdSTR-L) 256921224 2018-01-28T12:05:50Z Jc86035 revert
utSTR~L   (utSTR-L) 256921260 2018-01-28T12:05:59Z Jc86035 revert
utSTR~LR   (utSTR-LR) 256921276 2018-01-28T12:06:05Z Jc86035 revert
utSTR~Lq   (utSTR-Lq) 256921292 2018-01-28T12:06:13Z Jc86035 revert
utSTR~R   (utSTR-R) 256921316 2018-01-28T12:06:21Z Jc86035 revert
utSTR~Rq   (utSTR-Rq) 256921337 2018-01-28T12:06:28Z Jc86035 revert
-test-   (htSTR2+4e) 256955914 2018-01-28T14:43:43Z Jc86035





